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1970 s Double Die !

The Doubling is in the words LIBERTY. Hi, I've all ways wanted to find a Double Die that's the reason why i buy the $25 Penney box ( That and for Wheat cents and San Francisco minted cents). A few days ago I was Bord so I started to check and separating dates in San Francisco minted cents under The magnifier/lamp thing. I got to the 1970's and the first coin I picked up look kinda weird so i took a closer look and saw Doubling in the words LIBERTY. My First Double Die :>! Does



Hello '' New Coins''

I'm still excited!! Two days ago I stopped to check my PO box to see if the coins every body sent me arrived. To my surprise they were there. I ran to my dad's truck and opened the package I was amazed at all the beautiful coins in there. it was the best gift i have ever received. When I get older I will start to send coins for grading because there were beautiful coins in there worth grading .I will be concentrated on the sets I received the most. I will also start buying more PF and MS 70's.



I Wonder Why ?

Has NGC done some modifications ? latly i haven't been on the society. Today I singed in ,looked at rank, and i went more than 50 ranks down. I checked the points for my coins and to my suprise one my franklin half dollars' points went from 9 to 129. It was a 1958 D MS64 FBL. I wonder if NGC did some modifications. Has eney bodies' rank gone down to? Happy Hunting ! :-)



Silly Me

Now I Know silly me I didnt read the journals so i didnt know about points going up for walkers and franklins. :-)



What a find !

best all month! As i was checking the certifide coins at my local deler shop i saw a mercury dime that was eye chatching so i bought it. As i was walking out the door i stoped to check my change as i always do and something cought my eye with a silver light it was a 1946 D jefferson nickle with blue,green and, yellow toning around the rim it was the best thing i found all month. looks like it could tern out a MS 64+. Dont stop searching there are still beutifull coins out there.  



how i became a collecter

if you can please read. I became a collecter when i was ten i have ben collecting for only about two years i first started colecting when one day, i needed money for some thing and, i came across a wheat cent at the time i didnt know what it was but, when i looked at the year i was astonished it was 1942 cent it wasn't much or that old but, ever then since then i have been a colecter. After a while i started buying raw coins any thing from pennys to dollers but,two months ago my mom gave me a




i cant im sorry i cant acsept this i think i should build my colection my self




true you are right we do need somthing like that.



see you!

getting sleepy talk with tomorrow my mom says shell try to help me .

