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Entries in this journal

I really like kookaburras because I am a bird person.

Koala's will do.... and when they are MS70 silver kilos, they will especially do. The Perth mint only made 500 of them. I bought one today and I can't tell you how excited I am for it to arrive. I haven't bought anything in a very long time and having something to look forward to is helping with my depression. I've been in a terrible funk for awhile now and the time does correspond to the blank period in purchasing coins. Someone needs to tell doctors about this. All we need is coins. We



I really like kookaburras because I am a bird person.

Koala's will do.... and when they are MS70 silver kilos, they will especially do. The Perth mint only made 500 of them. I bought one today and I can't tell you how excited I am for it to arrive. I haven't bought anything in a very long time and having something to look forward to is helping with my depression. I've been in a terrible funk for awhile now and the time does correspond to the blank period in purchasing coins. Someone needs to tell doctors about this. All we need is coins. We



I've been trying very hard lately to photograph and enter my coins

The weather was just too nice yesterday. Someone on here mentioned that they hoped for good weather to take pictures. Well, I tried and tried to get a nice picture but I couldn't get away from things reflecting off of the coin....including the camera! The light was just great, though. I finally gave up and let the trees reflect off the coins. The result was not necessarily bad. It's probably not going to win any photography awards, but I liked it. To see old comments for this Journal



I finally saw the grades on the very first 5 coins I have had graded.

Perfect? Almost perfect? Not good at all? It was just ok. Nuthin' to write home about but nothing to be ashamed of either. If it is not perfect I should get an explanation as to why it isn't perfect. Does anyone know if I will? That's not to say mine weren't perfect, but,... if they weren't is what I mean.... Will they tell me why? I want to know details. I hope they tell what makes them perfect, too. I can't wait to get them back with all their brothers and sisters! I know the



The sun has come out in D.C. and my coins are coming back!

I saw one of my coins on television! ....at least I think I did. I'm a first-timer at having coins graded by NGC. It's kind of like sending your first-born child off to school and the anxiety of waiting for them to come back. You are just certain SOMETHING will go wrong. Well, I am certain that nothing will go wrong and I look forward to seeing the coins and the grades they were given. The coins looked nice and shiny to me, but they all look good to me! Thank you all for



It's a gloomy old day here in the DC metropolitan area

There are only 2 things that could brighten the day: 1. Sunshine 2. My very first coins could return from NGC gradingIt's about time within a day or so. The waiting is the worst. If the grades aren't good then it will be the worst, then. I keep telling myself not to take it personally if the grades are bad. After all, I didn't make the coin and I haven't had it in my posession for very long. Yup the waitin is the worst. I hope all of you coin people are having a great day! I'm not



It is finally time for RETIREMENT!!!

After 40 some odd years of hard labor (I am an IT Specialist) I finally get to go!!! One and 1/2 more weeks. I plan to put all of my coins here with pictures. I have a gazillion that I have collected over the years but couldn't do anything with them but put them in a box. The sad part is the budget will be tighter and I am going to have to narrow my choices. I don't care. I finally have freedom. I think that I will use some of the coins to support other collections. I won't part with m



Still haven't sent my coins in for grading

I don't know what the procrastination is all about. I'm just literally afraid I will do something wrong. We all like to know what we're getting into before we jump in the pool. We don't want to look stupid, after all. The only way to get experience is to just "do it!". The coins are most likely NOT counterfeit but you never know. A perfectly honest, but naive person like me could get one and sell it thinking it is real. Then, old naive me would buy it from them.... I had a little pr



I looked back at my first journal entry and what a surprise !

The name of this company is 'NGC', not 'NGS'!! Hi, all I hope everyone is doing well... and you're collections are moving along! Now that I know what company I'm dealing with (-: I can move on. Today, I am going to pack up 5 coins and send to NG? (I think that's what I will call them from now on). Is it good luck, bad luck, no luck at all, proper, or improper to tell what coins you are sending in? Well, I am, anyway because I am so excited. 1 - 1993 $2 - 2 ounce silver Kookaburr



Today is day 1 for the journal entries

Having trouble with photography. I thought I was going to become a coin collector! I have actually tried this before, but somehow it did not work. Maybe this time it will. I have entered some coins. Having a lot of problems with pictures. I am not a photographer. I am just barely a coin collector! I feel funny calling myself a coin collector even though there are a lot of coins around the house here and there. Back to picture problems.... I have tried different options and I am stil



July 10, 2011 Getting Used to NGS

Another thing to figure out! I am sure I will get the hang of it. I am currently doing my best to add a coin to my registry. I guess that's what you call it....or maybe it is my collection. Anyway, I am trying to add a coin to something. There were 2 other coins in there that I added another day, but I somehow I managed to wipe them out. Back to the beginning. Now I have one coin again. I am very happy I have it entered. Maybe I won't lose it!

