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New variety keeps me interested in 1921 Morgans

In looking for clashed coins a few weeks ago, I found some interesting coins from 1921-S. One in particular was a keeper... I am a collector of clashed Morgans when and where I can find them. The stronger the clash, the more likely I am to be quite interested in it. I was recently looking at some clashed coins in the 1921 date and came across one rather interesting. First of all, I should point out that strong clashing on coins is not generally found in the 1921 coins. There are a few here of



And now for something completely different.

As a Morgan dollar collector, I've looked at thousands of Morgan dollars for pick up points and dates/MMs that I do not currently own. Having been immersed in this for several years, I have grown a little bored with it for now. Does it mean that I'll quit collecting Morgans? Not likely. However, I did recently decide to try something different... Early last week, I decided that I'd like to try a different US Mint series. One that was fun to collect, but wouldn't break the bank. I've never pers



Elusive VAM Discovery Part 3

My quest for my first Morgan dollar VAM discovery It has been a while since I last wrote. Work and holidays have kept me away from my hobby for a while. As an update, I was able to secure my first Morgan Dollar VAM in late October of this year. Amazingly enough, my first discovery was with a coin that I purchased solely to fill a void in my NGC registry. I had no other intent or thoughts about this coin when I purchased it. Going over a set of coins in early September I noticed something int



Elusive VAM Discovery Part 2

A continuation of my journey for the elusive VAM discovery. I'm sharing thoughts on what experiences I have had and what I have learned to help me get better at attributing my own coins and help me look for something yet to be discovered... As a continuation of my last journal entry, I would like to discuss some of the things I have encountered as someone fairly new to VAM collecting. Since I have been at this for less than a year, I was certainly no expert and did not have the numismatic back



The elusive Morgan VAM Discovery...

May be interesting to read for anyone who collects Morgan dollar VAMs and looks to attribute their collection or looks for the elusive discovery coin. I have been collecting coins on and off for several years. I wasn't really serious about my collection until I took over where my father left off when he passed away. The hobby became a passion as I looked to build upon what he had already started. Very soon after taking up his collection, I realized I was interested in other things. Morgan si

