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Thoughts from a Relaxing Sunday Afternoon



Feeling sentimental about 2009 already...


I have been having a great Sunday doing nothing than relaxing and thinking about the past year and the year just begun.

2009 was a challenging year for me. It was not at all a bad year, nor was it stellar, but it was a year equipped with a good set of changes that I am glad has happened for me.

This past year I decided to continue my education and pursue my degrees in General Education and Political Science. This is the most time consuming part of my life right now, pursuing those degrees. But I am finally glad to report that it is something other than my career that is taking up most of my time. I am glad to finally be in a place where an eight hour day is the norm, and ample time off is given...with pay. This allows me to pursue my higher goals, even if it does mean I am making less an hour than in most years past, but that has also worked in my favor where my income and great GPA has helped me to acquire grants for college.

It's that old "making lemonade out of lemons" cliche', and this time it has worked out for me.

I have also decided late last year to pursue becoming a Master Mason, and have started to associate with Masons from the local lodge here. A really great group of guys that I am glad to have met. The reasoning behind my interest in this fraternity is to associate with people whom I do not also work or go to school with. To expand my horizons in thought and conversation beyond everyone and everything I know at the moment. It has been an enlightening step in my personal life.

This past year I also felt a huge part of my life missing.

When the Mint announced there would be no Proof SAE's nor any "W" SAE's, I was stunned and disapointed...slightly relieved, too in a way. Relieved that I could pay off the cards and start to save for the next wave of coins coming next year. Also, I reminded myself that I still had 5 SAE'd in bullion form yet to be graded that I won in auction 2 years ago. I got all five for $90. This was before the hysteria created by some in the "media" that somehow my country was going to fail and all one would be able to buy anything with would be silver and gold causing a glut on the metals.

I miss the days of cheaper and more abundant silver!! :)

That's OK though. I am certain without any doubt that better and more prosperous times are ahead for all of us. I know that real prosperity lurks right around the corner and is approaching with every minute.

I hope 2010 has all of you feeling less hysteria and more certain as well in the days to come.

Peace be with you all!! The best is yet to come!!



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