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Entries in this journal

OMG did anyone else grab some of those GSA's ?

i think i was one of the very few that actually seen these amazing gsa's(well i hope they are) browsing last week as i usually do through the main auction houses upcoming auctions i saw something a little different yes im going to say it because its already over so it doesnt matter now....i was on davidlawrence and saw a heap of raw GSA's, just the common years and a few 85's...upon closer inspection and a good look at the pic some of these gsa's were in extraordinary condition...ive seen a

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S&D Collection

Re Raw Coin Submission - Yes i started this

i have read a few of the things people have said in regards to what this "journal" is for.... well im not too sure what certain peoples problems are with my journal on raw coin submissions and auction house submissions to me the journal is a place where a can share my experiences in collecting..whether good or bad i put them up my thoughts for people to read....you choose whether to read this or not and im not forcing anyone to read my journal...infact if you dont like my journals then pleas

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S&D Collection

Re Raw Coin Submission - Yes i started this

i have read a few of the things people have said in regards to what this "journal" is for.... well im not too sure what certain peoples problems are with my journal on raw coin submissions and auction house submissions to me the journal is a place where a can share my experiences in collecting..whether good or bad i put them up my thoughts for people to read....you choose whether to read this or not and im not forcing anyone to read my journal...infact if you dont like my journals then pleas

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S&D Collection

Saratogaspringscoins is the best!

thanks to an honest ebay seller who only wants to see there customers happy they have agreed to refund my money plus grading fees! can you believe that...in this day and age there are still people out there who are honest enough to admit when they have made an honest mistake(said it wasnt cleaned when NGC said improperly cleaned)...this coin was not visably cleaned in any way and i 100% believe the seller when he said he did not know it was cleaned. He agreed to refund all my money plus gradin

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S&D Collection

Raw coin submission...Ebay seller worse then auction house!

well what a waste of time and money...and yes i will be saying the ebay sellers name in hope he reads this and gives my money back...so i at least can tell all the CS members that u are an honest seller in my last journal i let everyone know i bypassed the auction house after the bad grades last time...well i went with ebay seller saratogacoins...they sell high grade indian heads and thats about it I checked my order status this morning and what comes back....improperly cleaned...GREAT i tho

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S&D Collection

Looking for a GSA

searching for a GSA hey guys and gals, today im reaching out to the CS community in search of an 1882cc MS65PL GSA, GSA must be in original packaging ie still in GSA slab and not cracked out and in a NGC or PCGS slab.....if anyone has one please contact me through CS...if you have one and want to swap for it let me know...still half way through adding all my coins back into sets as it was deleted somehow if you want cash thats fine to and i can paypal it to u generally straight away, i am

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Raw coin submission

this time i have bypassed the auction house and gone to an ebay seller with high resolution photos.....but unknown territory...the indian head quarter eagle.... Getting tired of trying to find nice graded coins at a good price(new collectors are great but if you want to buy anything new the prices keep going up and up) i recently saw a seller on ebay who provides amazing hi-res photos of his coins, he specialises in indian head pre 30's gold.(maybe will mention his name in my next post dependi

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My new obsession...the bourse and rude dealers...& im having a fire sale!

everything has to go go go .....damn new obsession As i sit here early on a saturday morning about to head off for a day of excitement, passion, tension, fear & loathing....a day at the bourse.....heading to the mid america coin expo at schaumburg IL today as i did yesterday...i love it when a show is only a short drive away...well 1hr30min short....yesterday after scouting out a few opportunitys i spotted a coin i have been looking for...well i wasnt looking for it until i found it.....th

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Thank You NGC....

New pop report layout Maybe im a bit slow or maybe it just happened but NGC's population report now looks alot better and is easier to use!....and for me being a collector of star graded gold coins this has made my collecting experience alot better through the use of the star grade pop report.....now instead of having to click on every year to find out how many have a star grade all i have to do is click on star grades and up will come a list of every year how many are graded with a star etc f

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Ummmm where did my coins/points go....really this aint funny!

yesterday position 380 something....points a touch over 100,000 today position 1100 & something...points 30,000 & some changei dont know what has happened but if its happened to anyone else please let me know...i have lost majority of my morgan sets and a heap of other coins have been deregistered....its like someone has deleted 2/3 of my collection!If anyone knows what could have happened please let me know as its a big pain going back to the safe deposit box to get #'s to enter again!

