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12 Hours = Picture Perfect

Learning the camera, updating the set So today I got my "photo" stuff in the mail. I ordered a couple lights, because turns out I don't have a single portable light source besides a flashlight and a cellphone. I updated 90% of my registry with pictures. If you look through the pictures you will see them go from blurry images to some decent images. I need to go back and retake the fuzzy ones, but tomorrow is another day!!! To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New com



Oh Rosie, Oh Rosie, How did you get ahold of me like this???

Can't get away from that tiny 10c piece. Dear Mr. Roosevelt Dime, You first caught my attention in a cash register when I was 21. You sound different from the rest of the dimes in the till. I inspected you and all I knew was, "Hey! You're from 1962!" At that point in time, I didn't know you where silver, I thought you may be fake, or even an error. I took you home, and put you away, there you stayed until a much later day. Fast forward, maybe 7 or 8 years and I found some of your brot



Bliazzard 2013

Thinking back... As the snow falls rapidly, and the wind whips out side, and the news talks about power outages in the state I am amazed. I live where they say it will be the worst (for my state). All the local news channels are talking about Route 1 Foxboro getting hit the hardest and it's exactly 1 mile from my drive way. I'm grateful to have power, last year we lost it for 10 straight days. All of this and I love the snow. I hate driving in it, I hate shoveling and snow blowing...BU



Cut the spending and grow the collection

Here's how I deal I have a super small collecting budget. After the bills are paid, the food is bought, my son is clothed, and money is put away...well lets jus say there isn't much left. Each week I give myself an allowance for coffee, lunch, and whatever else I may need. It's not much, just $50. I make sure I get it in cash (10 $5 bills), and it breaks down to $10 a day (it's only for work days). I have a jar that says "Poker Money" on my desk and I fill it up every night when I get



Eyewear and Coin Collecting

A little less strain, and alot more detail. Having grown up in the optical world and taken it on as my profession I have learned alot of things. Being a coin collector, I have also learned how to make it easier. Looking for small details for extended periods of time and be brutual on the eyes. Having a really good pair of properly fit eyeglasses will make huge differences in your experience. If you have a strong prescription or no prescription at all, you have alot to gain by investing i

