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Don't want no drama--no, no drama

49 posts in this topic

I went ahead and bought kevin, stinkycheese, a couple of '64 kennedy halves on ebay. I asked the seller to send them directly to Kevin, a $14 purchase. Instead I get a lecture about how paypal won't cover sending to a different address. I respond and say that I'll assume liability if lost. More lecture received. I then respond, "Just send it to my listed address. I'm doing a favor for a kid, not looking for drama." To which the seller responds, "yes,massa". What a racist, sarcastic comment that I do not appreciate.


I think that I will nail seller with feedback. What would you do?




Re: You've received an answer to your question about item KENNEDY HALF DOLLAR - 90% SILVER-UNCIRCULATED 1964‏

From: Scott, Maggie (maggiescott@windstream.net)

Sent: Mon 1/19/09 1:30 AM

To: Victor Easley (victor_easley@hotmail.com)



----- Original Message -----

From: Victor Easley

To: maggiescott@windstream.net

Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 1:37 AM

Subject: RE: You've received an answer to your question about item KENNEDY HALF DOLLAR - 90% SILVER-UNCIRCULATED 1964



Just send it to my listed address. I'm doing a favor for a kid, not looking for drama.



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Don't want no drama--no, no drama


Then let it go.


I asked the seller to send them directly to Kevin, a $14 purchase. Instead I get a lecture about how paypal won't cover sending to a different address.


And follow the rules.

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In this instance I think you would be wrong to neg the seller. He/she is simply following the rules put into place by PayPal. By asking to have the coins shipped to an address other than that linked to your ebay/PayPal accounts, you may be opening up the seller to loss liability regardless of whether or not you tell the seller that you will accept liability. If it were my auction, and I did not know you, I would not ship to an unlinked address, either. Certainly, the seller's response was less than professional, but your response prior to it did not read in a cordial manner and likely precipitated the response. I suggest you let it go.

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Yeah, the rules about the Paypal address are clear. But the "yes, massa" comment probably still warrants some attention. Maybe neg him, give him a zero communication score, and write in your feedback the reason was racial insults. There is no excuse for this.


Although, living in the south, racial issues are far more open, discussed, and even joked about much more than in other parts of the country.

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Maybe neg him, give him a zero communication score, and write in your feedback the reason was racial insults.

In my opinion this is too severe. Keep in mind that this was at least the third response from this seller to the third request and that the first two responses were not in this tone as far as we know. It may be viewed that Victor was baiting the seller into an aggressive or inappropriate response, though I do not believe this was the case. The seller's comment wasn't appropriate, but perhaps I am the only person here who did not immediately become offended.

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Maybe neg him, give him a zero communication score, and write in your feedback the reason was racial insults.

In my opinion this is too severe. Keep in mind that this was at least the third response from this seller to the third request and that the first two responses were not in this tone as far as we know. It may be viewed that Victor was baiting the seller into an aggressive or inappropriate response, though I do not believe this was the case. The seller's comment wasn't appropriate, but perhaps I am the only person here who did not immediately become offended.


Just to clarify - I didn't get offended by the comment. I actually think its funny, but like I said, living in the south these types of jokes are far more common. This still doesn't excuse the fact that in a supposedly professional communication, there is no place for it and it is inappropriate.

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but on MANY occasions I bid and win things on E-Bay for friends, and had them sent directly to THEIR addresses with absolutely no problem. In fact, just last week, a friend in Florida asked me to bid on an old 45 record player for him. We won the bid, I paid with my Rhode Island PayPal account and had it shipped directly to Florida. No hassles, no muss...no fuss...


Am I missing something??


I just reread the post. By "cover" when sending to a different address, do you mean the PayPal insurance coverage, or that PayPal won't complete the payment if mailed to a different address??

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I completely agree that it was an inappropriate final response from the seller. One problem with written communication is interpretation of intent or inflection. Victor's earlier response regarding not wanting drama may be interpreted in at least two ways and one of these ways could be taken as a dismissive, insulting tone toward the seller. If the seller took it that way, and if the seller had made at least two good faith attempts at explaining why he/she would not violate PayPal protection policies, then the seller might have interpreted Victor's communications to be insulting, demeaning and dismissive. Viewd in that light, the seller becomes a much more sympathetic figure. Since the seller is likely not here to defend himself/herself, I am playing somewhat of a Devil's Advocate role.


