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Spent a Lazy Sunday Organizing some Collecting Chaos And .....

Found a few forgotten treasures !!! I spent my first full day of vacation today trying to bring order to a disorderly collection mess . After several wretched hours of grueling work , I was pleased to have it all finished . Yes , it really WAS alot of hard work but truth be told I found some real thrills as I re-discovered some forgotten treasures like these AU/BU Mercury Dimes that had sat in an envelope in a box for 4 years . And there was the bag of Silver Canadian Halves . And the VG 189

Newest Washington Silver State Quarter Proof Addition

Assembling This Modern Set has been a BLAST !!! Today I received one PF-70 UC Nevada Silver State Quarter to add to my Registry Set . I know I am a quarter-nut ( my first Journal Post tries to explain that ) but I really am at a loss as to why more people on the NGC Registry have opted out of collecting this terrific series , which has personal meaning for practically anyone as we have all literally lived in one state or another at some time unless we reside in a US Territory ( yep and there's

Cracked the Top 2,500

Cool Beans another Milestone ...of sorts .... Just another note to myself , my point total cracked the Top 2500 on 10-06-10 . Kind of cool . Not a huge event but a notable one . I have opened up a couple more sets as well . I am hoping to be mostly done with the 32-64 Washington Quarter Set by March 2011 and hope to have atleast started entering my Peace Dollar Set by then . I have assembled a pretty neat higher grade set ( all mint state ) of Peace Dollars ( the good news ) the not-so-

Completed a 1950-1964 Washington Quarter Proof Set :)

Finished a bit ahead of schedule and WAY under budget . Just a note to myself that I managed to complete a 1950-64 Washington Quarter Proof Registry Set with the addition today of the final coin ....a 1950 . I still need to add a final picture of the last coin and sometime this fall I will be re-slabbing the 1952 for very possibly a higher grade and definately an attribution for the SUPER BIRD variety on the slab which it presently lacks . To see old comments for this Journal entry, click h

Coin Collecting at It's Very Best !!!

Finding a treasure where none was seen before is definately the ultimate thrill for this collector !!! I was sorting and packing away some slabbed proof quarters earlier this evening when something told me to stop and examine one 1952 Proof Quarter in an old PCGS green holder . I flipped the holder over and yanked out my 10x glass and to my utter bewilderment and joy there sat as plain as day a SUPERBIRD variety waiting to be discovered !!!! Granted the coin which IS currently registered in


What's the Point Again ? Oh yes he or she with the MOST points....wins ! I really HATE to complain . Before I do I MUST still take a second to thank NGC for the venue and the Registry Set site which I appreciate and fully enjoy That being said I too have found some very perplexing point questions as I have assembled my very modest sets . Washington Quarter Proofs 1950-1964 for instance . Most proof coins that are NOT Cameo or Ultra Cameos or SB varieties simply get the same number of points

Personalizing a Registry Set One Step Further

Dedicating a collection and a Registry effort to someone special really makes it personal .... Last night I added a short little line at the end of my set's desciption to dedicate my particular set to someone very close that I lost last year ....someone who truly shared my interest and love of coins and someone who would be cheering me on to get my set completed....if they were still here . All possible thanks to the unique set of tools NGC has provided each of us to describe and show our regi

Half Way There and No Turning Back Now !!!

Half Full or Half Empty This Registry Set is Goin' Strong !! Well I have reached a personal milestone today with the addition of yet another registry coin into my Washington Quarter Set . I now have by count 50% of the set listed . It's been MORE fun than I ever envisoned and I am even more excited now than when I began in early March . I will soon be listing some better dates as they arrive back from NGC , coins that were previously graded and slabbed by the likes of PCI and ANACS ...which in

A Penny and My Thoughts

Finding a small numismatic treasure in pocket change is where the real thrill of collecting is found....or is it the story it would tell if it could.... I found a 1917 Lincoln Cent in pocket change today and I have to confess my first thoughts were...dang!!....I wish I could tell without a glass if it was one of those fabled Double Die cents of the same year , unlikely as that might be !! However my thoughts quickly changed as I considered this particular coin's journey and the 93 years it too

A Life Long Coin Collecting Journey and a Washington Quarter Registry Set

Most of us have reasons why we collect what we do ...and love what we collect ....in this Journal I share mine .... In the summer of 1965 my father added a couple lines to a letter that my Mom had written to me while I spent a few weeks at my cousin Jimmy's farm on Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore . He wrote " when you get back home ..I have something I want to give you " . Of course as an 8 year old boy my mind raced with visions of candy canes and sugar plums and I couldn't wait to get hom