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Bummer on My First NGC Submittal

4 BBs out of 5 coins submitted Well, the verdict is in. The MS64RB 26-S Lincoln came back as a BB, as did one of the $2.5 Indians. The $1 gold and $1 silver Pan-Pacs also came back in BBs. The BBs were marked improperly cleaned. One $2.5 Indian came back as MS61. I will tread very carefully from now on on coins purchased off ebay and in mail bid auctions.

William R. Davis Jr.

William R. Davis Jr.

I Need a MS 1914-D Lincoln

Only lack 1 Lincoln to complete my raw MS collection Yes, I need the big one. I have a cleaned VF40 that I need to sell/trade to upgrade this slot in the Dansco. Looking for a raw MS60 - MS63, any color, problem-free coin. Going to the Long Beach show in May for the first time, maybe I'll find one there. Any leads or ideas appreciated.

First Shipment to NGC

On pins and needles awaiting grades on 26-S Lincoln, Pan-Pac half and $1, and 2 Indian quarter eagles The 26-S will hopefully grade MS63RB, perhaps higher; exceptional strikes for this coin. The $1 Pan-Pac will hopefully go MS, how high is a ? Wish me luck.

Unc Raw Lincolns

1924-S Hey I just received a really nice 24-S MS64R lincoln today that I purchased off ebay last week. Really nice coin, well below book value. Never know how I got it at such a great price.

William R. Davis Jr.

William R. Davis Jr.