By the way, although I would not say anyone here is doing this, I have read quite a few threads where folks seem to become offended sooooo quickly or easily that I believe at times people confuse becoming offended with simply recognizing inappropriate behavior.

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Tom, I think that you nailed both my intention and seller's reaction with my "no drama" comment. It is a cheezy $14 transaction where i bought two of his coins. The guy or, I think, gal, seriously overreacted with spouting paypal policy. I've had things sent to another address as a courtesy w/o the hassle. Whenever I sell something, I do everything to make the buyer happy. I even covered insurance on this ungrateful buyer that cost me nearly $15 extra and never got a thank you but I will always go the extra mile.


I will leave either positive or neutral feedback but will state that seller was rude and sarcastic. Not recommended.


And if anyone wants to block me then you just go right ahead, "sunshine".

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I would not neg him.


I have a P.O. box were I have all of my coin, token and poltical item purchases sent. Sometimes it's a problem because if I use a credit card, the address on the card does not match with P.O. box. I understand the seller's problem.


As for his comment, well remember. Your are dealing on eBay, which is an unpleasant place to do business IMO. When a place is unpleasant, people get in crabby moods. :flamed:

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21 negatives within the last 12 months, so if you did, you wouldn't be the first.


21 negs... :o

:gossip:..I don't think that's the 1st time he's had the "Yes massa" attitude.


I thought it was kinda funny and not surprising . There's some real thinned skin folks on E-Bay just looking for a fight . It's disheartening , but once you realize your gonna run into one sooner or later , it makes it a bit easier to swallow .


Now , back to funny books


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I'm a late comer to the conversation but I'm with TomB here. The guy was justified.


As far as "Yes Massa?" ... Whatever. I get tired of the hornet's nest that stirs up every time someone says anything even remotely racial. I'm tired of people being "strung up" for making jokes and tired of the double standards that our society allows. I think that anytime someone says it and actually means it the best response is to just ignore them and move on.

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Just on a tangent, regarding E-Bay, the vast majority of my transaction, both selling and buying, have gone off without a hitch...until January 6. Buyer submitted a "best offer" bid of $100 which I accepted. As of yet...no payment and no replies to my e-mails. I guess I'll have to report this to the E-Bay police and hopefully, the second highest offer bidder is still interested in the item. Every now and then I guess you're gonna' run into a clunker.

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I commend you for going out of your way and replacing Kevin's lost 1964 Kennedy half dollar.

I agree. I also agree that there are some sellers on ebay that sometimes use the Ebay policies to justify there inability to try to give any type of customer appreciation or service. Yes, this is a Paypal ins. coverage thing, but I can also see where it wasn't a high dollar item, liability was taken up for by Vic, and the seller could have mailed the package if he had wanted to with no problem. His slang response was actually just another venue to see what type of seller he actually is. JMO

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I agree with Bobby..for such a small dollar purchase the seller should have just done it...


Not to mix apples and oranges, but I have purchased about 20 ebay items since October, paying with money orders even though they are "paypal only". I just simply do what Victor did--I write them a quick note asking permission before bidding ( I also mention my 1400+ positive ebay transactions and nearly perfect feedback%)..I have not had a single seller say no.


I don't know if this is against any official policy, but so far all is well with all items received and all debts paid in a timely fashion.............

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It all boils down to customer service. It is in my heart to do what's right for goodness' sake. Not everyone is like that. I always treat my patients excellent unless they cross a line. the same with my ebay customers. this guy/gal is just an anal no-account not worth dealing with.

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Actually, I've purchased items for other people, paid by paypal and had the item sent directly to the person I bought for. I believe all I did was add their address to my account and had them send it to the alternate address.


Try that, but I wouldn't neg them for that, but I might remark on the difficulty level to work with and I might even downgrade them on their stars.

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