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An Error!

Unfortunately not in the ?Mint Error? variety, but in the understanding of coins expending money sort? this one truly is my insufficiently_thoughtful_person novice error? I was minding my own business, surfing the internet auction sites when the opportunity to purchase some graded coins with no reserve and no buyer?s premium appeared. I should have known to be careful, do some research? just don?t bid! Alas my clicking fingers got the better of me. What I didn?t really understand was that ?



A Freshly Minted Collector

Everything has to have a beginning; so this is it! At some point a bag full of coins moves from being just that, to being a collection. I?m not really sure how that happens, maybe it?s when the bag gets to heavy or the need to spend some of the coinage overrides the desire to horde massive amounts of metal away for future years. Whatever the reason it has happened and history (my personal history? that is) will mark today as the day I became a coin collector. Now, after perusing several websi

