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For Sale!!!!

PF 70 UC Silver State Quarters.... Due to a desire to truly focus on my CC Morgan collection, I have decided to liquidate my silver state quarters. Make offer for the whole bunch or for single coins.... Thanks. Terry

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Ebay Adams Again

Well the lister has put up a new auction... This time it is a different picture and it looks legit. Also the cert number checks out. Here is the auction #330245826891.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Ebay Adams

This is weird.... I looked at the completed auctions and found the coin sold in auction #280236154820 on the 15th of June. What really bothers me about that one is that it is listed by a dealer I've dealt with on more than one occasion and who I trusted completely. Maybe I should look back at some of my purchases from them. Also it appears that Ebay has ended the current auction of that coin. Another thing....the person who won the previous auction isn't the same name that is listing it

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

RE: Louisa Adams PF 70 UC on Ebay

If you look at the sellers other items he has the Elizabeth Monroe with the same cert # listed. It's ebay item # is 330244339768. I emailed Ebay about the Adams listing. Very fishy. Also good luck Clay, my dad is having a cardiac cath done on Tuesday.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Back at it.

Well after getting slightly distracted, I am now back at it. I'm refocusing my collecting efforts back towards the coin that originally drew me into this hobby. I picked up a new Morgan for my collection and it is a beauty. I got a 1881 CC MS 65. With all the recent interest in Silver Eagles and my money and time spent in pursuit of other coins, purchasing a new Morgan kinda made me feel like a man returning home to his wife after a torrid affair with another woman. Okay maybe not quite li

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Can't keep my big mouth shut!!!!!

About three years ago my mother-in-law told me that in the basement of her parents home in Minnesota was rolls of old coins her father had collected. Her father passed away nearly 30 years ago and no one knew what was down there. Well about a year or so ago she went back to Minnesota to visit and when she returned to San Diego she had brought her Dad?s coins with her. She put these rolls into the safety deposit box and let them sit. Well about six months ago I finally convinced her to let m

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Reverse of 2007, Yet Again!!!

I think we have about beat this horse to death. As someone who has been kinda vocal about the Rev of 07 and its place in the registry I really think we have beat this horse enough for now. Honestly who really knows what the hell is going to happen to the price, you all have your theories and speculation, but none of you really know. I'm excited about this coin not because of potential value, but because it is going to be an important coin in the series. If I wanted I could sell mine now

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

NGC Response about adding REV of 2007 to Registry

As many of you know I am greatly interested in what becomes of the Rev of 2007.... well I emailed NGC about it and here is the response I received: "The relative rarity of Reverse of 2007 coins versus Reverse of 2008 coins has not yet been established. NGC will report the newly discovered variety in the NGC Census. Once this is determined, we may create a separate slot for the 2008 W Reverse of 2007 S$1." So they are taking a kind of wait and see approach right now and I can respect that

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Thoughts on the Reverse of 2007

Do other people see this as an important coin or just a mistake... Granted I am fairly new to the hobby, but I truly believe this coin will be important. In the 20+ years of the ASE program we have never seen something like this and I think it will be a long time before we see something like this again. I know some people think it is an error and shouldn't have its own slot in the registry, but if that is your argument then NGC should remove slots for such coins as the 1878 Morgan with the R

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Rev of 07

Does anyone know if NGC is going to add a slot for the 2008 W Eagle Rev of 07? I have one of both and would like to be able to list them both, Rev 07 and Rev 08.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

This registry/point/set vs individual coin thing...And hang on Mr. Thompson

I thought this site was about coin collecting... Not about set building. Hey if you can afford to go and build certain sets good on you, but don't look down on people who may not have as deep of pockets and who may collect coins as individual pieces. Yes I do "dream" of building a complete Morgan set, but I know the economics of being a U.S. Marine and building this set don't add up so I pick up what I can when I can. Yes, I also have a one coin set, because I think the Indian Head Quarter

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

I couldn't help myself

I was in San Diego Coin and Bullion today... and I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it I was walking out the door with a 1908 Indian Head Quarter Eagle graded MS-62 by NGC. Now I really had no reason to buy this coin other than the fact that it's cool. I love the incuse technique used on this coin and it's big brother the half eagle. Can someone please find a cure!!!!!!

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

A New Record????

4 Days... I think this may be a new record for turnaround time. 4 days from invoice date to finalized/shipped for a modern submission (normally 12 day turnaround). These are my "Skinny Chickens". The unc .50 got a MS70, unc $1 got MS69 and the three proofs got PF69 UC. Not quite what I was hoping for gradewise, but the turnaround time is great.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham


After a month of waiting.. I got my "Skinny Chickens" today and I must say that I am somewhat disappointed in the whole Bald Eagle set. The reverse designs are great but the obverses leave something to be desired. Ugly or not though I'm still shipping them off to get graded, so wish me luck.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham


Does anyone have any advice on how to scan or take decent photos of my coins....other then sending them to NGC......Help. Thanks

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Re: Any other married gentlemen out there?

My wife doesn't think I act like a child..... My wife does this imitation of me talking about coins. She does this high pitched robotic sounding nerd voice and throws out things like "This is special because on this minting the hair flows this way vice that way and they only made 100,000 of them." She really has no idea what she is talking about, but it is pretty funny when she does it.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

I think I'm going to be sick......

Well after months of looking and looking I just pulled the trigger on a MS-65 1878 CC Morgan. Well after months of looking and looking I just pulled the trigger on a MS-65 1878 CC Morgan. This by far is the most I've spent on a single coin to this point. Now I can start looking for 1878 S the final 1878 Morgan I need. I love this hobby!!!!!!!

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

1878 CC and 1878 S

Help me please!!!!! I'm looking for a 1878 CC and 1878 S to complete my 1878 set....I have the other's, but am having trouble finding these two in a condition I'll accept at a price I can afford. I'm in the San Diego area, so if you can help, please let me know.......Thanks

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham