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My Lincoln Rolls From Southern Coin

Still Haven't Arrived I called today about the status of my Lincoln B.U rolls I ordered last month. They said that a couple of rolls were not at the facility, and they were supposed to be mailed out as soon as they found some. They said the order has been sitting since the 23rd. They will mail what they have, and back-order the rest. Finally, some coins coming my way.

California Kid

California Kid

Reply to Texans Coins

State Quarters Are Pretty Easy To Find I also collect the Lincolns, we plan to eventually have as many complete (our version of complete) sets as possible in the next few years. The State quarters were pretty easy to get in proof condition, as we buy multiple proof sets each year. We have sent in a couple 1999 proof sets to get slabbed, and most came back PF 69 U.C. A few 70's so far. We have sent in a few other proof sets for certification, and have gotten back a few 70's, but nothing under a

California Kid

California Kid

Waiting for my Lincoln rolls from Southern Coin Investments

My first order with them I am waiting for my first order of some Lincoln B.U Cent rolls to come from Southern Coin Investments. I was just curious if anyone out there has dealt with them, and if they had a favorable/not favorable experience? I plan to put together at least 20 more Lincoln cent sets, and wonder if this is a good company to deal with. They seem to be 'pro' customer service. I called them about the postage on the amount of rolls on the first order, as the order form is not very s

California Kid

California Kid

My Pretty Little Lincolns

Getting into the 'spendy' cents I have finally started getting 'serious' about trying to complete some of our Lincoln Cent collections. We have 3 in progress right now. They were just a few handfuls of cents gleaned from weekly bank runs to obtain as many rolls as the clerks were willing to lug to the counter for me. Then I get rid of the ones I don't want at another bank, so that I do not get the same pennies back again and again. I just turned in $35.00 worth a week ago. I have all of our co

California Kid

California Kid

Should You Have To Have A Registry Entry To Be Able To Use This Forum?

No, I don't think so I thought that the comment that members should have to register at least one coin to 'be heard' to be pretty lame. I doubt many agree with it. But as with everything in life, you have up and down, good and evil, black and white, silver and clad. I used to have ALL my coins registered. Now they are not. I chose to withdraw them. I do not need to be #1, since my coins are for investment. Sure, many of them are beautiful, and I look at the more interesting ones when I get bor

California Kid

California Kid

Good For You

Glad You Like EbAy Its good to hear that there are a few good dealers on Ebay out there. If I ever decide to roll the dice and take a chance that 99% of the great deals on Ebay are NOT scams or rigged, then I'll look these self proclaimed 'Best Sellers' up and do some business. I have no problem paying proper postage on an item when it is mailed to me. What I DO have a problem with, is these scammers claiming 'It took a mile of bubble wrap, and tape, and my gas mileage to the post office, and-

California Kid

California Kid

Reply to taxes

Getting worse There are a great deal of taxes yet to be heaped on the hobby of coin collecting. In my opinion, look for taxes to drive up the prices of ALL areas of collecting, which I believe will drastically reduce its popularity for years. We need to make sure that we have our thinking caps on when we vote the next round of yay-hoo's into office. To all you serious collectors out there: Don't worry, maybe in a few more years, we can get a government in place that will not have to tax and sp

California Kid

California Kid

Reply to moondoggy

E-Bay is getting worse I imagine that the main reason some vendors in Ebay use the 99 cent or 1 cent draw, is to get some interest in the item. I tried both buying and selling on Ebay, and although it was only a few years ago, I have not used Ebay as a buying option because of the rampant fraud and scams in there now. There has always been scammers in there, but now it is really bad, with people bidding on their own items with extra accounts to boost the price, and the mysterious appearing 're

California Kid

California Kid

Question About Chopmarks To Beaw

I have seen similar marks on currency I was just wondering what purpose the chopmarks serve on the coins? My understanding is that when these marks are made by different countries on paper currency, it is to show that the bill has been verified as genuine and not counterfeit. Is it the same for the coins? And if so, doesn't it seem like a waste of time for coins, as the probability of someone counterfeiting a coin is much less that for paper money. I have never heard of these coins, so I guess

California Kid

California Kid

Reply To Incredible Run

You have the luck of the devil I imagine that these coins are not very popular due to the fact that they are 'gold'. If they were made of the same material as the Prez dollars, they would have taken their rightful place in the realm of the State quarters. But being so pricey, I didn't buy any yet, and may not. But they are nice looking coins, and you have had VERY good luck with getting 70's. I hope you continue on the same way with the rest.

California Kid

California Kid

Statehood Quarters Thoughts Also-- --

I only have the proofs We have a set of all 50 states** state quarters in clad and silver, but only in Proof. Some are NGC certified, some are on the way. I find it amazing that in some of the various coin catalogs that make it to my mailbox, that the first year proof singles of that first year of quarters, 1999, run as high as $90.00 EACH! I guess I better get the new Red & Black book for 2010, lest I miss some other surprise about our collection!

California Kid

California Kid

Reply to coins as an investment

I will retire on mine We believe that proof coins, as well as certified older coins are always a sound investment, as they have really gone up in value in the last 10 years with the State Quarter craze, and have never really went down in value. As for (sorry for this, many of you collect these) commemoratives and special coins that are not monetarily usable, I believe that THESE coins will start to lose value as collectors dry up in this area. The market has become saturated with these kinds o

California Kid

California Kid

Young Collectors

John Appuzo After I read Johns post, I must say that maybe the collectability of U.S. legal tender coins WILL survive stronger than I thought. Thanks for the heads up John.

