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Now where did that month or two go...



I'm still around believe it or not.

For over a year there I tried to read every journal entry that was posted. I'd check in at least once a day to see what was going on. I have to admit I haven't been doing that lately. I haven't really been on much at all since I made my last journal almost 2 months ago. A quick browsing of the titles and teasers tells me that not much changed and confirms that some discussions will never die, no matter how many times you beat the dead horse. In some ways that sense of continuity is both depressing and reassuring.

I'm still working at my process safety research job and trying to finish off my degree. I'm taking my last 11 hours, not even considered a full load but it will feel like it with Plant Design. Lord willing, I'll receive my Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering on December 19, 2009, graduating magna laude ("with high honors"). I have a 3.77 GPA and I need a 3.7 for magna laude, so I need a 3.00 or better for the semester to get it. I keep bringing this up and I expect to be congratulated if I make it through this semester without shooting myself (odds are good that I will).

That on it's own would be fairly hectic. I also have to figure out what comes next however; I can't just wait until graduation day and then start planning. That course of action never seems to work out well. I went to a career fair today and fewer companies were in attendance than there has been in years and more than half of the ones I saw weren't even hiring full-time. That's making a second option all the more appealing. I'm thinking of trying to get my Ph.D. and I'll be taking the GRE in a couple of weeks so I can fill out grad school applications. I have a good relationship with some of my professors. If I stayed I would have a job, and my tuition would be covered. I wouldn't be rich but I'd be taken care of. That's not to say though that I consider it only as a fall-back. Part of me really would like to have the higher degree.

At times of transition I always find myself caught up in a sense of self-doubt and uncertanty. The correct path forward just never seems clear.

I haven't been doing much coin collecting in all of this. I've been dealing with a monetary crunch just trying to work with my parents to meet fees this semester. That's finally letting up, but I still don't have much time and energy to go hunting. Though, I will admit that I have been taking advantage of saved searches to have eBay do some of the looking for me. There's a coin that's ending in a couple of days (right when I should be getting some cash from parents and some back-pay for work) that I'm really tempted to try to buy. It's a bit expensive but my birthday is in about a month... maybe I could call it an early present to myself? (This coin doesn't become available in this grade very often you see... and it's shiney. O.o)

"Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




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