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Dont Miss Out On This Great Deal

49 posts in this topic

$10.50? It's going to tough for that seller to get rich at that level. Why, he'll have to sell thousands of such images to make enough money for Christmas presents!


Did you guys check out the link I posted above to the eBay discussion?

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Somebody actually went and looked up the serial number to see what it originally was?! Some people just don't get it. This is too funny, James! What a great posting!!


Scott 27_laughing.gif

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Looks like there's been quite a bit more Q&A over the last couple of days...


Yeah, you still haven't answered mine from last week, but I did get an e-mail from someone who was trying to convince me it was a scam. It's a shame. He just doesn't have a clue.



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Looks like there's been quite a bit more Q&A over the last couple of days...


Yeah, you still haven't answered mine from last week, but I did get an e-mail from someone who was trying to convince me it was a scam. It's a shame. He just doesn't have a clue.



Chris - can you post it? This ought to be good!

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Looks like there's been quite a bit more Q&A over the last couple of days...


Yeah, you still haven't answered mine from last week, but I did get an e-mail from someone who was trying to convince me it was a scam. It's a shame. He just doesn't have a clue.



Chris - can you post it? This ought to be good!


James, this was my inquiry to you:


"Dear Mr. Earlyus, if I am fortunate to be the winning bidder, would you consider accepting a certificate for a 3day/2night stay in Baghdad in lieu of cash? Out of curiosity, what nationality is Earlyus? Thanks, Chris


Here is the eBay message I received from "coindude":


"I'm sure this is a photoshop special read the certification listing"



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James, this was my inquiry to you:


"Dear Mr. Earlyus, if I am fortunate to be the winning bidder, would you consider accepting a certificate for a 3day/2night stay in Baghdad in lieu of cash? Out of curiosity, what nationality is Earlyus? Thanks, Chris


Here is the eBay message I received from "coindude":


"I'm sure this is a photoshop special read the certification listing"






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Here they are:


Q: This may be the first one that PCGS has given this grade to, but it is my understanding that SGS has given the same grade to 515,923 of these same Kennedy halves. So what makes this one so special? smile.gif


A: Well, for one thing, it costs a lot more! As you know, PCGS coins are simply worth more than other coins, such as SGS. Also, you should note that of the 515,923 SGS has esteemed with a grade of 70, not a single one was graded below SUDCAM (Super Ultra Deep CAMeo), so this PCGS grade is one of the few that actually has upgrade potential at SGS. Excellent question, and thanks for bringing it up! - EarlyUS




Q: How this slab get a 70 with all those nicks and scratches and even a crack?! I wouldn't have given it a 63! lol


A: As you know, grading is subjective. Even the best professionals like PCGS make errors. Of course, some make more errors than others (take SGS for example, I think their error rate is something like 98.6%). Nonetheless, you have to take striking characteristics and such into consideration when giving a grade. I am sure that PCGS did their due diligence, as they always do. They are, after all, one of the top fifty grading services in the country. - EarlyUS




Q: Do you make a Second Chance Offer on this auction? Can we pay with Western Union? blush.gif))


A: I'm not really a big fan of onions, especially those grown out west. As for a second chance offer, I think everyone deserves a second chance, don't you? Even those union guys... - EarlyUS




Q: Will the procedes go to charity or would you keep it for yourself. Afterall it is the holidays. Thanks!


A: Can you please provide an image of the charity you had in mind? Thank you. - EarlyUS




Q: Is it true that the PCGS Koolaid drinkers are as we type picketing outside your office? Something about spoofing the all mighty PCGS is a capital crime! I read on the PCGS forum that they were calling for forum members to light the torches and grab the pitchforks. James, maybe you hide... The rubber chicken knows a place where you will be safe from the koolaid drinkers. Dennis can attest that the rubber chicken will keep you safe and take good care of you (I head it took good care of him, happy ending if you get my drift!). I even heard a rumor that HRH has been heard yelling Get a rope! Take care, the chicken is on it's way to protect you and your freedom to sell anything you want!


