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In a nutshell here's how we came to this station in our economy.


Here's what John Adams had to say about the subject of money: "All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arise not from defects in their constitution or confederation. Not from want of honor or virtue so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." It is not widely known that the Constitution deals with economics, and most people are surprised to learn that the purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to "take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States," as stated by Alexander Hamilton in a report to Congress in 1786, recommending that there be a convention.


It was the purpose of the convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals. These were affixed by a permanent rule forbidding the use of the perishable medium of exchange such as certain agricultural products recognized by the statutes of some states as tender for debts, or the still more "pernicious expedient of paper currency" as President Andrew Jackson stated in his message to Congress on December 5, 1836.

Gold and silver were always to be the people's money. There is only one way for gold and silver to get into circulation and that is to go find it, dig it out of the ground, and then take the bullion and have it coined into money at a U.S. Mint. (Monetize it).


The Constitution clearly states that Congress was to do the coining (monetizing) so that all people would be assured the weight and purity was correct and that the value was in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Congress. In other words, they were to ?set the value thereof."


On December 16, 1789, the Pennsylvania Gazette had this to say: "Since the federal constitution has removed all danger of our having paper tender, our trade is advanced fifty percent. Our moneyed people can trust their case abroad, and have their coin into circulation."


Merrill Jenkins, Sr. in his book, "The Greatest Hoax on Earth" said: "The writers of the Constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article 1, Section 10, Paragraph 1, ' No state shall ... make anything but gold and silver coin tender in payment of debts' ".


Before continuing further, I want to strongly emphasize the words "DEBT-FREE." It's not just that gold and silver was used, but the fact that gold or silver coin was brought into circulation DEBT-FREE. This is the key to free money.


Gold and silver backed money loaned into circulation would be a little better than what we have now. The important point that must be understood is: Whatever is used as money (gold, silver, Federal Reserve Notes, Treasury Notes - whatever, must be put into circulation DEBT-FREE.


From the Supreme Court of South Dakota, April 5, 1892, in the State v. Scougal Northwestern Reporter Vol. 51, it states: "In 1694 the British Parliament chartered the Bank of England, and conferred upon that bank the power to issue demand notes to circulate as money." That was the beginning of paper money, bank issued debt-money, as we know it to be in use today in our country.


The Bank of England did not then, nor does it now, belongs to the English government, but is owned by individuals. Their power has grown from that day until now, and it will continue to grow unless the English people put a stop to it.


In the United States, our central bank, private bankers own the Federal Reserve. Private bankers control all the central banks in the world because the citizens of those countries are as ignorant about money as the Americans. We have been made slaves to these privately owned central banks though the issuing of money which they loan to us and tax us for its use through interest. A return to honest money as mandated in the United States Constitution is our only hope.


Money is an obvious necessity. Business, society and government could not possibly operate without a convenient medium of exchange, but it must be circulated among all the people by a means that will benefit all equally, and which will not incur debt to anyone by the means of how it's circulated.


Under our present money system, all the debt-free and interest-free money has been withdrawn from circulation. The people, not understanding our debt-money system, have tried to continue running their affairs by borrowing and being forced to use the interest-bearing substitute -- the banking credit-money. They do this, or they plain go out of business, or figure out some angle to get someone else's borrowed money and in turn leave them holding the debt.


Using debt-money is kind of like being pregnant. It starts out with what seems like great pleasure. Bank credits enable people to write words and numbers, or simply say, "Charge it" for goods that yesterday were only wished for. This enhances the illusion that little labor brings great rewards.


Since they don't understand the dangers of collateralizing (mortgaging their borrowed words and numbers with real property), the day comes when they realize there is so much debt that it is impossible to pay. That?s the stage of pregnancy when the baby gets so large that it is very cumbersome to carry. Then comes the great pains of the birth.


In the case of our vanishing freedoms, the difficulty is to understand that our debt-money system simply cannot function much longer. If the present pain brought on by the use of debt-money brings to the people an understanding and the return to honest, debt-free money, then the freedom is worth the pain. If not, it is like having a stillborn baby. You have the pain and suffering, and still lose the property with nothing to look forward to but another cycle of rising debt and an eventual collapse. Like the coming of the baby, the exact time of a collapse cannot be accurately predicted.


Let me further the history of money in our country. The United States, by an act of Congress, established mints for the free coinage of gold and silver. With silver coins being the same as the Spanish silver coins (which was the coin in usage at that time), an act establishing a mint and regulating the coins of the United States was passed April 2, 1792.

It was realized that government, business and society could not function without money; that gold and silver were the metals which served best as money; that it was the duty of government to encourage the production of gold and silver and the coining of it into money. For this purpose, mints were built.


The people brought all the gold and silver to the mint and it was coined into money -- monetized, free of charge. It was free coinage. This was money in its purest form - money owned by the people, furnished by the people from the sweat of their brow. It was monetized and put into circulation free of debt. The supply increased to meet the needs of the people. There was no interest (usury) charged against it.


Our founding fathers prohibited the states from emitting "bills of Credit" (paper money) in our constitution, which also makes it wrong for private bankers to create paper money Out of Thin Air (OTA) putting the American people in slavery with their debt (usury) money system. Article I Section 10: "... No state shall coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing




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