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What coin zone am I in?

Time flies when time flies... It have been 18 months since my grand disposal of my modern and common classical collection. I can say that I misses the Gold Buffalo and Silver Pandas. Now it will cost more money to "build" back the collections (prices of gold and silver gone sky high). But it is okay that I made the move to refine my holding. Yes, I had a lot of stuff (almost 500 items). Now I enjoy the finer coins and currency (yes, now there is currency in my life). I still feel like a kid

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

Where have all the money gone?

Where am I in the hobby/business world of numismatic? In simple words...I am on hold. Sorry...I don't chase anymore. I just walk and walk and talk and talk plus listen and listen. That was my pace at the ANA show in Chicago. I mortgaged my property in February (2011) and on hold (paying for the investment in the hobby). I missed some opportunities to ride the latest wave, but "It Only Money". I am in it for the long haul. Enjoy the hobby/business cuz "it only money" (paper that is)...  

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

Out the Door go the Coins

I am cleaning house... "Changes are good if something good come out from the changes". For the Society members that follows my bio's and journals, they will say that I provide information of the changes with "revised" dates on my bio's and journals. Now the "Big Bang" or evolution in "my" numismatic hobby have occurred. I am cleaning house. Out goes the kitchen sink with the faucet and drain pipe still attached to the sink. Modern items with the classical items are being liquidated for one

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

As a new year approaches...

What are your plan...? RUN, JUMP, SPRINT, OR WALK THE WALK AND TALK THE TALK... Hello to the Numismatic World, Year 2009... buy the book(s) before the coin(s). Year 2010... having a coin mentor, you heard "Talk the Talk" of the numismatic hobby (world). Going to show after show (talk the talk) for the past 12 months, it finally sinked in. I got stuff. Common stuffs. The mint made millions of them. Now I decided to clear the stale of the stuffs. It's called "Clean House". Except for some nice

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

On the side line looking in...

Patient...patient...patient...keeping the kid outside the candy store. As stated in June (a couple of months ago), I have some financial obligation to take care of. I am pacing on the side line as the coin world past me by...Barber Dimes, Barber Quarters, Lincoln Wheat Backs, American Eagle series (gold and silver), and "the nail biter and stomach puncher" Gold Buffalo. Yes...it is not easy on the side line when you are an active player (in any sport or activity). But you got to do what you

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

1872 and 1880 proof sets continues to grow

The building of two classic proof sets takes two steps forward... This coin story started in 1/18/2010 (see below). Fast forward to 3/6/2010...Ding! Dong! Goes the door bell. "Letter Carrier with a package that need a signature". In the middle of some chores... Can't stop to open the package. One hour later... Finished with the chores. Trying to open package...Ouch! Cut myself with the box cutter (saw it coming...not smart). Must be the high/rush or something...like a birthday present. Kid in

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

1872 and 1880 proof sets being created

To build or not to build... a classic proof set. I enjoy listening to people in the numismatic industry/business expressing their professional point of views. This weekend, I was viewing a video from DLRC. I was listening to the market report when two people were talking at the same time, and I missed the something. So I e-mailed the person and asked what did he said on the video. Surprised or not surprised with today technology, I received a response from you guessed it...the person I e-mail

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

Registry is also an inventory list

Do you know your coins...? Greetings to the numismatic world, Are you checking your list...? Once, twice, three times to see if your list is correct with the coins you have purchased/acquired. In purchasing/trading to acquire coins for any collection you are creating, you will notice that using the NGC registry list helps. Before using the registry list as a tool, I, myself, would physically display the set of coins and see what is needed. Plus with the knowledge of educating myself on th

2007 Collector

2007 Collector

Silver Proof Statehood Quarter Set

Just viewed my first completed set since returning to the hobby... Howdy to the collecting world of numismatics, Upon returning to the hobby in 2006, I decided to complete a set of silver proof statehood quarter. After the completion of the set, it sat in storage till I registered the set with NGC registry. As many knows, the 1999 Delaware quarter was the kicker. It determines what kind a collector are you. I can state that I am still in debt because of that purchase. The other thing I can s

2007 Collector

2007 Collector