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Summer duldrums...

Slow going since summer has come on full strength in the South. I find it increasingly difficult to devote time to my hobby in the summer, too many other distractions and long days. Not that I mind the long days, mind you, but it does cut into coin time. Chores like mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, swinging on the patio, walking (need to do more of this) and grilling out seem to invade the time I spend on coins during the other seasons. Thinking about a new submission now, as I have about 1

TD Henson

TD Henson

A salute to Hunter's Gold

and a hearty Thank You to all veterans today! If memory serves me, Hunter's Gold is not only a veteran, but a disabled vet. Thanks for your service to our country and I personally thank God that you were able to return to our shores. Thanks to all the veterans that are a part of this society, without your sacrifice this great forum and our freedom wouldn't be possible. Lastly, fond remembrance of so many that have given their lives to protect what we should hold most dear - Freedom and the

TD Henson

TD Henson

1991 D BU Kennedy Half & 1991 Mint Sets

BU, Butt Ugly that is.... I love to peruse mint sets for top pop beauties and almost every year from 68-2004 has some winners and some losers. However, the 1991 sets take the cake for absolute horrible coins - what happened in 1991, die the quality assurance department get reassigned, take say the year off for vacation, was it the 30 year bubble of retirees leaving the Mint? Most all of the coins from 1991 I look at are just plain awful. I mentioned in my last post an MS 50 Kennedy, see the

TD Henson

TD Henson

A little silver with that change sir? & 1991 MS 67 FT Roosevelt

The holy grail of Roosevelt Dimes Received the 1991 P MS 67 FT in the mail yesterday from Datentype - a great coin with above average luster and way above average strike for the date. Year: 1991 P Grade: MS 67 FT Registry Points: 1,271 NGC Pop: 3/0 and only 3 total coins in FT status! Purchase Price: Too much, but very tough in FT... Extremely tough date in FT status, perhaps in the top five for FT rarity status. In my experience the toughest coins to find fully struck are 1969 P,

TD Henson

TD Henson

Didn't make the coin show... :-(

but I did get some coin stuff in this weekend!! My shoulder was hurting too bad to drive an hour and a half each way to get to this show, which I do usually enjoy. So, my wife and I decided to do a little pickin' at local antique stores. I specifically chose a small town about 30 minutes away to check out, because I knew that had some coins in several of these shops. Perused many over priced coins (seller's must be in love with their coins as many were 20-30% over Red Book value - geez...)a

TD Henson

TD Henson

Loupe = Therapy?!?

Can't imagine this actually happened to me... Found a way, although a painful one, to get my wife to actually ask me to look at some coins. Generally speaking, she doesn't understand the passion I have for coins, she gets the collecting part and really likes the artistry and beauty of coins, but that's were it ends for her. This past weekend while playing touch football at our annual church picnic, I slipped and fell on my shoulder after catching a pass. It took my breath away and I played

TD Henson

TD Henson

1973 MS 66 5FS Jefferson Nickel Reverse

Tried to post this to the boards... Here's the reverse of this coin... Can anyone provide advice on posting pictures to the chat boards? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

TD Henson

TD Henson

1973 MS 66 5FS Jefferson Nickel

Jefferson's are tough coins... I thought the Roosies were tough, but I think the Jeff's are even tougher. Most of what I see are junk, but every once and a great while a nice specimen appears. Sent this one on my last submission and was happy with the results. Year: 1973 Grade: MS 66 5FS Registry Points: 24 NGC Pop: 28/2 in 5FS and 4/3 in 6FS Purchase Price: Self Made Not especially rare by condition or Full Step status, but a sharp looking coin none the less. The Red Book for Jeff

TD Henson

TD Henson

Cherrypickin' Mint Sets

Junk, followed by more junk, then along comes a coin that makes the thousands of other coins worth it... I go through hundreds of raw coins every month on the modern side looking for that next great rarity. Generally speaking, most modern mint sets are full of what I would call junk - less than MS 65 grades and about 5% of what I see coming out of rolls or mint sets is barely worthy of putting in the soda machine at work... It can become depressing and boring, wait did I say that out loud?!?

