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First Quarter 2009

Thoughts on the first quarter of 2009 As the year 2009 closes its first quarter, we find the markets trending down at a slower descent, gold ascending once again to $1000 an ounce, and the rare coin market hot as ever. Deals abound and if you snooze, you lose. I just found that out by waiting overnight to make up my mind. By 5:00 am, someone had snagged my contemplated purchase, sending that sinking feeling to the pit of my stomach. On a brighter note, the first quarter has been a time of p

JDP's Coins

JDP's Coins

A Collector's Journey

Is it the hunt or the acquisition that gives the biggest thrill? Since my first journal entry, I've found myself looking at what others are writing; many acquisitions, anticipated submissions, questions, comments, and a small glimps into the minds of fellow collectors. In my bio, I reminisced of my beginning into the world of numismatics. As a child my search was limited to frequented stores and shops, and as my allowance allowed, banks for rolls of pennies, nickels, and dimes. My thrill was

JDP's Coins

JDP's Coins

Looking Back : 2008

As 2008 draws to a close, it only seems natural to reflect upon the events that have brought you to today. Christmas is coming and I have visions of sparkling gold and silver coins dancing within my head. The haves and the wants; the gems and the duds. How far have I come, and where will this lead? On the financial front we've all be part of the Beast. A roller coaster with predominently breath-taking drops followed by brittle ascents, only to be dropped again. Gold has seen $1000 ounce, but

JDP's Coins

JDP's Coins