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Sometimes you Just Have to LOOK

A lazy rainy afternoon looking in an old box of coins always has a surprise or two ........I was digging around in an old box of ANACS and PCI coins this afternoon and discovered a couple semi-treasures I did not realize that I had including the one pictured: An ANACS 1934-D DDO Large ( Filled ) D Variety in AU-55 which just recently began appearing in the Red Book as an established variety ( the large filled D being the tougher sub-variety as there is the slightly more common DDO with a smalle

Silver Pocket Change Goodies Once Again !!

A handful of Silver Oldies !! Found in the till this past week at work one 1945-P Silver Wartime Nickel , one 1961 Canada Dime and the big surprise one well worn 1917 Mercury Dime !! ALSO PICTURED : My 2004-S Silver Proof-70 UC Michigan State Quarter pending transfer to me and my #55 State Quarter Set . To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

Another Day's Worth of Loot at Face Value !!

Maybe nothing spectacular but anything at purchased at FACE in pocket change that's worth collecting is a find indeed !!2002-S Proof Nickel , 1957-A Silver Certificate $1 and 1934-D Silver Certificate $5 . Not pictured 1938 Jefferson Nickel and 1950 $10 Federal Reserve Note . Takes me back to the first paper currency I ever saw....which was a 1957 $1 silver certificate .At that time a DOLLAR was worth something tangible and the certificate could actually be redeemed for real silver .Not much s

Who Ever Said You Can't Find Collectibles in Change ?

Imagine finding 3 ROLLS of Standing Liberty Quarters at Face !! Thats what a friend of mine recently got at the bank when asking for rolled quarters for a card game . 3 entire ROLLS of SL Quarters ! Unfortunately all of them were dateless he says . Another coin club member has been searching bank purchased penny rolls for over a year and has found TWO 1983 DDR Lincoln Cents uncirculated . As for me ...here's a scan of my latest treasures...$10 1950-C FRN , 1964 90% Half Dollar , 1931 Canad

Fall is Close at Hand Here and so are plans to Wrap up my Registry Additions for 2011

I have finished assembling raw coins for submission for this year ..... Fellow Collectors : Its tough sometimes to decide which coins to submit and which to hold back for next time . As we all know the entire process of slabbing coins is quite expensive . So I have managed to go thru and pick out some interesting coins to send in a few of which are worthy of mention : 1884-S Morgan clearly uncirculated but very darkly toned , 1953-S Franklin very high grade virtually FBL extremely dark grayish

A few More Exciting Recent Finds in Pocket Change !!

And some perplexing questions I can not answer about a Penny .... Hello Fellow Collectors : I have posted a photo of some pocket change finds from this past week . A 1960 Roosevelt Dime , a 1920 Lincoln Penny in FINE , one 1943-P Jefferson War Nickel , a 1966 Kennedy Clad Half , a 1917-P Buffalo Nickel ( yes I nicodated it to bring out that well worn date ) and finally a 1955 Lincoln Cent in a very un-usual uncirculated condition ....even stranger it's a Poor Man's Double Die Variety with the

1939-D Washington Quarter MS-65 Rainbow Obverse

Another recent addition to my soon filled Washington Quarter Set . This coin sports an absolutely awesome rainbow splashed obverse along the rim with lovely light gold toning everywhere else ...the reverse has beautful gold rim toning . Truly the most attractive coin of this date and mint I have yet seen . Coins like this one just make this set so much more interesting . Toning is not uncommon with Washington Quarters and is especially desirable on semi key and key date coins like this one .

A few More Choice Weekend Finds in Pocket Change !!!