TD Henson

TD Henson

2004 P Roosevelt Dime MS 68 FT

Still catching up on recent additions. This is another coin that has plagued me for about 2 years. I filled in all the other coins from 1999-2004 in MS 68 FT, however I couldn't pull the trigger to pay $300+ for this coin in PCGS plastic. That coin still resides on the Bay. I settled for an NGC MS 67 FT, but just wasn't happy with that coin. I looked through and bought as many mint sets or mint set coins as I could find. For the first 20 or so months the best I thought I could muster was a 67

TD Henson

TD Henson

1981 P Roosevelt Dime MS 68 FT

Top Pop Gem I'm way behind with my journals for my Roosevelt Dime set. This is a coin that has alluded me for about 2 years. I started the hunt for both 81 coins, thinking that they should be relatively easy to find in gem grade, due to the fact that 1981 was a great year for strikes and thus full torch coins. About 80% of the coins I look at make the FT designation, which is unheard of for almost all years of the Roosevelt dime. Year: 1981 P Grade: MS 68 FT Registry Points: 2009 NGC P

TD Henson

TD Henson

A Penni for Your Thoughts...

I love when fun, cool stuff happens in this hobby. Last night I was going through some mint sets, as I generally do, looking for the next great conditional rarity for my collection, when a little surprise happened. I had pulled a 72 Mint set from my mint set stock pile, opened it, flipped the envelope, slid the sleeves out and laid them on my jeweler's pad and was about to toss the ratty old envelope when a small glint of metal caught my eye as it went flying through the air and bounced off

TD Henson

TD Henson

Collecting goals set direction with a purpose...

Two months down and 2012 is shaping up to be a great year for my collection! I've been recently heavily focused on improving my Roosevelt dimes through submissions of my own. I would like to have this set heavily dominated, say 50%, with self made coins and replacing as many of my PCGS coins through natural attrition as I can, although I know this will be a largely unpopular statement. Received back all 21 coins I sent for grading in February and made some nice Top Pop additions to my set. C

TD Henson

TD Henson

1976 D Roosevelt Dime - MS 68 Top Pop Gem

Likely the cleanest business strike dime in my collection. Total population of just 3 coins at this level at NGC with none finer. Overall great luster and strike and probably techincally the cleanest dime in my collection, outside the SMS coins from 2005-2010. In reality, I think this dime gives most of them a run for their money for grade. Take back the small mark below the US to the right of the torch and this one could of been the first MS 69 coin graded for the 1970s. Taken from an ori

TD Henson

TD Henson

1971 D NGC MS 67 FT Roosevelt Dime

Self Made and welcome addition to my set. This coin is one small step in turning my Clad Roosevelts into more of a self made labor of love. I find enjoyment in buying raw coins, self grading them and then reaping the rewards of my labor when NGC confirms their grade. This coin is a fantastic example of an early die strike Roosevelt. It exhibits wonderful luster, a frosty almost cameo look to the reverse and a deep full strike. The 1970s issues are quite hard to find in full strike and are

TD Henson

TD Henson

The wait is over - Grades are in!

Overall very satisfied! Several top pop coins in this group, including some fairly elusive MS 68 coins. I'll be journaling some of these individually when they arrive home next week. 001 1962 10C MS 65 FT 002 1971 10C MS 66 003 1971 D 10C MS 67 FT 004 1972 D 10C MS 67 005 1976 D 10C MS 67 006 1976 D 10C MS 68 007 1981 P 10C MS 68 FT 008 1985 D 10C MS 67 FT 009 1989 P 10C MS 67 FT 010 1990 D 10C MS 67 011 1999 P 10C

TD Henson

TD Henson

1969 MS 66 FT Roosevelt Dime

Newest addition to my Roosevelt Dime Set Very tough FT coin, with only 14 coins graded with FT status and only one coin better in MS 67 FT. This is undoubtedly one of the toughest clad Roosevelts to find in FT grades. The Philadelphia mint coins from 1969-1980 are all very tough in FT, as well as the 90 P&D and 91 P&D coins. Couldn't resist this coin, when it was offered to me in a private transaction. This is the next to last 1960's clad dimes in FT. The other is the 69-D which I ha

TD Henson

TD Henson

Hmmm....Opportunity knocks - What to do?

