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70 posts in this topic

WOW Hardtimes, I'm impressed you follow me. I'm a 46 year collector of classic commems and seldom collect any thing else, so my interest in coins is somewhat limited. Yes, I support CAC and no I don't work for them. 74 of 101........


Do you only buy CAC coins ? Do you consider a CAC sticker the equivalent of a "+" grade on a coin, or even 1 grade higher ?


Do you seek it out on all/most of your coins, or just the higher-end and/or special coins where you want a "2nd opinion"

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Most of the commems I buy are CAC, but not all. I consider a CAC coin more important than a +, because I know I will always have a strong buyer for the coin. No, CAC does not mean 1 grade higher to me. Yes, if it's not CAC, then it will be submitted to make sure there is not a problem with it.

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Do you consider a CAC sticker the equivalent of a "+" grade on a coin, or even 1 grade higher ?
I don't think I have ever heard anyone, including a die hard CAC fan, ever make that claim.

I think it's implied, explicitly or implictly.


Otherwise, why pay a premium for a CAC MS-65 vs. a plain old MS-65, assuming they are identical/NEARLY identical.


The entire reason for starting CAC according to one of the founders was to separate the A-B-C coins in a given grade, which too me seemed a bit curious since I wouldn't think that there'd be that much of a difference unless you spend alot of time looking at 3 coins within a given grade which have A-B-C characteristics.


It seems that the CAC founders found "grade inflation" after the 1980's/1990's bubble to be prevalent and wanted to separate the quality within a given grade. At least that's what I read.


Not being an expert, I don't want to presume to know better, but the distinctions CAC is trying to ID you would think would apply if there were only grades of MS-60, 62, 64, etc. which I believe was once the convention or was once considered.

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Weather vs. Whether, is a pet peeve of mine, and I mention it only as an Ode to Mr. Lehigh, and know otter reesen....


Thank you for pointing that out. I have changed it.


But we seem to be very peevish today ... ;)


I just want to assist Mr. Lehigh in understanding the human tendency to digress from being Perfect. I thought a series of Posts that illustrate same would reinforce the point for him. No intent to offend. Weather or not you choose to use whether is a human Right, not a Board Police Right. :whee:


All they illustrated is what an you are. When I pointed it out, I apologized for doing so, further indicating that it is something that bugs me. It certainly didn't deserve your over the top trolling responses.




But, yes, it does deserve my OTT responses. You were rude. You didn't apologize, you used the word sorry in an entirely different (habitual) manner. If you didn't want to be rude, pm him. The world doesn't really care what you're (did that on purpose) pet peeve is, or what bugs you. This is not Harvard. It is a chat board.


Your present response indicates that my Posts made an impression. That is what I wanted to accomplish. You have a less than courteous mannerism about you, and you are never called on it. Other than that, I am sure you are a nice person.


Don't start nuttin, won't be nuttin, to quote a great movie line.


Who made you the forum police? I wasn't rude, and Jom is a big boy. If he had a problem with what I wrote, I'm sure he would tell me. He doesn't need some clown named Mr. Mcknowitall to defend him. If you think I am a nice person, then maybe you would like to meet me in person. What say you?

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WOW Hardtimes, I'm impressed you follow me. I'm a 46 year collector of classic commems and seldom collect any thing else, so my interest in coins is somewhat limited. Yes, I support CAC and no I don't work for them. 74 of 101........


MM, you must have one heck of a commem set - post some images we would love to see them.


Best, HT

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I actually didn't have a problem with what Lehigh said...I'm a dolt and everyone knows it. I misspell and get common terms like that wrong all of the time. Such as "dapper" or "dander" or whateverthehell it was Feld gave me grief on the other day. It happens...



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If you get a plus grade (+) do you still send the coin to CAC for additional advantage and a $ market? There are plenty of plus coins that do not CAC, more often the PCGS certs. from what I have seen. I just see CAC as a means to an end, namely marketability.



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