Shanky's Journal

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Entries in this journal

Four years is a long time

Back in the coin collecting game Four years. In that time I could have completed one term as president. Earned another bachelor's degree. Or served a prison sentence for a serious felony. Alas, that's also how long I've been out of the coin collecting game. And the last time I submitted a journal entry. For the good readers of the numismatic community, sadly my story isn't unlike a lot of stories nowadays. In 2011 I went through a devastating divorce, and sold off what was the beginning



Who DOESN'T Like a Good Upgrade?

Always striving for perfection I?m a sucker for a good upgrade. Doesn?t matter what it is. Cars, appliances, clothes, jobs, wives. . .if there?s a better one out there, I want it. And the same holds true for my coin collection, specifically my Type Set. Among my collection was a very nice 1883 No Cents Liberty Head Nickel (NGC MS65) and a 1929-D Standing Liberty Quarter (NGC MS65), both purchased within the last five months. I was happy with both, but not ecstatic. The other classic coins in



Standing LIberty On Her Way

Scrimping and saving for months finally pays off. There are lots of bad things about getting older. My feet hurt, I can?t just bounce off the floor like I used to, I find myself shaking my fist at the reality shows that proliferate the airwaves today, and unfortunately the ?season? I most strongly associate with mid-April involves taxes, not baseball. But, I will say, the best thing about being an adult is having some actual money to spend, albeit only every few months after setting aside $5



Buffalo Hunting

Adding a high-grade Buffalo nickel brings me full circle Oh, I remember it well. Rows and rows of old Buffalo nickels sat in a red velvet-lined shelf in a little coin shop in the Bannister Mall in Kansas City, Missouri, teasing me in their splendor. I?m guessing it was around 1984, and 12-year-old Shanky kept his nose pressed to that rotating glass case for what probably amounted to hours during that 3-day stay over the summer of ?84. The old clerk behind the counter could only roll his eyes a



Hello everybody

Ramblings from the office Hello fellow collectors. After perusing the journal entries for the last few months, I thought I?d tip-toe across the diving board and jump in with my own contribution. This is also a way for me to look like I?m working while not really working. For those Office Space fans out there, you know what I?m talking about. This first paragraph is going to be the obligatory ?about me? section. You know, the life and times of Shanky. Honestly, it?s no great shakes, but I sta

