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Election 2012 posted by wmfielding

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  • Member: Seasoned Veteran

A very long day....


What a long day it was yesterday. Im an election worker here in wayne co. WV. Our day started about 0525 setting everything up and trying to make our cramped room as comforble as possible. The polls opened at 0630 sharp as thats the time our computer based polling machines started working. At 0610 I went outside for what might have been my last smoke for hours and there were over 20 people waiting in line calmly for there turn to vote. As I said I work a small precenct of about 350 voters. all in all we voted about 280 of them and to our great luck the longest anyone waited was about 30 min. not bad for a pres. election.

Thank you to all who came out and voted. And God bless our country, were going to need it in the next 4 years

happy collecting and God Bless


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Your voting went a lot smoother than ours (Montana) People were still trying to vote ( and even register to vote) at 12:30 at night after standing in line for four to five hours in two of our larger cities. They ran out of ballots, people gave up and went home. So I am not sure what will happen now. It was a real mess.

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Gratz to our President for winning re-election. Not to get political here, but I did vote for him. I went to early voting on Friday, and the line was long, but only had to wait about 10 minutes to get to vote. Very orderly, very pleasant experience. My hats off to all you election workers who did an amazing job, and who volunteered their time and service to our great country and its best in the world election process.


... and now, back to your regularly scheduled coin collecting!



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Seemed to be a well-run election here in N Va. My precinct had 7 voting booths and one ballot reader, but there were still lines about a hour long beginning at 6am. The new voter ID law had no effect - I doubt we've had two cases of attempted vote fraud in VA in the last 20 years.


I hope the two sides will act, and act for the entire country, not some ideology or special interest. The oath of office from 1884 says only:


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."


PS: I did not see any coin collectors in line.... :)

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I initially thought the Early Voting would be the best way to go, until I saw the lines- all of the voting locations were the same! Day after day the same thing. I finally went to my assigned location at 5pm Tuesday, 3 whole people in front of me, out in 12 minutes. That's Florida. Glad I voted for the Irish guy - O'Bama.

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