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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. What's this? Dissension in the ranks? I'm no currency expert but I do know [for God knows how many years] the banknotes of many Latin American countries were printed, under contract, at the American Banknote Company in the South Bronx, New York U.S.A. It's either their money, or ours. None of this hybrid stuff. No way, Jose! IMNSHO. 🤣
  2. And here I was thinking EVOO was an EMU hatchling. 🤣 I have a bottle of Filippo Berio (since 1867) Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Where, on the low quality/premium version continuum does it lie? 🤔
  3. ".... the judgement of a few persons, however mature, might, after all, be opposed by the taste or predilection of the public at large.... " The formality is music to my ears! Ah, I tell you, I should have been born a hundred years earlier. It is my understanding the first commercially-made typewriters were not patented until two years after this letter was written. Thanks for the transcription!
  4. Blast from the Past 🐓: Mission Control to Hoghead! Come in Hoghead! HH: Go ahead, M.C 🐓: Anything new about that hoard found in a Kin-tuck Cornfield? HH: COIN HOARD?... CORN??? 🐓 : YES! HH: Nope, ain' nothin" hereabouts and yonder but coal and coal mines... 🐓 : Much appreciated. Let us know if you see or hear anything. 🤣
  5. Never gave the actual percentages much thought but it is clear that the higher up you go on the Mint State coins, their values, in many instances, rise exponentially.
  6. The road to perdition is paved with good intentions. The only way to find out if what you say is true is to run it by he who proclaimed he'd "rather be right, than nice." 🤣 And to those keeping score, it pleases me to no end to report I have broken my own personal record: ninety (90) consecutive days without so much as a warning or point assessment. Man, I love this place! 😀
  7. I ventured onto the Coin Marketplace and understand the confusion. It seems that "place," as it were is prefaced by some guidelines followed by topics eliciting the most recent replies in descending order. It appears your topic, should you choose to post one, will appear after those preliminaries are out of the way. Could it be better organized? Probably. Perhaps exploring all available options will help. Wading through hundreds of pages going back two decades, admittedly, is a bit much. There isn't a reputable source anywhere in the world that is unaware I am in the market for any one of three grade-scarce coins. Seeing as how "nothing ventured is nothing gained," maybe the Coin Marketplace is the place for me...
  8. Yup, you're in the right place. (The RMS Titanic may have been built in Belfast, Ireland but it was a British-flagged ocean liner.) Very nice coins!
  9. One cannot account for people's tastes, motives or proclivities on certain things, one of which is labels on coins. This is why doing due diligence is emphasized so much. How does one begin to explain to a non-collector that his 24-karat gold plated quarters are a splendid example of post mint damaged coins?
  10. Edit: The answer to the question may be found in the link helpfully provided in the first reply by @EagleRJO above.
  11. Bibliophiles prize First Editions of books by especially sought after authors, made all the more valuable by subsequent printings during which additions and deletions are made including redactions of entire paragraphs--even chapters. In coins, the only explanation that makes sense is Fresh off the Press and in that case, my understanding is, the entire shipment with package and postal markings intact, would have to be re-shipped unopened to NGC within a specified period of time. The post-mark and condition of the shipment is key.
  12. As I am no longer permitted to cross-examine witnesses on the Forum, I will instead make a bold assertion some may take exception with. I believe where set registrants are concerned, it takes one to know one. You may not have had the intention of being number one, and there are plenty of members who have no realistic expectation of ever achieving that status in a crowded field, but to echo an old movie title, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. For the few who calculatingly engage in "ascension by ambush," i.e., bank their acquisitions and suddenly deposit them in their Set Registry in one continuous series of masterful strokes, capturing the trophy, assuming the throne, and in so doing pushing all others down a notch [as well as out of the Top Ten] there are the surprise defections, disenchantments (the reality of biting off more than one can chew sinking in) as well as attrition through retirements. Two questions for Set Registrants (with the OP's indulgence): Are Set Registrants born, taking to water like hatchlings acquiescing to genetic instinct, or without a single coin in hand, does the thought simply occur to them, Hey, that looks appealing; I can do that? My final hunch... it is my belief, having spent a good part of one's most productive years in putting together one giant jigsaw puzzle, coin by coin (whilst simultaneously working on others) that if one attains Top Ten rank status with tens of thousands of points, say, 31,997 -- irrespective of a public declaration indicating otherwise -- no Set Registrant running in a crowded field with spaces wide enough to drive a Hummer through would brook having an upstart cut him off with a margin of just three points. No, he will come out of retirement, if necessary, and attend to his duty. One may very well attain the # 1 rank by default, but if one does it'll be a whole different ballgame. A primitive instinct will take over to preserve that ranking at all costs. I, of course, do not speak from personal experience. 🤣