A: Martin, I understand that rubber chickens are no longer considered seafood. And I am pretty sure that white wine goes better with chicken than Kook Aid anyhow! Have you ever considered getting a rubber parrot? - EarlyUS




Q: Uhh, I don't get it. Where's the coin? I want the freakin coin. Hello? Hellooo! Anybody here? Uhoh. I'm scared. Hello! C'mon, answer me! What about the coin. I want the freakin coin, man! Oh, jeez! Where's the freakin coin? Hellooo! How 'bout an answer! I'm really gettin pissed. What about the coin? Are you nuts? What kind of *spoon* would pay for a stupid picture of where the coin used to be. Are you loopy or something? Hmmm, nobody's answering, I wonder if I just bid, maybe he'll really send the coin. This might be aomething like a Candid Camera sting where they see me here talking to myself, but nobody knows if I'm really nuts, or if they just think I'm nuts cuz I sit here typing away while no one is paying attention. Maybe this will distract everyone else and I'll win the coin. There has to be a coin, right? Seriously, what sort of batsh!t crazy goof would make a listing like this and not actually send the coin? Does this make sense? Yeah! Yeah! That's it. Parrot E. Parody. He's y


A: Nuts? Nuts?? Sir, nuts carry harmful and dreaded diseases. I do not recommend them. Ask the Parrot! - EarlyUS




Q: Note to self-Never order anything from earlyus.


A: Yeah, I never order from those people either. They're nuts. - EarlyUS




Q: I intend to bid on your Item and I have a question. When I win this item and I intend to, can I pay you with a photo of some seafood? lol Thanks


A: It depends on the kind of seafood, and whether it's been cooked or not. I would prefer not to receive images of freshly caught seafood - especially if it is still at room temperature - for fear of spoilage or an outbreak of salmonella food poisoning. I recently got over a bout with a stomach ailment, and don't know whether I'll be able to handle explicit images of raw, naked seafood over the next several days. I'll consider your request after the auction closes, though! - EarlyUS




Q: According to PCGS, the PCGS# of the coin you displayed is that of a 1968 US Half in PF66DC.


A: As I'm sure you know by now, you can't believe everything you read on the internet! - EarlyUS




Q: You are a very refreshing seller!!!! Thanks for the giggle of the week. Bruce


A: Thank you for the kind words. If you win this fine item, I will include a brand-new shiny penny that was never cracked out of a PCGS slab - a rarity in itself! - James




Q: this is the best joke auction I've seen in a while. My hat is off-to-you. Is that half in your personal collection? or is that a fake or photoshop slab?-Stephen


A: Joke? Joke? Dear Sir, what makes you think this listing is a joke?? On the contrary, my good man, I already have plans for the proceeds from this fine listing. By golly, it cost me 30 cents to list it, and I will be using the profits to feed hungry children that live in my house, as well as provide Christmas presents for the wife. Please don't misconstrue this as a +joke+. I am completely serious about selling this image at huge profits, and you can read my return policy for proof thereof. As for being +photoshopped+, no body on eBay photoshops their images, do they? smile.gif James




Q: funny auction but anyone could right click there mouse and save it that is if they wanted it 27_laughing.gif made me laugh to read thanks for the chuckles 27_laughing.gif


A: Stephen, see what I posted to Ron elsewhere in this Q&A. Stealing images is unscrupulous, immoral, unethical, licentious, produces bad body-odor and has been demonstrated to cause severe acne in laboratory mice! I strongly urge you not to steal the priceless image, and believe your conscience may rest better at night if you simply win this auction outright. I estimate that a high bid of 7,144,256 clams should be sufficient to ensure victory. Please don't steal my images! Besides, I need the money, and I really enjoy seafood. smile.gif - James




Q: Ok, what is to stop me from just pirating the image, and bypassing those exorbitant handling charges? Also, if I do decide to bid, will I be placed on some sort of *spoon* list? Am I be charged for this E-mail? Ron


A: Ron, there will be serious consequences if you dare to capture the image through any means other than a legitimate bid. Dire consequences! Your conscience will never let you be. Kittens may die! Butterflies will escape out your ears! Raging storms of acid rain will pollute all your certified coins with artificial toning!! Don't do it, I implore you. Besides, I really need the money. smile.gif - James


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This one really cracked me up... Onions! 27_laughing.gif


Q: Do you make a Second Chance Offer on this auction? Can we pay with Western Union? ))


A: I'm not really a big fan of onions, especially those grown out west. As for a second chance offer, I think everyone deserves a second chance, don't you? Even those union guys... - EarlyUS

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Good grief, I'm getting bombarded by questions. It's up to EIGHTEEN now! And I haven't even answered all of them yet! Also, something weird is that the counter got reset at some point this morning. When I checked last night, it was at 1078, and now it's only at 30?! Anyone care to post the most recent Q&A?

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27_laughing.gif Bruce, I love it!


Looks like things have really gotten out of hand. I'm now up to 21 questions! Not only that, but the counter stopped working altogether!! It just displays the dreaded "double dash" now.


When will it all end confused.gif!?

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Looks like there's quite a bit of Q&A action going on with the listing 893scratchchin-thumb.gif.


James, would you consider taking these on consignment?








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