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this view on the world financial markets and usa is thought provoking

6 posts in this topic


This is not Interesting. It is a Fact.This was what I was trying to detail earlier. The Congress has Unconstitutionally been turning over its Authority over the Purse Strings to the Federal Reserve etc and there has been no outcry,

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This is nonsense, it is not fact! No one have given the Fed any Constitutional authority to take over anything. What has happened is simply to give the Fed the money to assist certain financial institutions from becoming bankrupt and preventing any loss of investment by foreign governments who hold our bonds in these institutions from losing all there investment and thereby any faith in the American dollar. This is not a plot by the Fed to take over the American government!


Joan is late, I expected the screaming from the rabid right much sooner. I fully expected the right wing to react to this crisis and scream that we were losing our rights to the Federal Reserve. Where was Joan when the Patriot Act was passed. The Patriot Act really did turn over our constitutional rights of privacy and freedom from government intrusion, such as wiretapping etc.

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There are a number of factual errors with her article. First and foremost is the concept of a central bank dates back beyond Sweden in 1913. The US had two central banks before then, which came from the French banking concept. The idea of a distributed central bank committee was started in Switzerland in the late 19th century to capitalize on the industrial revolution in Europe. Switzerland first offered central bank-like services to other countries. The Ottomans used the Swiss to help manage the money for the far reaches of their empire.


Since the basis of the argument is wrong, the premise of the rest of the article goes from wrong to the ridiculous. It just extrapolates the wrong conclusions that even right-wing economists do not support. It's more conspiracy-theory clap-trap.


Scott :hi:

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Much of what she says is True. Like it or not we have become a debtor Nation.I only go to the Bank to deposit Money or check my Safety Deposit Boxes but it ia amazing how people don't even have a basic idea of Finance.A few weeks ago they interviewed a Woman on T.V. who was losing her home. She was whining necause she had signed a Mortgage for 6% and couldn't understand why it had gone up to 10%.She had no conception of the VarIable rate kicking in to it. I have been in the Bank and have seen the Bank Officers explaining three times over and over again how to calculate the rate of Interest on a CD. People do not understand that Individual Accounts are insured by the FDIC up to $100,000 and $200,000 for a Joint account,Some people think that if they deposit 100,000 in one branch of a Bank of America and go across town and deposit $100,000 in a different branch of America that they are insured for $200,000.00 I have already gone through the parts of converting to the Euro and won't do it again.The last vestiges for our Debtor Nation is occuring.It is Unconstitutional to turn over 700 Billion to one person with the stipulation that there can be no over riding of decisons by a Court of Law or any other Governemt Agency and to place the Treasury in charge. Why do you think Paulson made these deamnds?You can use a technicality to give Credence to the existence of the Federal Reserve. There is no way that the Founding Fathers could have anticipated the situation today and the Power of Congress to have sole responsibilty for the Purse Strings was cached i n their language . The Powers of the Federal Reserve may or may not have served a purpose in the Great Depression.Historically anytime the Fedral Funds rate has been increases 6 times there has been some level of a Recession depending on the State of the Economy and the number of raises. If anybody thinks that raising it 15 times is responsible and not Unconstitutional then I have some Beautiful Swamp land here in Florida that I can sell you.She is correct about our Debt situation. I could care less if she was correct about Sweden or a few dates.Beranke is Guilty as is Paulson who has been consistently wrong .and Cox allowed "naked short selling " as opposed to "short selling" which is good for an orderly Market .Cox allowed other Speculation.There is no "right wing" assualt. People can be in self denial and hide their head in the sand Nobody knows if this 700 Billion is enough. The 700 Billion will cause a decline in the Dollar and is Inflationary.The fact that one or two people outside the Congress have that much Power is Unconstitutional.

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Actually, the Knights Templar in the 12th Century were the first Central Bank in Europe. That is, until the French King had them all tortured and murdered to seize their wealth. The Rothchild's in Paris created the first Central Bank long before this country had one.


Chabsentia what she says is Bull! If the Fed has the legal power to regulate our economy's money supply and interest rates they also, by definition, have special powers to ask for additional money from Congress in times of need. Obama also does not have a clue about any of this. It is Congress that has the Constitutional power to grant the Fed extra funds. The power to ask for and use these extra funds was given to the Fed by Congress and the Executive branch after the Depression when the Federal Reserve was formed to regulate the banks, interest rates and the supply of money. The Fed is doing exactly what it was chartered to do.


None of this has nothing to do with misuse of any Constitutional powers.

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