  13. Low-visibility "now-you-see-it, now-you-don't" D. Tastefully toned with a splash of iridescent blue!
  14. Posted in the past 24 hours on the "For the Love of Copper" thread is what appears to be [at least to the untrained eye like mine] an ordinary collection of old coins compiled on several old cardboard holders. I took the liberty of checking the Set Registry, of which this collection is not a part, and discovered, though missing a single [key] date, they are anything but ordinary. There are presently 352 compilations of Half Cents on the NGC Set Registry of which there are 10 subsets, as follows: 2- Liberty Cap, 2- Draped Bust, 2- Classic Head, 1 Braided Hair and 3 of various compositions embracing the entire Half Cent series. Of the two compilations comprising the Draped Bust Half Cents, one features the complete series, 1800-1808, with 40 sets; the other titled "one-per-date," features 19. I believe it safe to say there are twice as many holes to be filled in the "complete" vs. "one-per-date" sets, and the set posted on the "Copper" thread features the complete series--minus a key example. [For purists, the # 1 ranked set lacks a single coin as well.] Having taken the liberty of perusing the # 1 ranked set -- with the longest title I have ever seen (some 12 words!) -- as well as lowest ranked set (which had one prior view, or perhaps that was mine) I can state unequivocally that the member's modest post to the thread, along with a sense of humor, is a most remarkable, quite incredible achievement. One might be tempted to dismiss the series as being comprised primarily of low-ball coins, but that comes with the territory. One member's set consists of a single coin which he unabashedly states he had found in the back of a garbage truck. Now that's the spirit that any collector can admire! So what to do about our fellow member's set minus one coin? Well, I figure if every member in good standing were to ante up a buck... 🤣 Ahhh, the joys of collecting!
  15. Faithful readers [and a proportionally significant number of transient lurkers loitering about] will recall that only hours ago I declared, quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger, that I would be "BAHK," if I spotted the mystery heiroglyph Moderation declines to define presumably regarding it as one would a state secret. I am therefore elated to announce inadvertently stumbling across "the hand" of which I speak in the "Rotated Reverse Coins" thread helmed by member Tyrock. It is 24 posts long at press time, and "the symbol," a hand, appears beside a member's name 7 posts down, on the right side. My question is: What does this symbol denote? [This is not a GTG exercise! Answer only if you know. Moderators are welcome to participate as always.]
  16. Technically, an emission is anthing that's been released out into the open or emitted into the world. Vehicle safety/emissions, car exhausts, burps and radio broadcasts are all examples of emissions. So are gases, liquids, electromagnetic radiation and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, or lasers. Now, what line of work did you say you were in? 🤣
  17. [In that case, my belated thanks for elucidating the difference between buying "sight-seen" as opposed to "sight-unseen" in an older, separate post. The information imparted therein is timeless.]
  18. The entire point of my post was to determine the significance of the hand ✋️ signal. If I locate it, in the immortal words of former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, "I'll be BAHK."
  19. Funny you should mention this now as Northeast Numismatics acquired -- earlier this month and apparently from a seller at the Whitman Coin Expo in Baltimore -- a Two-Cent collection consisting of 23 proof, [circulation] strike and pattern issues.
  20. Pardon my impertinence, but from whom did most of the heavy hitters you allude to -- most of which, by your account, are owned by the ANA -- obtain those raw, top-shelf, six-figure coins if not dealers, whom you pointedly stated elsewhere should not comprise any part of the association's top management?