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Updated 4-3: What action should I take with respect to my client?

114 posts in this topic

Again. The coin was signed for on March 21st. That was 13 days ago.Apparently the last message from the guy was 3 days before that or the 18th if you believe the reaon for the delay so we are talking about 16 days with no word from the buyer.


I would think that common courtesy would at least warrant a message.Meanwhile you have at least one other person wanting to know the status of the coin.If Victor was not on the forum here and it was a person wanting to buy the coin then how is that person going to know if he is getting the run around etc.






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Ez E, I agree. Did I say something to suggest that is not the case, or were your comments more general in nature? Curiously yours...Mike


More in general.


I strongly believe that until the coin is bought and paid for then the potential buyer has NO right to shop the coin around looking for a profit. It is ok to ask collector's advice or, if something is prearranged with the seller, to send to a TPGS, etc, but only with the seller's knowledge and consent.

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What you say is true.


Lets take it one step further. Suppose the person that Mark sent the coin is shopping it around and gives it to a buddy etc to look at or sends it to a TPG.


Suppose either the guy the coin was first sent to or the buddy or the TPG damages or loses it . Then what?



There are too many problems here and nobody knows what is going on because the guy has not given Mark the courtesy of a response in 16 days.

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I would think that common courtesy would at least warrant a message.Meanwhile you have at least one other person wanting to know the status of the coin.If Victor was not on the forum here and it was a person wanting to buy the coin then how is that person going to know if he is getting the run around etc.
I agree completely about the "common courtesy". And based upon my previous dealings with the client, I think it's more likely that there has been some type of emergency which excuses that, than it is that he's being rude, or worse. In other words, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I would feel far worse if I didn't do so and was wrong, than I will by doing so and being wrong.


Regarding a person who is not on the forum not knowing if he is getting the "run around" or not - I typically tell clients who have inquired about coins which are out on approval that I will let them know if the coin becomes available. They need not be on the forum to be updated. ;)

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Fair enough. One last try though....I don't give up easily. ;)


But if we know it happens, even occasionally, shouldn't we do something to protect ourselves from it happening?


In short, it is prudent for the seller to protect himself from actions of the buyer, not to assume the best case and then take issue when his expectations are not met, and I'm rather surprised, frankly, that someone with the educational background you do disagrees...Mike

Mike, I thought you were headed out of here for a while?:devil: But since you're still here.....


With respect to protecting one's self - I think it depends upon how often the situation occurs, etc. I don't know of it ever having happened to me. If it did, I was obviously unaware of it, so it didn't cause any problems. Thus, for my own business, I see no need to complicate my terms of sale unnecessarily.


I'd like to think that the extremely small number of unanticipated problems/complications I have had over the years (which, granted, I might have been able to adequately address ahead of time) have been more than offset by the extra business I have done as a result of being easy to deal with. We're talking about trade-offs here, and I think each dealer should handle things in their own way, based on their views, preferred way of doing things, the type of customers they have, risks they are willing to take, etc.


Aha! A tradeoff! So you like your cake and eat it too, eh? :devil:


Clichés aside, you're absolutely right about the tradeoff.... However, if you are making a tradeoff, then you can't really take issue if it comes back to bite you, can you? All you really can do is use this knowledge in future dealings to limit your exposure going forward....


See, I knew there was some common ground there. ;)


Back to the grindstone (at least for a few mintues until my curiosity gets the best of me)...Mike

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Fair enough,however, you are keeping them updated so I would think that people on the other end would be keeping you updated also and here lies the problem.



I would make sure that a member of my family would update the seller.Somebody signed for it on the 21st of March.If the wife signed for it then she has a package in her possession even if there was an Emergrncy with the Buyer.



If he signed for it and then had an Emergency then wouldn't the wife wonder about the package? If she was not aware of the coin collecting then wouldn't she wonder about the package?If she knew about the coin collecting then wouldn't she know if the coin was paid for yet?

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I just received an email from my client in which he indicated that he mailed the check 2 days ago. He also explained why he hadn't been in contact with me and profusely apologized. The reason was not health related, though he had some personal things going on to the extent that I can at least understand his lack of communication.


I'd like to think I would have handled it better had I been in his shoes, but since I wasn't, I can't know that I would have. As I mentioned earlier, this thread has morphed into one about other topics and included some good conversation. So thanks to those who participated.

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Perhaps ask him to make it more real world. Seriously, 10 or 15 days is beyond acceptable and open to outright abuse with a buyer shopping the coin around. I could understand 7 calendar days and even accept and follow that, but there is no way in hell I'd give someone 15 days. I generally know within 10 seconds if I am going to keep the coin or not.


Which real world are you talking about? To wit, what real-world situation outside (or inside) of the coin game dictate a decision without return privilege shorter than a few weeks?


Additionally, what's the problem with shopping the coin around. If the seller is happy with the price, who cares what the buyer is doing with the coin.


It just seems to me that shortening the decision period (and not all of us make decisions like this in 10 seconds), smacks of a high-pressure sales technique, and is something I would, personally, shy away from. Said another way, if you, as a seller, are comfortable with the coin and the price -- what's the rush?


