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jgrinz... Opening his 'heart' and 'mind' ... Definte OT but related

21 posts in this topic

To those that don't know and have been hurt by my verbal abuse or just plain do not comprehend my breaking of the rules on the forums here consistantly... Accept my apologies AGAIN and will try to explain ...


It has been known that I have had health issues which was complicated by surgery, alcohol dependance withdrawl and subsequent chemical treatment for a long running diesease that runs in my family ( Manic Depressive Bipolar Diesease ).


I have been going through a series of changes in medicines that have on occaisions make me forget things or make my thought process not work quite properly ... this has been going on for 35 years and basically depending on the meds I can function 90%, most of the time. Luckily for me, I was able to function enough to support my family pretty well. Because of this desease I do not go out as my social skills have been inhibited and because of this my outlet to express my self, albiet sometimes NOT in a LOGICAL manner, is here. My Mind tends to operate differently than a Normal person - thinking things are appropriate for a forum is considered SPAM to others. Hence what happened yesterday. I was in utter confusion trying to figure out what happened and what I did to everyone off again ...


I appearently made a post that I thought was more like a POLL in my mind but SPAM in others in the coin forum and AFTER people had commented on it

( Zrlevin - saying it was in the wrong forum - COINS )


The problem developed yesterday because of the NGCMOD moving my post from COINS to the Marketplace. This was not the wrong forum ( Marketplace ) , I am sure it was, but when I returned home and saw previously posted messages to the thread saying it was the wrong forum ( which now resided IN the marketplace), I got confused ( Which is easily done ) I, NOT remembering WHERE I had initially posted it, thinking I am really not selling anything at this time as it is more of a POLL on who would be interested to gauge the interest, I moved it back to COINS ... and subsequently got my you know what reamed ... for double posting what is considered SPAM now TWICE in the coins forum.


Unlike a NORMAL person I will foget in a short period of time what happens in this short 3-4 hours span and did forget I posted it in the coins forum ...


A Public POST into the thread by the NGCMOD of it being moved or even a Private PM to the OP would have illeviated a lot of ill will and banter that happened yesterday... I think it needs to be done to stop any kinds of future problems especially to handcapped person (bi-polar) like myself. Any Help by Boarrd memebers to direct me when I go astray would be helpful.


My Extreme thanks to CPM8BALL(Chris) and JustBob(Bob) and OLDTRADER(Charlie) as they have supported me through me personal battles from the beginning of this year to the present day and continue to ask my well being almost on a daily basis - and Mark Feld for at least listening albiet critically.


Chad and Zach I aoplogize to you both as you were obviously right when you posted when you did BEFORE the post got moved..


:screwy: This smiley in my case happens to be true


I am sorry for evertyhing I have done and may do in the future ..






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Mike, just keep trying to do the best that you can, buddy. Heck, I don't have any health issues to speak of, but I always seem to be able to $crew up from time to time.


Best wishes,




PS. In the future, if you can't understand why someone would be ragging on you, just send me a PM so we can discuss it.



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We're here for help when ya need it buddy. We all can get confused sometimes even without a legitimate reason for it. Hang in there Mike, we're all friends!!

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On a forum such as this, the only way that we interact with most people is through their posts. This can lead to a distorted view of what a person is really like, or, even what they are trying to say, especially if you catch them during a bad day/week/month. Body language, inflection, etc. do not come through over the internet, and words and meanings can be easily misinterpreted.


Having spoken with Mike(jgrinz) quite a few times via PM, I have known about his troubles for some time, and was considering suggesting to him that he post something along the lines of his post here, explaining his situation and offering an apology. He did, on his own, and I commend him for his honesty and humility.

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Be easy on yourself, Mike. All of us screw up occasionally, as I seem to do more than not, and we don't have an excuse. I doubt anyone on the forum is holding a grudge about it. You take care, stay the course and enjoy this life you've been presented with.

Good luck


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He did, on his own, and I commend him for his honesty and humility.


This is not totally true - I asked the advise of a very respected member of the board here after I told him that I was embarrased at what transpired. HE was also in the know of my condition - verbally lashed me again and suggested ANOTHER public apology BUT I thought it needed to be MORE than that.

