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PCGS Lawsuit against big names in the industry! the real "big one"

Well i thought the "big one" wasnt that big...but this lawsuit that PCGS has just announced is going to make a lot of people unhappy....get ready to check your coins! Below is the original story regarding the PCGS lkawsuit against a number of coin doctors, the real "big one"! I for one am very pleased with this announcement but when i read the names of who is involved i started to get worried! These are big names in the industry, especially when it comes to buying and selling coins to coll

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

How to clean a slab, confirmation

Yes i know im sure everyone has read the last two post and that should be it but i am also going to add my 2 cents I agree with audrop, the slab-renew slab cleaner is prob the best product i have found to remove scratches from slabs. The product works really well for GSA morgan dollars & with a little patience and elbow grease you can remove basically any "normal" scratch on one of these plastic cases. NGC slabs i believe are the second easiest to remove scratches with this product, ma

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Special coin coming to auction, special collection coming to a close

Im usually not one to promote a coin in an auction, especially if i dont own it but for the collecting community at large i believe its worth a look...you may not get another chance! Usually i wouldnt post a journal about an upcoming coin but after reviewing the preview to the upcoming Long Beach auction i came across something special. The coin in question, the as Heritage described, "Near Mythic" 1849-C Open Wreath Gold Dollar. Now many of you may have never heard of this coin before and

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Loooking for F.C.C Boyds Pattern collection inventory - FREE MORGAN DOLLAR!!!!

Trying to track a pedigree of a coin.....1 shiny raw BU Morgan to the first person who can help me!!!! With a poor economy and less buying/selling going on i have found a new way to amuse myself and possibly add some value to some of the coins i own. How may you ask? By trying to trace the pedigree on some of the coins in my collection. As you all know pedigree's can add soem value to a coin especially so if you can trace it to a well known cabinet such as Eliasberg or Bass. While trac

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

For Amy or someone at NGC - how do we get the census updated if its wrong?

Looking through the census data i realized one thing...its really out of date! or in some instances just wrong I use the census information quite regularly with the area i specialize in (condition census Charlotte gold) i look at the census information to work out how many of a particular year are graded mint state and at what grade etc etc Now i know this information is already a bit off due to resubmissions(how they can ever fix that i don't know but i wish they could) but what i have foun

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Dogs Vs Coins my 2 cents

Well everyone has an opinion and it may well be that way that major dealers get preferential treatment with their submissions....of course that is not what i have experienced In reply to Moondoggys journal regarding the similarity of dog judging and coin grading i have to say i have not experienced what he is talking about. I dont consider myself a "big player" in the coin business, i have prob only submitted to NGC roughly 3 times under my own name this year, and then only a handful of coin

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

ok last one regarding USPS & NGC

ok last one...... Ok, i can see this may get out of hand once again.....so i wont add any more journals after this one. The picture of the smashed slab against the wall....geez i know plenty of kids that would have loved that......anyway for one, thats a different slab....a different design with i believe a recessed area for the paper paper bends paper moves paper warps due to many reasons...it only takes a little edge out of the recessed area for it to slide....maybe the new slabs dont

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Re: Quality Control

...stands up for QC.....point the finger at your mailman In reference to the previous post regarding the "problems with quality control and his paper insert out of place" This actually happens in transport and not at NGC, the same way you get that little insert back into place (by tapping lightly on its side until its back in the right spot) is the same way it moves out of place (by rough handling, drops etc by USPS) You might say add "some glue to hold it into place".....well im thinking

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Horrible experience with local coin store

Well i thought i would take in a few coins just to see what they would offer...save myself some ebay fee's i thought...well what an experience that was! After paying another feebay invoice i decided to see what my local coin shop would offer for some NGC slabbed gold coins. Now i have seen this shop advertise on TV in my area and they proclaimed to be the "highest payer for gold & silver coins" Well what an experience, i had a number of fairly nice coins with me, a couple of ms63 half

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

and the results are in

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda "You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"Well the results are in, for those of you who read my previous journal you will know i just sent in some raw sovereigns for grading that made a long journey from Adelaide Australia to Wisconsin then to NGC.I received my images yesterday(does everyone know if you pay for express grading and want images that it actually slows down the time it takes to receive your grade??...now i do )And SURPRISE SURPRISE i actually got w

