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Question about Full bell lines, full steps, full torch, etc.

Why don't proof coins get these designations. As a collector of primarily proof coins, mostly raw but a few of them graded. I've noticed that proof coins don't seem to be recognized by the major grading companies NGC,PCGS and the others as having full bell lines, FT,FB,FS,etc. Why is this? Or do they grade them as such and I've just not seen any for sale? It would seem to me to be just as relevant a grading criteria for proof coins as well as mint state ones. Any thoughts or comments on this



Taking Good Photos

Does'nt anybody use a scanner?? All this talk of exposures and tripods and what not. Too complicated.... All the coins in my collection were scanned into the various sets. I've used a HP 4200C flat bed scanner for a long time. It's a no-brainer, you just lay the coin on the bed. Push a button or two and presto a great photo comes out. Perfectly exposed, no shaking hands, nothing. It also will scan at up to 3200DPI. Which is better than any digital camera I'm aware of today. I usually scan @ 40



Is It Just Me???

Can't make it work right! ARRGH I worked for 2 hours this morning, updating my raw & graded Lincoln cent custom set. When I try to view it from the publics viewpoint. It says I have 67 items and 31 images, all good so far. However.... When I click on the set itself only the graded coins and the coins on my want list show up.(no raw coins or images showup) Which is barely half of the listed 67 items and 31 images??? Anybody else have this problem? OR IS IT JUST ME!



More problems with site upgrade???

All columns not working right. I'm generally pleased with the site upgrade... However, I added the mintmark and composition columns to my collection manager. The mintmark column has ALL (both) the info in it. Mintmarks and composition are all in the mintmark column. My eagles don't show the mintmark, they all just say EAGLE?? The composition column is all blank, there is no way to put any info in this column anywhere that I can find??? Some of the mintmark columns have the mintmark, other colu



Off to the show!

Local coin show today! Today I'm off to the Port St Lucie Community Center, for a Stamp, Coin and Postcard show. I found the listing for the show in the events calendar of my latest issue of Coin World Special Edition. Coin shows are few and far between now a days. Especially in our humble little burg. The show is being put on by the Port St Lucie Stamp Club. But I'm hoping (hopeful ?) that there's enough coin dealers there, so I can score the BIG FIND! Wish me luck. At least it looks like



Mint sets/proof sets no gold

For us without deep pockets! I really love the idea of collectors starting tribute sets for their parents/grandparents/children etc. birth years. My request is this could NGC please allow us to start Mint sets/proof sets no gold. Like they do for type sets. It would give us collectors without the silver spoon in our mouths. At least a fighting chance of completing them some day.My parents were born in the 20's and my grandparents were born in the 1880's + 90's. Tough enough as it is without ad



Burned on Ebay/ Switched Coin in Slab?

Is it just me? I recently purchased this Proof 1954 Roosevelt on Ebay. I was busy when it arrived, so I gave it the once over and put it aside.(Dummy) Upon closer inspection it seems apparent(to me) that the slab was opened and the coin switched and the slab was remelted back together. If you'll notice the cloudy/(obviously melted) area at 6 and 9 o'clock on the obverse shot, there's a smaller melted area at 3 o'clock that does'nt show in the scan. Am I right or am I worrying about nothing



Update to burned on Ebay

A really bad attitude! Well I contacted the seller (a Powerseller for what that's worth). He says the burn marks are toning on the slab. Is it me but I thought only coins toned. Well slabs do too now! Thats sure news to me. I wonder if NGC has any input on this. He told me because the coin only sold for $11.50 plus shipping he could'nt be bothered with it.The Numismedia on the coin is $42.50 plus grading fees(He's an NGC authorized vendor too) as he stated. If I want to send it back to him