California Kid

California Kid

Used To Be In The Registry

Wasn't that big a deal to me I was in the registry a few years ago, and I was 1st place with a few sets a few times. Nothing high dollar, but it just didn't do to me what it does to some of you guys and gals. I know it couldn't be because I need expensive coins. It may be that I place more emphasis on the value of the coins when I retire in the next 5 years. I collect proof sets, and have done well on that investment. More power to you folks who really get passionate about the registry sets. I

California Kid

California Kid

1982 Jefferson PF-70

I wonder. . . . I was looking at our proof sets yesterday, and trying to figure out how much it would cost to slab the remainders of what we have in proof sets. It would be thousands. But I noticed that our 1982 with the chipped plastic has some CLEAN looking coins in them. Our 1992 set is also pristine. I will let you all know if I add another PF-70 to the list when mine go in. But do not fret, this will be months from now.

California Kid

California Kid

Reply to Going Postal

I have lost them also I wonder if it is possible that with the economy like it is, and not being able to raise the rates again so soon, they are losing packages on purpose to encourage more people to insure and pay for extra services to generate more revenue. It is possible. Might be far fetched, but it took me months to finally get reimbursed for my lost (insured)coins. And it happened THREE times. Makes me wonder why my regular mail gets through, but only my INSURED packages are missing. I s

California Kid

California Kid

All That Copper

I Shall Keep On Keepin' On I do intend to continue hoarding copper. I think everyone except a few beginners know that you never receive full price when selling scrap, or ANYTHING for that matter. But if you hoard copper to sell in a few months, do not look for any profit. The good thing about copper pennies is that they have a cross value as coins in a collection. You cannot lose by hoarding them. As for them taking up too much space, ... well we have a house with 3 bedrooms, one designated fo

California Kid

California Kid

Excellent responses to copper

Learned more than I thought I would Thank you to the posters who responded to my post about copper. I have learned a lot from a few of you on this subject. I have a hoard of copper pennies I have saved for future rises in price, but looks like they are still worth more as specimens in a Lincoln Cent collection. I did not know about that law concerning cents and nickles. I guess going to the local recycler or smelter would draw a look as though they were sniffing a small turd if I brought them

California Kid

California Kid

Comment on post about precious metals

They have a great website also Let me start by saying that I quickly scoped out your website, and will return to look further as soon as I am done with this post. I am not really very knowledgeable about the stock market, but I have been following gold and silver prices for the last 10 years or so, and although anything can happen, I believe that gold will not fall below $900.00. I think silver will hold right around $13 or $14. I must be honest though, I do not follow platinum, as it has alwa

California Kid

California Kid

Some more slabbed coins

More of our collection Here is another link to our slabbed coins. http://yfrog.com/6x1999silverpfj http://yfrog.com/0n1999cladpfj The only 70PF to come back was the clad 99 dime. But we have 4 more sets of clad, and silver proof sets, and hopefully will get some 70's out of the lot of 'em.

California Kid

California Kid

Our 1947 Mint Set

Only one non NGC slab in this one This is our 1947 Mint set. We could not find an NGC slabbed one at the time, but it will be replaced eventually. http://yfrog.com/ja1947mintsetj

California Kid

California Kid

1946 U.S. Mint Set

These are slabbed by NGC Someone sent me a site to be able to provide everyone in here a link to photos of our coins. The e-mail was accidentally deleted, and I forgot who it was that sent it. Whoever you are, thank you, and please remind me who you are so I can add you to friend list, if you aren't already. Anyway, here is a photo link of our 1946 Mint set. These are all slabbed except the 'P' dime, which came back 'obverse improperly cleaned'. I still need to find one of those in a decent gr

California Kid

California Kid

Mercury Dimes

Raw Coins To Send To NGC? I was just curious how good your luck has been with raw coins (Merc Dimes) sent in to grade at NGC? I have an almost complete set I want to certify, but I am afraid of too many of them coming home in a body bag from being 'improperly cleaned' or some such none sense. This has happened to a few raw coins I have sent in the past. I was wondering how good a chance I have of getting them slabbed from raw stock. Anything in particular to look for? Do I need a stronger form

California Kid

California Kid

Error Dollar

A link to a picture of our Thomas Jefferson error dollar. The following link should work to show everyone what this coin looks like. Any feedback is welcome. http://profile.imageshack.us/user/commandokid69/ I have added more pics, and you might have to search for the dollar pic. It seems to be the last one on the last page now.

California Kid

California Kid

Unexpected Emergency

Have to wait to submit my coins A bank screw up has left us broke this month until they can fix it, so I have to wait an extra month to renew my full subscription and get my 5 free submissions sent in. I plan to use the 5 to send in my 4 Proof Prez Dollars, and one of my Merc Dimes. Inside the proof set of dollars is the error Thomas Jefferson with extra wisp I have spoken about earlier. The dime will probably be either my 1945 Micro-S, or the best one from the 40's that I can find. I will con

California Kid

California Kid