Just wondering what's the motivation and justification for such a position, other than the relatively small time value of money...Mike


Bullion is not given a return because of market volitility, and some coins can be just as volatile.

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And, Mark, when you get my check for the '53 A&R of this thread, please don't cash it for another month, mmmok?






Ron, glad to see you're paying faster than usual these days. :gossip:





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Sorry, Victor. No coin for you. :sorry:


[font:Fixedsys]Coy-sus! I hate happy endings![/font] :devil:


Hey Victor, I have a nice original XF45 that I will sell you for the same money. :devil:

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If I was too sick to make a phone call or Email etc then I would ask my Wife,Son or Daughter to do it for me.



If I have a good relationship with a person and have received something on approval then I would want the sender to be aware of the situation etc.


I know a lot of things for me sort of fell behind recently when I was in a severe car accident and dislocated my hip. It was late February, I fell asleep at the wheel, slammed into a tree, and was hospitalized for days. I was medicated fairly heavily due to the severe pain. Normally I am a TV junkie, and have been since I was a child. My mother commented each time she came to visit me in the hospital that I never even had the TV on. That's how "out of it" I was. I just slept and was awakened for the usual check of vitals and for them to give me my medication and so forth.


Being a regular eBay shopper, I had bids out on coins and won some of the auctions that just happened while I was hospitalized. Normally, I am paying for auctions I win sometimes within minutes after they close. Fortunately, I had some experience with the kind of limitations required for caring for my hip because last year around the same time I had broken my ankle and was basically confined to the second floor of my house. Anyway, because of that, after some discussion with my surgeon, based on my experience with the ankle, he agreed to release me after only a few days.


Therefore, I made it a priority upon returning home to email sellers from whom I'd won and let them know I'd just been hospitalized after a severe accident, and that I'd get to their payments, probably the next day, apologizing it wasn't sooner. I was also lucky that the sellers appreciated the email alerting them of the delay, and were understanding, and also that I wasn't beyond any major time frames. I just wasn't super speedy as usual. Perhaps this is where something has changed in your situation, your buyer is just not as quick in the turnaround as usual.


Admittedly, until I got home and saw my computer, it was really not on my mind, before that only basic survival was a focus.


I guess my point is, while it IS RARE, sometimes people do wind up in a ditch somewhere or actually are in some hospital. The intricacies of explaining what bills to be paid and how to pay them and what accounts and so forth might have occurred to me if I had an extended hospital stay, but for a few days, they just waited.


Just some possibilities which come to mind after my own recent experience.



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Thanks Wayne, on all counts.


Edited to add: I thought I read somewhere that Ron Sirna was no longer general counsel for the ANA, but I might be mistaken.




To paraphrase Mark Twain: "The rumors that I am no longer General Counsel is an exaggeration."


I haven't been online here lately because I've been a bit busy dealing with numerous ANA issues, one of which was participating in the search for a new Executive Director for the ANA. At the Phoenix ANA, Larry Shepard was selected as the ANA Executive Director.


I'll look into the ANA's language dealing with return privilege, it seems to have been written quite some time ago when the only method of delivery was truly "snail" mail, with no FedEx or other forms of overnight delivery. It also looks like the language should be sharpened so that it is clear as to its meaning. However, amending the ANA's By-laws is not a quick and easy process, but I'll look into it.


This was an interesting thread and I'm glad you got your coin back.



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Thanks Ron, and best of luck with any language changes, as well as whatever other ANA issues you are dealing with.


Final update: I did receive payment from my client and all is finally well.

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Final update: I did receive payment from my client and all is finally well.


For you at least. Victor is still pouting and throwing a temper tantrum. lol

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Final update: I did receive payment from my client and all is finally well.


For you at least. Victor is still pouting and throwing a temper tantrum. lol

Great, you just HAD to go and remind him of that! :devil:



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Final update: I did receive payment from my client and all is finally well.


For you at least. Victor is still pouting and throwing a temper tantrum. lol

Great, you just HAD to go and remind him of that! :devil:




:sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo: :sumo:


But to show that it is not all about me, here's a gratuitous banana dance for you, Mark, since all worked out well for you.


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Glad to hear you are alright. About 7 years ago I ran into a large Oak tree. I didn't go off the road. Tis tree was so large that it fell clear across the road covering the lanes on each side. I had just came up a hill and it was just over the hill and too late to stop.


This was one of those deals where it was a disdavantage to be wearing a seatbelt. When I saw what was going to happen I tried to throw myself across the car but was restrained from doing it by the seatbelt. I had a minor fracture of the third vertebrate or whatever you call it. I crawled on hans and kneees out of the car which was totaled. The Police couldn't beleive I had gone out alive let alone was on my feet.I had to wear a neck brace and couldn't drive etc because I couldn't turn my head to the right or left.




Things happen and my wife, daughter and son took care of a lot of things for me.It really looked worse as one side of my face was black and blue for a while.If I was a Seller than I would want a client to keep me informed and so I would do the same.



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