tbird47's Journal

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PREFECT COINS ARE HARD FIND EVEN COLLECTING VETERENS Finally found a perfect coin and added it to my inventory To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Fruitful year in 2008

Completed to sets This year has provin very fruitful i managed on a small coin budget to complete Two sets of coins. My Sacagawea set and my 50 state Quarter set. but now my colecting budget will get even smaller as i also purchased my first home and now must shift gears and pay for that.



2008 Year in review

my best and worst collecting disseions? I started the year look to complete some of my collections, such as my PCGS Sacagawea dollars and i did that as well as completing my state quarter collection though i did not complete my Franklin halves i did manage to add to my collection and i hope to add to my lincoln cent collection with the release of the four new lincoln cents next year? AS for my worst decision was the purchase of an sgs graded coin.



Update on coin sale

Bad experience selling some invertory.` As I posted some weeks ago I sent some coins to be sold at a dealer well that experience was not what I expected They made what i thought was a rediculious offer for a lot of 10 coins I certinlly hope I don't have to many more f these type of experiences in the future it's really depressing. when you work so hard to make the right purchase and then when you change course you get kick to the curb.



selling inventory

finially got my nearve up to sell. well i sent some of my coins to be sold. i've been nervious about doing this because you really don't know the people doing the buying so your never sure if you can fully trust them or not or weather they'll give you fair price for your collection, but i'll let you know how it goes after the holidays.



unwanted coins

Well it's happning again Earlier this afternoon i recieved my most resent copy of coinworld Magazine and their was an article on the new presidential dollars and just as with SBA,SACS, the lates in dollar coins has lost it's appeal even banks are not interested in ordering these coins even for those who collect them so why does the mint continue to issue coins like these to the public just release them for collecter and stop wasting time and money.



First submitions

well i finally chose my first submition ever. After some long hours of research pouring over population charts from the best known sources i've come to the conclusion that i will submit a couple of my franklins that have very small population numbers in the upper grades just to see what i get? i think i will also submit this one.(Photo)




just got my member papers Now what to submit for free grading one my 1914-D lincoln deffinetly,but what else so many choices,1964-D/D Kennedy,1922-S walking liberty dollar,2008-S Sacagawea,1917-D lincoln,2007 Silver Eagle Dollar,2008-D/D John Q Adams gold Dollar,1955-D/D Lincoln Cent 1962-D Ben Franklin FBL ???????????????



just recieved from mint

well this is a nice looking coin just I recieved Finally the 2008-S is here hope it's at leased as good as the ones in my colection just have to wait on PCGS to grade it.




have anyone had experience send coins to auction house like heritage or others? I'm thinking of sending a number of coins in my huge collection to be auctioned off. i guess what i'm asking is is it a good idea?



OPINions wanted

my trained tells these coins might have got a raw deal in grading Should i break these out and resubmit them again, because either i'm missing something or they did I don't see anything wrong with them that they should get these grades? well i can't show you a picture here. ok here's my delima I have two roosevelt dimes one a 1962-D and the other a 2000-S. the 62 is graded ms 68 the 2000 is graded pr-69 the both look better then that.




Now this the kind of buy I think worth all the research and time a good collector invests. now I happened to be channel surfing ebay the other day and look what my mouse found. I often surf ebay when I'm board as I get sometimes when i can find anything to do well let me make this short I WAS looking for some perfect coin as they call them thoe i rarely buy such things i just could not pass up this one I have collected every state Quarter sence the programs inception and I'm just waiting on th



buying coins on ebay

Questions,Questions, Questions as someone who has collected coins for 47 years here is what i've learned if you buy on ebay as i often do never be afraid to ask the seller Questions and if you don't like their answers don't buy their coins. if you want more detailed photos ask for them.



Complete set

GOt the last coin WEll I did it I Finally Completed my set now I guess it's time to start another. this was a great experience.



one eagle eye collector

found a 1914-D Is this a find or what i was going through some pocket change before i put my jeans in the wash and i happened to look at my change and my jaw about dropped to the floor as i spied in the change what i as a collecter know is a coin that is rare and there it was a 1914-d in all it's glory. I just could not believe what i was seeing.



Complete set

Just about just one more coin to get!!!!!!!! I've Just about completed my near perfect set that is alot of hard work.



sweet coins

Just bought a 2008 John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams mint error coin On the edge lettering the d is Double Struck.