Thanks Chris and Bobby and Bob ...



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I don't hold any ill-will against you for what has transpired over the past 24 hours, and even beyond that. I believe yesterday's situation was handled poorly, and a few peoples' panties got in a bunch (myself included). I believe that it was more of a learning experience than anything. It takes a man to admit that he's done something wrong, and I commend you for that.

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Because of my recent kidney transplant and subsequent issues with constantly adjusting medications and stuff, I have been through some of the issues you are dealing with. Hang in there!! There is light at the end of what often seems like a very long tunnel!


Believe me, I have screwed up here on the Bulletin Board many a time. In every instance, I find the guys here to he helpful, forgiving and anxious to help in any way. I think we all have been rebuffed for something or other we may have said. I am quite sure that no one takes it personally. This is a great community, which I am enjoying and benefiting from immensely...and I feel confident that your recent issue here is just the smallest of blips...soon to be forgotten by everyone.



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It's a forum never take it anything on it that serious.If we had social skills we would be out in the world not sitting in front of this screen. For myself I'm nuts have know life don't work or care too.Spent way too much time playing with my dog fat black lab TRXIE dam spell check my dog my spelling live with it dam red line thing .Guess that proves my point were all cool with our little unique ways and voices

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to the




Yeah, I took prednisone for a week and I was pretty psycho myself on the boards for that time period.

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Well, no need to be ashamed of medical conditions, I worked side by side with a bi-polar personality for years. There were many Monday mornings we did not know who really showed up for work, he had medications in his locker and we’d go through the list with him and figure out which one he missed and we’d get him back on the tracks.


For those coming in on the tail end of all of this, (I watched the entire episode unfurl) you missed nothing, nothing more than a misjudgment and a bit of confusion. I shall remove the dust cloud fight at the tail end of that thread…I was attempting to insert a bit of humor into something I did not fully understand.



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There were many Monday mornings we did not know who really showed up for work, he had medications in his locker and we’d go through the list with him and figure out which one he missed and we’d get him back on the tracks.


I take 9 tablets 5 before meals 4 after so it is a bit much and I can understand


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I know where you're coming from. I've been on Lexapro for a little over four years now. Wish I had been taking it many, many years sooner. While my condition is/was very mild, I did not like how I was. It's not as simple as turning off a switch, or I'd have done that long ago. Some people who haven't experienced it themselves, or who don't have relatives who have, find it hard to understand why you can't just turn it off. The meds are a godsend. Find the right medication/dose and you'll be okay. Hang in there. (thumbs u

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Mike, I was married to a bipolar person for 23 years. One who never sought or would allow treatment. Half of the time, the down half, it was a hellish ride for her, especially our children and of course myself. Christmas time for the children, was particularly hellish. Mike you are fortunate, you were considerate enough of others and brave enough to seek treatment. Eventually, god willing, they will get you adjusted well to your meds and your quality of life will improve. Just hang on and hang in there, the future will be better.


Your friends are here here if you need us, buddy.

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The only problem I've ever had with you , Mike , is when you tried to change the 'waving monkey' icon ....thank the maker you put it back up .


My world is not perfect either (and that's why we have a WalGreens) , yet I guess I'm sort of lucky , in that most of my stress gets pummelled and squeezed out of me while driving on the interstates all week . . . which is why I never really get bent too far out of shape over a board posting anyway .


I totally missed whatever brought this topic up , but am very glad that you are still around and posting .

You're condition is nothing to be embarrassed about , and is just the way it is .

I've had half my face and neck burned away in an accident ( luckily only 2nd degree ) and when it got cold outside real fast , my face and neck used to turn splotchy red....I got over it and it's not so bad now 25 years later . Things happen and people are different....it's what makes the world go around.

You seemed to me to be coping with your change in diet you had mentioned a while back , as there have been no evil food posts .


I'm a perfectionist procrastinator , myself , so I have to make out and follow a weekly/monthly priority list if I ever want to get anything accomplished , albeit not always the way I want to get it done , but done never-the-less .


Glad you went out and attempted to explain , but doesn't change my view of you....anyone besides me that still remembers how to rebuild or tune a carb is top-shelf in my book.


-John , see-ya around



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