To buy or not to buy - that is the question... Earlier this month I talked about a subtle shift in my focus for 2012 - more towards classic coins and specifically Capped Bust Half Dimes. Well, since then I have been buying lots of raw dimes and soon will send off probably a 20 coin submission to help my Roosevelt Clad Dimes grow through my own efforts. Honestly, I would like to have 50% of the coins become self made. I also bought my first raw Half Dime, a worn 1832 dime just to start gettin

TD Henson

TD Henson

A look back and now a look forward at 2012

No specific goals for me - other than to have fun!! I think I became lost in the battle to be #1 in 2011 - accomplishing that task in a few minor sets that are really just hollow victories, in my opinion. I've been refining my grading skills year over year since joining NGC - as attested by my results in the following table. Avg High Low Total 2008 66.16 68 64 30 2009 65.76 67 64 32 2010 65.94 68 65 16 2011 66.25 68 65 12 2012 The disturbing part for me is the lesser total

TD Henson

TD Henson

History Tab...

How the heck did I miss this feature for the last several months?!?!? Anybody else not notice the History tab, when you open up your set listing? I've often thought about this and wondered where I was a couple months ago, last year, etc., but all that history was lost once a change was made. Now our sets have a tab that shows the ins and outs and slot score corrections. Cool. Maybe I completely missed this when it happened, if so sorry for the redundancy. Todd To see old comments for t

TD Henson

TD Henson

Ode to BeawChan Part II

The obverse picture in case your interested... I find all the early commems interesting and quite compelling. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

TD Henson

TD Henson

Ode to BeawChan

I was inspired by the commems post and started a set... Here we go again - not completed on anything and starting a new set. BeawChan's post with the great picture of one of my favorite coins, the Connecticut Commem. Inspired, I put out a 70% FMV bid on a nicely toned Washington & Carver half in NGC MS 65 and walked away, actually went out of town for a couple days. Came back to find that I had one for 65% of FMV!! Sweet!!! These are great coins, but a slow set to compile - I think MS 65

TD Henson

TD Henson

NCS Experience

Better than expected and highly recommended!!! My picture taking prowess is minimal, but here are the before and after photos from my first foray into conservation. This is a top pop MS 66 1970 D DDR FS-801 The raw coin laying on my glove and then the certified beauty after conservation. NCS made a believer of me!! Let me know what you think. Todd To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.

TD Henson

TD Henson

My first NCS submission results...

Perhaps my grading skills are improving. One month almost to the day after journaling about sending in my first submission my 2 little Roosie's are ready to come home! Either my grading skills are improving or as the saying goes - "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then". The 1971-P Roosevelt did come back as cleaned - "Reverse Wheel Marks" - I didn't key on the wheel marks, but rather on some very light circular abrasions in the field - almost undiscernable. Too bad as this coin i

TD Henson

TD Henson

Coin Show Weekend!

And now a dimemna... I've been working on selecting my very best dimes for another submission to NGC. Still waiting on the 70-D DDR and Broadstruck 71-P Roosies to come back from NCS conservation/NGC grading, but now I'm getting antsy to submit more top grade coins to NGC. I have the "save" pile whittled down to about 20 coins that I believe are top grades and had planned to whittle this pile down to 8 or 10 coins for my next submission. Generally, the local coin shows don't produce much i

TD Henson

TD Henson