Forget the Registry just for a minute and re-discover the thrill of finding collectables at face value in your pocket !! Looking thru change in the till at work again this weekend yielded a bonanza of coins .....nothing really valuable of course ( although I do still hold faint hope of a double die popping up one day on a Lincoln Cent ).....this weekend's haul so far : Roosevelt Dimes :1960 in a great AU , ( 2) 1963 Avg Circ , 1956-D Aver Circ , one 1968 Canadian 50% Silver Dime , one 1944-P

Key Date 1942-S Washington Quarter

Love the coin not happy it replaced another ..... I recently added one very pretty 1942-S Washington Quarter into my existing set and have attached a picture . This is an awesomely toned example , in fact maybe the only toned coin of this date and mint that I have ever seen in hand . Unfortunately my long time nominee for the slot was returned by NGC as cleaned obverse despite being in an ANACS holder with an MS-65 grade . That coin is a bright white flashy example ( no one else including

Neat Little Find

After Complaining about a lack of silver coins in circulation someone felt sorry for me .......Greetings again Collectors : My recent complaints about not being able to find silver coinage did not go unheard....somekind soul unknown to me ended up dropping a 1964 Roosevet Dime in as payment today at work and my eagle eye snagged it right up .This collector can hear a silver coin from 100 feet away if it's dropped even slightly and can spot a silver dime in a pile of clads without hesitation . A

More and More Paper Less and Less Silver ........

Finding older paper currency in circulation seems to be getting more common and silver coins less and less of late .... Greetings Collectors : I am finding a new trend with my circulated pickings at work .....I used to pick up a stray silver coin or two every week ( a Roosevelt Dime , Kennedy Clad Half or War Nix most common ) now I am finding nothing ...I mean nada . In recent weeks though I have seen a spike in old bank notes ....2 of which I previously shared . Here's a third I recently g

Finally ! Finished another Registry Set !!

But do we ever really finish these or are they just a continual work in progress ? I am pleased to be able to say that I today finished another Registry Set....My Silver Proof State Quarter Set is finally done . Well maybe not...I could upgrade it quite a bit to be sure but every slot is now filled . I think now I am going to take a bit of a breather then finish my regular issue 1932-64 quarter set . I have unfortunately been ( and am still ) very sick with Bronchitis and it's really kicki

A Sweet Find in Pocket Change Yet Again and some Questions too ......

The old fashioned thrill of a " treasure find " in pocket change never disappoints !!This morning at work another sweet find .....one $50 Series 1934 Chicago FRN in slightly better than average circulated condition . Maybe some older timers than myself could volunteer what a fifty dollar bill would have purchased in 1934 ??!! That was 2 full years before my mother was born . My father was a very young 5 year old living in the midst of the Great Depression in southern Virginia . Not long afterwa

I'll Never Tire of Finding One of These !!

Another simple pleasure in a vast world of coin collecting !! Another find at work a couple days ago gave me one heck of a thrill ...counting thru a pile of nickels one caught my eye it was one flashy 1937-P Buffalo ! Upon closer examination it appears someone had polished the coin but none-the-less details wise it's an attractive higher grade VF . Granted it's not headed anywhere to be slabbed and won't make it into an albumn but it sure is down right COOL to find one of these especially i

More Lincoln Cents and Sense

The recent NGC point adjustments seem not to make any SENSE to me and other rantings and ravings of a confirmed Coin Nut . Not that I am overly concerned on the subject , but reading recent posts with great interest concerning the recent NGC point adjustments to RED designations on LINCOLN CENTS , seem to make no SENSE to me where I have only two coins entered in the Lincoln Registry....both are RED . The 1970-S LD MS-64 RED cent went from a 3 pointer to 45 points due to the adjustment . My 19

Finished the Year About Where I Hoped

Just a quick update about a personal Registry Goal .... I am figuring with the holiday fast approaching my Registry efforts for 2010 have about come to a close for the most part but today with the replacement of a PF-69 UC Montana Silver State Quarter with a similar but higher graded PF-70 UC example I managed to eek out enough points to hit the 20,000 mark....which is about where I had hoped to be ...a relative goal of sorts . I'm finding in many cases it's cheaper to BUY examples already g

What a profound Dis-appointment ...........