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Australian Soveriegn Submission

can a raw sovereign from australia make it to america then to NGC & come back MS as advertised...lets see! Well after procrastinating for over a month i decided to make my first purchase from a company in Australia that was selling raw sovereigns online, the company is quite well known (starts with monet ends with arium). After receiving the coins from the land down under i quickly gave them the once over,left them in there flips in sent to NGC. They are now in Quality Control and i b

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Collection website

The websites finally up! www.RareCharlotteGold.com is live! After a lot of late nights i have finally got the website for my clients collection to a point where it can go live!....yes i know im sure many of you have websites etc but this is my first and im proud of her...i have spent the last 6 months building a collection of Charlotte Gold and other rare Gold coins for a client....i then decided that instead of watching these coins get locked away for many decades with no one able to see them

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Heritage & Teletrade

I agree with the other members that the pictures are misleading...and i think they are doing it on purpose! I agree with the other member that the photos are misleading, i dont really use teletrade but i am a long time heritage bidder and have noticed especially in the last few months when i see a coin up for sale that has previously been auctioned the image colors are not as they were the first time it went to auction....its actually easy to see this on heritage as you can check back when coi

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Anybody with website building experience?can we get a 1839/8c spot on the quarter eagle charlotte set?

im wanting to build a website for my clients collection..... PS amy can we get a spot in the Charlotte gold quarter eagle set for the 1839/8c $2.5......pretty pleaseHi all,I'm hoping there is a fellow collector or two out there with some website building experience that wouldn't mind helping me out getting a website up and viewable....i do have some experience with computers and actually did some broadband internet tech support for a few years so im not a total novice but when it comes to build

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

my other new baby...or should i say lady

Another different then usual choice for my collection but another coin i just couldnt pass up after seeing her...she may look familiar to a few people..... My other new baby i picked up this week is actually a lady....a Washlady to be exact. This lovely pattern quarter was struck in 1879 and although not received well at the time it is now considered one of the most popular and coveted pattern designs in any metal! This coin was the large single page pictured coin in the Heritage auction catal

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

My new baby's....crazy prices at heritage auction! sign of the times or just overlooked & lucky?

A couple of new coins for my personal collection....Last weeks Heritage auction...some of the "big boy" coins crossed at "little boy" prices? sign of the times or.... I just wanted to share with the society a couple of my new purchases, something a bit left field for me as i usually stick with high grade Charlotte & other branch mint gold. But before that i just wanted to know if anyone else saw crazy low prices at the Heritage auction, i must admit i dont look at every different denominat

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

A great collection just got better

Thanks to a fellow registry member my clients set is on its way! Just wanted to thank a fellow registry member for his amazing set of charlotte gold dollars, RT managed to build an amazing set of these tiny coins and thanks to his keen eye they are among the finest i have ever had the chance to handle, so although the collection is now in anonymous hands it will still be represented under SMC Numismatics for all to see, images will be uploaded shortly so you can actually see it . Slowly the Ch

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

Any advice on crossing over/cracking out?

I have a feeling some of the coins i have in PCGS slabs would end up in a higher grade NGC slab.....should i crack out or send in for cross over? First off, previously everytime i had a PCGS slabbed coin that i wanted in an NGC slab i would just send in for cross over.....i have found though that whenever i have done this they have never gone up a grade....or down a grade....they just always cross at the same grade.......do the graders at NGC see that PCGS graded a coin ms64 so they just do th

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

If i were made to cross over i would leave....

In response to RareSov stating that PCGS slabs should not be allowed in the NGC registry - hows that a competition when you only compete against half the people.....that's NGC Registry's appeal!....dont ever loose it because someone is unhappy because a PCGS set is beating him This is just in response to RareSovs last post indicating PCGS slabs should not be allowed on here..............if i were made to remove coins from my PCGS slabs just because some person thought its a bad idea i would b

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics

when your dealing with 30K coins a different slab can mean thousands

yes i believe you should buy the coin not the holder but when your dealing with 30K coins & those that do know that a PCGS slab can bring in many thousands more then the same coin in an NGC slab i always believe you should buy the coin not the holder...thats the advice we have all heard...but in reality there are prob 50% of the hobby that dont know how to grade a coin, dont know if its cleaned or not etc etc, these people buy the holder...what else could they do when you don't know any be

SMC Numismatics

SMC Numismatics