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New World Currency



Where are we heading in America's currency?

More and more Americans are afraid we're heading for a double-dip recession. President Obama says the way out of our economic slump is to double American exports over the next five years. But China?s growth economy is slowing down, while Europeans are announcing austerity programs from London to Athens and all points in-between. If the world is contracting, who's going to buy all the stuff we plan to export?

And then there's the question, "WHAT are we going to export?" There are more Americans employed in government than there are manufacturing and construction. It's been that way since 2007 and it's getting worse. Our manufacturing base has been hollowed out and shipped overseas by the same Wall Street chuckleheads who tell us Americans are too lazy to do these jobs.


People employed in manufacturing, mining, logging and construction versus jobs for federal, state and local government employees (including teachers). You can see that 21 Million employed in government versa the private sector is 18 million trend isn't good.

So I'd say Obama's Plan A is SNAFU'd. Meanwhile, about 49 of the 50 states are running budget deficits that they can only balance by slashing expenses. Congress has shown it's in no mood for a second stimulus package. Yes, I'd say worries about a double-dip in the economy are right. And if things aren't handled correctly in Washington and you've got to admit their track record isn't good ? never mind a recession, we could even see another depression.

So what are we going to do? Some answers are elusive, but others are obvious at least to me. Too bad there's no one with any guts in Washington, because doing the right thing requires putting the country ahead of special interests.

Precious metals are not only critically strategic commodities, but, what is happening in those markets are also blatant signs of what may well be the most urgent financial AND strategic dilemma of our time:

The threat to the cornerstone of our nation, the U.S. dollar and our sovereign currency is the International Monetary Fund (IMF) main objective. Their intent is not just to remove the U.S. dollar as the world?s reserve currency, but, to create a world currency that nations will use to pay their countries debts between each other.

Normally, I only write on the subject of currency and economics, but, I?m finding it harder to ignore the mad men in the mass media that are trying to control individual though in this country with their propaganda machine. As Edward Bernays stated in his own book Propaganda (1928), which includes this assertion right on the cover:

?As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented. Democracy is administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses.?

As individual Americans we the people of this nation must resist tyranny in all forms and have a restoration of our Constitutional Republic, which, is obedience to God. We can no longer play into the hands of Career Politian?s and their propaganda machines, the two party system, has failed all Americans.

In closing, I want to leave you with two final thoughts; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stated ?No lie can live forever? and at the close of the Constitutional Convention, someone asked Benjamin Franklin what form of government the people would be given, a republic or a monarchy. Franklin replied ?A republic, if you can keep it.? We the people have not been diligent in our duties to preserve our constitution or our heritage it?s time to get to work in restoring what is rightfully ours.



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