When you find a coin has been damaged all along and you had absolutely no idea .... I have spent a good part of the last few hours today removing some coins from what I'll call Fourth Party Grader's Slabs ...those companies that did not do such a good job consistantly anyways...to get them ready for eventual NGC certification . I was almost devastated to discover an 1864 2 Cent Piece graded MS-64 Brown had significant damage that COULD NOT BE SEEN through the slab for some reason ....som

Was Dazed and Confused Now Humbled but Complaining Still !!

Adding a non-NGC/PCGS coin to a Custom Set begs the question ..... Why bother at all ?First...a big thank you to GHERRMANN44 for his help explaining that while you can add any coin to a CUSTOM set the kicker as he put it is that the coin and the information about it will not display ( kudos for his clever way of getting his to show though ).Thats very disappointing to say the least . What REALLY irritates me is that even the owner of the coin can not easily look at / access the addition to the

Am I really THAT DUMB ??

Adding a coin to an Existing Custom Set today made me feel like I wasn't too smart ........... Being on vacation yet again gave me a chance on a lazy Sunday afternoon to poke around in my better organized collection ( thanks to that LAST vacation 4 weeks ago ) and make some decisions . One was to add an ANACS graded coin to my sole existing custom set .I had actually kinda forgotten I even had this coin to be honest . But there I found it today right in front of a large stack of ANACS coins wi


As collectors our collections benefit and we are KEENLY interested when precious metal prices surge but in the end will we be winners or losers because of it ? Let me start by saying I enjoy the updates I read here , especially from W.K.F . concerning his thoughts on the price of precious metals . I too share many of his thoughts on the subject and appreciate him sharing his . However the one thing that interests me more than the upward price inclination we have seen are the WHYS and WHEREFOR

One Last Extremely Tough NEW ZEALAND 3 Pence Beauty !!

this coin is just too nice to pass up sharing ..... First ....I DO hope the picture that I am adding to this journal comes thru ok and the coin image appears large enough to make out the date and detail . This beautiful 1942 New Zealand 3 Pence , One Dot Variety , is also headed to NGC this coming week . The coin appears to me to be in about AU-55 ( that's my personal bet anyways ) . Of the mintage of around 3.12 million there were only about 250 thousand of these very small silver coins rel

First Addition to a brand New Registry Set

Organizing my collection during my last vacation revealed some Certified Treasures ready to be placed in the Registry ..... Last week while I was on vacation I happened upon a large quanity of coins ( see previous post ) that I had picked up over the preceding two years and just packed away with not a single after thought ....I pulled this beauty out of a box where it had sat for many months untouched until just today . It was purchased long before I joined NGC's Collector Society ....so I ne

More Collectable STUFF right in Pocket Change !!!

Keeping your eyes open pays off again ...and again .... I enjoyed reading W.K.F's entry about those smooth edge bank roll finds ....having just got home from work I had a find of my own today ...one 1935-F $1.00 Silver Certificate . Yes there really WAS indeed a time where paper money could really be exchanged for a " hard asset "...real tangible money . Since March I have enjoyed numerous finds at work including several 1955-D/S Nickels , a red seal $100.00 bill from the 60's that retails

A Couple More Beauties on the Way to NGC for a Fresh Look

These two registry quality coins are sorely needed in my set ...as I get closer to the finish line ........Here are the last two slabbed quarters I have dug up to send off to NGC along with the aforementioned 1932-P . The coin on the left is a 1939-D 25 cent graded MS-70 by SGS ( no that's not a joke but it could be ) the coin on the right a 1942-S MS-65 by ANACS . Looking both coins over together I am going to " place my bets " that the 39-D will come back as an MS-64 ( it's borderline MS-65 t

An Old Beauty Headed to NGC for a Fresh Look

This high grade quarter lacks only a re-certification from NGC to be entered into it's registry final slot !!I am not sure how many of you readers may have had experiance with an old company called PCI , but I for one was generally pleased with the quality of grading services from them over the years and I still have numerous examples . In particular is one 1932-P Washington Quarter MS-67 ( PCI ) . This heavily toned gem is being packaged up this month along with some others so that I can get