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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. A bit off-topic but the problems of Boeing are being experienced by all airline manufacturers who outsource their maintenance inspections to countries where parts and labor are cheaper and rigorous standards are lax.
  2. PCI is okay. It's PVC you've got to be concerned with. 🤣
  3. Q.A.: "Trauma"... "open wounds in the hobby"... "boomers (Me!) are never going to accept clad coins"... Say, I wonder how this guy was able to get ahold of my life story??? 🐓 :
  4. Gratuitous comment Re: 'Bute Butte, a geographical feature? Nope; no context. Butte, MT, where errant Special Agents of the FBI were once exiled? I don't see the correlation. Bute, short for Butt? No, the apostrophe wouldn't be needed. That leaves Beaut, as in, That's a real beauty! Bingo.
  5. Blast from the Past! 🐓: Oldhoop derided you for practicing "wordsmithing," remember? Q.A.: I sure do... I wonder what he'd call all this? You know what they say, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Man, I love this place! 🤣
  6. Nice photo array. Would it be too much to ask for a close-up of "V.D.B." on any of your coins or Lincoln seated on the throne between the columns? Those cameras are able to pick up things "with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men." 🤣
  7. I don't know why you would sell yourself short like that. By now you should have gotten the thing back. It's an impaired proof, right?
  8. I believe I would be remiss in my duty as a responsible, dues-paying member of this Forum if I failed to note the absence of comments from at least two well-known fellow members. Malheureusement, in practical, everyday terms what this means is they, and any others of like mind have irrevocably lost their misperceived privilege of criticizing the OP for his unique artistic creations for the duration, meaning no belated apologies or appeals, with no expiration. This applies whether the absence of their remarks was inadvertent or intentional. Not acceptable. This Topic has fleshed out, in a way no other can, the irreproachable virtue and undeniably sterling character of a man's innermost thoughts, feelings and emotions. I do not believe I have ever experienced the rare privilege of observing anyone delve deeply into a more controversial but little-discussed subject matter than the OP related here seamlessly with intensity and sensitivity. [Posted on the "It's Token Tueday" thread is a token I had taken the liberty of posting last nite which conceivably could have been used by the author of the book cited in that column. In the last line of the last page of the Forward to that book, he made an interesting observation: "I have learned the junk equation. Junk is not, like alcohol or [marijuana] a means to increased enjoyment of life. Junk is not a kick. It is a way of life." (Emphasis mine.)] Any further comments I may wish to make must be respectfully withheld owing to Chat Board Guideline policy. I thank the OP (whose works I find no fault with) for sharing his account with unusual conviction and compassion. (Posted at the discretion of Moderation.)
  9. That is "strait" jacket. I am, of course, not speaking from personal familiarity.
  10. Looks like they adopted Google's strategy of continually changing the look of their search engine. It is more interesting than objectionable.
  11. Before I selfishly claim credit for "starting" this conversation, I would like to know three things: a). Did you find this information helpful, and b). If not, why not? We'll let the matter of why a member whose interests have lain in this area of specialization for nine straight years before becoming a member, never knew about this resource. Fair enough?
  12. Of course they do and those are just the ones whose dates can be read. Who knows how many were used for their strategic value after the "...date that shall live in infamy."
  13. Probably not. He thought they said LSD and, not wanting to appear impolite or obtuse, accepted it and put it away. 🤣
  14. Not exactly... There was a time when any hobo or vagabond could post a comment, and move on. No more. For the benefit of those who signed on in that era, e.g., the Mighty @Conder101 , and I want to emphasize this: YOU MUST BE A MEMBER TO POST A COMMENT! Some might say, "Yeah, well how do you explain @Wondercoin's participation?" I do not believe he posts regularly, but I do know he was persuaded to participate a few years ago encouraged by @MarkFeld . (You will recall I was the self-appointed referee of that heavyweight champion brouhaha, RATZIE vs. NGC CHAT BOARD MEMBERSHIP, which sadly resulted in my banishment and his eventual departure.) (Posted at the discretion of Moderation.)
  15. There are [only] two members left who are eternal optimists and I am not one of them.
  16. WARNING! Danny Downer is in the house! A. Demand is everything. I couldn't care less about '80-D half dollars. I suspect your average man on the street doesn't either. When's the last time you heard someone even ask for one in any condition??? When's the last time you got a Kennedy in change? Out of sight, out of mind. B. I couldn't care less if I never saw any of these dates ever again. In any condition. Maybe with the lackluster coinage out there now, dates and mint marks should be dispensed with entirely. (There was a time when automobiles were exciting. Now cars are nothing but lookalike boxes on wheels. Those of us who pulled out of the hobby in the late 1960's didn't abandon the hobby; the hobby abandoned us. There was nothing there anymore...there still isn't! C. I still cannot understand why anyone would be enamored of clad coins so much that they would identify themselves as being cladking. OVER!
  17. No problem: you are wrong; this is not an MS-67-S Buffalo. I see a '37-S Bison. There now, feel better? Seriously, consider your lovely example with the luscious, mouth-watering Buffalos we've seen from time to time on the regularly featured on the "Post your," etc. threads. As noted by J P M, nickels just don't seem to rack up ultra-high grades. As an acclaimed Danny Downer, I would award it an MS-66, It lacks something, and the out-of-focus reverse, only emphasizes it: let's just call it, pizazz. Muted original mint luster. To be fair about it, not being a collector of the series, I do not believe I have the requisite qualifications to pass judgment on what, arguably, is a fine coin. If you manage to garner enough favorable reviews to your liking, then what, skip certification, grab a flip and write in MS-67 by a preponderance of viewers? It's still early yet. Let's see what the others have to say. Fair enough? In the meantime, wait for the after-shocks to stop and if possible let's see a nicely focused reverse. P.S. I would really like to hear what another collector of the series has to say, and perhaps a word or two from @Buffalo Head @Lem E @Sandon and whomever else has experience on this.