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S&D Collection

My New Star

as a slowly collect as many star graded gold coins i can get my hands on, i found another way...... and that way is the "cross over" thats right im now getting so impatient waiting for star graded gold coins to come up for auction that im searching out pre graded coins to switch over to NGC in hope of receiving a star grade and for my first attempt i feel i hit the nail on the head so to speak! 1 for 1 on cross overs for star grade.... it was previously a 1899 MS61 ANACS graded coin in a n

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Turn around times..again and for tha last time in response to audrop

waiting waiting waiting In response to reading audrops journal in regards to people complaining about turn around times...ie ME....yes i am complaining and yes i do agree i want the graders to do there job properly and dont mind if they take extra time to do it if that is what is needed....what i dont like is they offer a 48hr turn around time and that is not met...not even close! with current turn around times at 6 days for express grading you cant even say thats in the realm of being close t

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Express service....fairly costly but worth th money to get your coin back in 48hrs...but is it worth it for 6 days? Time to have a little rant....people that have read my previous journals know im not the most patient of people...from checking numerous times per day to see if my grades are back to even calling when i feel i have waited too long....but this one takes the cake! some of us pay for express grading for a number of reasons...some dont want to wait and have deep pockets, some need it

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S&D Collection

Australian Sovereign Set-----hey there joiseygirl?

can we please have an australian sovereign set? ive seen peoplke ask on here before and they received! so here i go....i want somewhere to put my lovely sovereigns...there are other world coin sets and 3even some for australia but nothing for these fascinating coins with such a long long run....with the same sovereign being minted all over the world except for the mintmark its also something different...a half sovereign set would also be fantastic!...is this a possibility? who decides what get

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S&D Collection

GSA error coin - does anyone know how to find out population?

I have an 1880cc NGC ms63 with a obv strike through error.... A while ago i was lucky enough to pick up an 1880cc GSA morgan dollar...it was still in its original packaging ie the gsa slab and after i purchased it i had it graded......i actually thought it would be a ms60 due to the big bag mark on the obverse...little did i know(i should have looked at it more carefully) it was actually a strike through error!!! in an original GSA slab! Labelled as such by NGC i have since sought out any furt

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Grades are back! after a quick call

well the grades are back......what are the results...read below well the grades are back...sort of...i called up customer support and asked them and they had the finalised grades....well not what i expected! the only one to meet the grade set by the major auction house was the $2.5 quarter eagle which was ms63 the $5 half eagle came back as a ms62! dammit one grade off what they said and what i wanted ...basically turns me into a sucker as i now overpaid for this coin..including grading im w

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ok the gloves are off....where are my grades! :(

waiting waiting still waiting....... i know im impatient ...yes ....im sure others can tell that as well seeing this is prob my 3rd journal on this subject....still waiting for the grades for my raw gold submission from a major auction house. They arrived monday were graded and in QC by tuesday.....WOW so quick i loved it and thought i would have grades by wednesday , thursday at the latest(also gives me time to send back to auction house if grades are way way off) and there they have sat....s

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Todays the day!....i hope (ps thanks clay)

My raw gold are still sitting in QC Well its been a few days now since NGC received my raw gold submissions from a major auction house, im as impatient as they come so have been checking & checking & checking...still to no avail. But i have a feeling today is the day! my fingers are crossed and i have a good feeling about the coins...anyway once the submission is back ill let everyone know what the grades are...its always good to know where you can get accuratly graded raw coins at au

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Quality Control aghhhhhhh!

Waiting waiting waiting....impatient...yes. Well a few of you who read the regular posts prob know im waiting for my 3 raw gold coin submissions to be graded. I paid for overnight shipping and express with photos...i hate waiting!...they were graded yesterday! yes that was fast seeing they only arrived monday...but isnt it a 48hr turn around...hopefully they are so in awe of my beautiful coins they just cant decide how high a grade...but hang on they have been graded.....ive prob checked 10 ti

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Crossing My Fingers...and everyone else can join me if they want ;)

my second submition on raw coins from a large auction house. Well here they sit at the infamous Quality Control, i have paid for express & photo as from past experiences i get the photos before the grade is put up anywhere...the only reason i pay the $3 geez im inpatient...anyway my first submission of a single 1886 morgan dollar in which the auction house( not sure if i can mention names here but its starts with an s....s and is one of the oldest firms im sure everyone can work that out..

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S&D Collection

to pedigree or not to pedigree...that is the question

i recently seen a person post a cheerios lincoln with an amusing story with it. Im sure a few of the people out there read the 3 most recent journals and seen the gentlemen with a cherios lincoln in an NGC slab with his own pedigree on it Memmott collection...i am wondering does NGC do this for anyone or is it just for certain rankings etc? this made me delve a little deeper and seen that particular memmott collection is quite vast and they rank in the top 100 overall...is that what i have to

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S&D Collection

Im seeing stars and i love it!

its starting to get out of control...my addiction to star graded gold coins! Im not sure if anyone else out there is collecting these little gems like i am but im starting to spend way way way to much money. The upside i think is that these star graded coins generally have a very low population with a large number with only one example...but will star grades stay popular? are they popular? im lucky enough to own a few of these pop 1 coins with my latest purchase a 1891cc ms61* the only star gr

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