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Caesar's Mini-Eagles



Somebody get me a doctor!!!

Oh man, I need help!!!! I can't seem to stop. I think I need Coinaholics annon.!!!! Last night I bid on and won a 2006 $5 mini-eagle. Didn't expect to win it, but I did. Caesar told me to bid, as remember, he likes gold coins. Never listen to a dog!!! The gold big Eagles and Buffs are way out of my price range, so went for the minis. Wow-another set to work on!!!!! I am anxious to get the coin-have never seen one in person, so should be fun to check out!!! Not a huge set to work on-good thing!!!! Going to do it in NGC PF-70. I can kind of putter along as I always do. Will keep you all informed!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!



12-19-09 Won my second coin in this set last night-the 2008 version!! Two down.........

12-21-09 The first Eagle has landed!!! My first coin in this set arrived today! Cool!! The 2006 starts me off!!!! Neat coin, although I had to get out the 'glass to see it! Tiny little bugger!!!!! First one of these I have actually held in my hand!!!! Caesar likes it a lot!! "Woof Woof" he said!!! I will have to send it in for re-holdering after the Holidays, but nice to get the first one!!!! I have two more coming-a 2008, and I won a 2007 early releases last night. I won't add the er to my set, but will wait to get a regular labeled one. I will acquire the other er and the one first strike just to have the complete set. TTFN, and Happy collecting!!!!!!!

12-23-09 Beep Beep!!! The 08 mini I won on E-Bay last week arrived today. Very nice looking coin-perfect 70!!! In a new Edge-View holder, so I added and scanned into my set. Two down..... I am surprised what these things have been going for online. Seems amazing that a coin with $100 worth of gold can bring close to $300. These coins are not rare at all. There are also a lot of 70's out there. I will bid-but I won't pay that much for these, so I lose a lot of auctions. I will bide my time and hope the prices drop a bit. I know they are popular, but.....

12-24-09 Well, after all the carping yesterday, I finally won a 2007 $5 goldie. After watching 4 or 5 end in the 257-274 range, I won a PF-70, NGC last night for less than $190!!!!! Score!!!! I guess good things do come to those who wait!!!! The 07 early releases arrived today. Perfect!!! This will be part of my set, but I won't add to my registry. Will wait for the regular label one. I will send in to be re-holdered into Edge-View holder to match my others. Ho Ho Ho!!!

1-9-10 My first entry of the year!!! I was able to add two minis to my set today. The 07 and the 93. Both arrived in the mail today. Excellent!! They are both very nice. The 93 even came in the new Edge-View holder!! I scanned it in and it is done!! The 07 will need to be re-holdered. Fun to be able to add a couple to my set. This will be a slow process, but good to work on. These are pretty nifty little coins-the smallest coins I have seen!! I hope to have the set finished by years end. We will see what happens!!!

1-14-10 Well, two more down!!! The 90 and 05 minis arrived today!!! Very cool! They are both very nice!!! The 90 will need to go in for re-holdering, but the 05 is scanned and in!!!!

Looking around for more, but pickin's have been slim lately!!!

Will keep searchin'!!!!

1-20-10 Well, was able to add a coin to my set today! Love it when that happens! The 95 arrived today. I won it on e-bay last week and it is here!!! I checked her over and she is nice! Came in the new style holder, so scanned her in. One step closer!!!!!

1-22-10 Another day, another mini!! The 91 beagle arrived today. Nice coin, looks really good. I added her in to my registry set. I will have to send in for re-holdering-getting quite a pile-before I add scans. I am waiting for four more to arrive next week before I send in a batch. This is fun!!! An Eagle a day.........

1-23-10 Big beagle day today!!! The 96, 97, 98, and 99 arrived at the old PO today! Fantastic!!! All of them are great!!!! Four more down in my set, many to go!!! I'll send in for re-holdering, and scan when they are back!!!!! Yee-Haaaaw!!!!!!

1-25-10 Fired off the nine minis I had that needed to be re-holdered into new Edge-Views. Hope they get done quick-then I can scan them in and be up to date with what I have in this set. Still looking for 9 of these bad boys to git 'er done. The ones I need are common, so looking for a good deal. With gold off its highs, hope I can score!!!!!

1-29-10 Two Eagles landed today! The first in series 1988, and the second, 1989 arrived at the PO today. Both very nice. As an added bonus, they arrived already housed in new Edge-View holders. Perfect! I did add to my set and was also able to get them scanned in as well. Down to 7 more to complete this set.

2-2-10 My 2001 and 2002 Eagles showed up today! Yeah!! They are both very nice and already in nice new Edge-View holders!!! I added them to my set. Scans will follow tonight or tomorrow. I also noticed the 9 I sent in for re-holdering are scheduled for grading. Hope they come home next week. With what I have coming, I am only short four of these things to complete my set!!!!! Still looking for bargains!!!!

2-5-10 Caesar's 94 mini arrived in great shape today. Looks really nice and in a new Edge-View to boot. I added it to my set with the help of NGC's Amy, (Thank you, Amy)!!!! and added scans as well. Down to four needed coins now to complete this dude. Lately, prices have been to high for me. These are not rare, and 70 pops are high, so will keep searchin' for deals!!!!!

2-12-10 The 9 minis I sent in for re-holdering arrived home today! They all look great in the new Edge-View holders except for the 2006, which came back with a big chink in the front of the new holder. I spoke with NGC, and they will replace it. Have to send it back, though. I will try to scan the rest into my set over the weekend!!!

2-16-10 The 92 arrived today. It is really a nice coin. Caesar loves his gold!!!! In an old style holder, so off it goes for the usual treatment of a new Edge-View. Will add scans when it returns!!! Down to three needed coins to finish this set off. Looking for bargains, so......Happy Collecting!!!

3-1-10 The 2003 I won on E-Bay last week arrived today. Very nice coin!!! I did add to my registry set. It will have to go in for the usual re-holdering. I have a couple more other coins coming to go in, so won't be long. Down to only two more to complete the set!!!!!!

3-2-10 I added scans of the 1992 this evening. It came back from NGC in its new holder. Looks nice. Love the Edge-View!!!

Still looking for the last two to finish up!!!!

3-6-10 I added scans of the 2006 mini today. I sent this coin in for re-holdering. It came back today, and NGC did an awesome job!!! Perfect coin now in a perfect holder!!!!! This was the first coin in my set, so it is special!!!!! Thanks, NGC!!!!!

3-11-10 The 2004 mini arrived in the mail today. Fantastic! Great looking coin-a-roo!!!! I did add it to my registry set. It does have to go in for re-holdering, so scans will have to wait. I do have a few other coins to fire off to NGC, so soon you all shall see it!!!!!! Only the 2000 remains to complete this neat set!!!! I am a lookin'!!!



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