  18. FWIW: If it helps matters any, I mailed "that" envelope to the founder of the firm on May 15, 2024. Your guess is as good as mine as to when to expect a response, if any. I also sent a text to the firm alerting them I desired the "coin" in question, had mailed them my "remittance" and would appreciate the courtesy of a hold on the product in question, if at all possible. The e-mail, simply addressed to: whom it may concern, was dispatched the same day, 5/15. They advise waiting up to 10 days for a reply. I regret to inform you we are past that date. For those keeping tabs on me, I will wait until the Fourth of July before conceding defeat. The next day is my wife's and my wedding anniversary. Mail matters then, won't matter. What if the "founder" is deceased. The greeting card envelope is marked: PERSONAL & CKNFIDENTIAL. What if the coin's been sold. I certainly don't want a check in €uros back. What if, in the interim, one of my T[hree]MW 🐓 becomes available. Yup, at least I will have a spot for it on my set registry. What's the very worst that can happen? TOTAL SILENCE? Nope. Loss of the merchandise between here and France. You know Murphy's Law: If it can happen, it may very well happen.
  19. And I received today a congratulatory text from NGC for renewing my membership. That ought to count for something in helping cheer you up! 🤣
  20. I do not remember who it was who said TPGSs are not obligated to even provide figures -- that it is labor-intensive with no return on endless, constantly evolving numbers. Imagine having to keep up with those tallies! I got my first inkling of the problem from my bosom buddies Kurt and z. I was frankly surprised -- like that part in Annie Hall when Woody Allen casually turns around on line and engages in conversation with Marshall McLuhan, who responds to the man he had been disagreeing with in line, basically, "You do not know anything about my work!" Same thing. Uncle z said I didn't have a clue about certifications and how they have no reliability due to an infestation of crackheads. Kurt, I believe, was surprised I was unaware of what was going on at coin shows. I didn't. I'm on my own. Tj, I honestly thought you knew that in a lot of areas of this hobby, you're pretty much on your own. I knew TPGS activity abroad was on the wane when MA-SHOPS threw in the towel and said here is what we have. Now if YOU want to do a post-mortem on it, by all means do so -- AT YOUR EXPENSE! I think the only alternative is to explore other avenues and try a little networking. Just don't forget: a stranger is not an enemy. He's only a friend you haven't met.
  21. Latest acquisition: ref: "The Narcotics Farm: The Rise and Fall of America's First Prison for Drug Addicts." Opened in 1935; Decommissioned 1967: Reopened in 1974 as FCI - Lexington, KY; conversion since to FMC - Lexington, KY. Forerunner to detoxification centers, state jails and workhouses, when simply being an addict was a criminal offense; the introduction in 1968 of Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs (MMTPs) now all renamed Opioid Treatment Centers (OTC) as well as the advent of short- and long-term rehabilitation centers. Brass, 21mm, w/centered hole, undenominated, undated, for use by patients in vending machines. Many famous patients included William S. Burroughs, author of Junkie, ©️ 1953 by Ace Books (under pen name of William Lee; ©️ William S. Burroughs by Penguin Books, 1977. (Posted in the interests of broadening the "body of knowledge" of coin and token collectors, with the gracious indulgence of threadmaster, Just Bob, at the sole discretion of NGC Moderation. [Edit: Surface enhancement achieved with an EVOO soak of 37 hours. Thank you Just Bob!]
  22. I really ought to respond with a "no comment," as I have nothing nice to add to the conversation. I am, after all, in the estimation of one member, a "Danny Downer," but that would only deprive you, the membership, of hearing what my upright, blameless and without sin" sister had to say in appraising my choice of girlfriend (briefly, a female "Jim" to the tenth exponential power). I invited my sister to lunch in a "transitional" neighborhood undergoing gentrification and revitalization. She was then working at the city's Department of Investigation and arrived promptly and as one would expect in business attire. She asked me where my friend was, a drug addict who had broken night and very likely was in a state of withdrawal, lying on a bench nearby. She turned to me and with pronounced assertiveness said: "I'm not going anywhere with THAT!" I told her she didn't have to, and quietly walked away. Years later, after the woman's death, surprisingly not from a drug overdose or AIDS -- but murder, still unsolved from 1986, the matter was brought up, and this was her sober analysis upon reflection... "There was nothing wrong with her, but there's something wrong with you!". In other words, you come from a good family, you're a college graduate had a good job working on Wall Street, your own apartment, etc. "She is what she is and likely had always been... what's YOUR excuse?" I had none. End of story.
  23. I am not an "expert" but as a certified rank amateur, would like to make two observations... Every so-called "wheat" cent has risen in copper melt value. There hasn't been one worth only face value in years. If you come across any, regardless of condition, set it aside. The other observation I wished to make was, for a non-Denver minted coin, it has attractive, comparatively smooth fields and high rims which I refer to as "High-Wires." It would make a fine addition to any album.
  24. Roger, I have a confession to make. I used the information in your Topic on the subject selectively to get him to respond: to draw him out. I failed miserably. He has been, and continues to be as cool as a cucumber.
  25. You're a good sport, tj! The last time I questioned why the Census Report for Worl Coins, and more particularly, French 20-francs gold roosters carried NO PRICES FOR ANY OF THE MINT STATE GRADES, (and they still don't) I was told "Stop the bashing!" and didn't bring it up again. I managed to compile the # 1 ranked set on the West coast, flying blind. I had no records. All the auction records were incomplete. I identify with your predicament completely!