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In Bed by 11:30

Woke up to a nice surprise!! My official 1st coin purchase of 2008 is the 1st day of issue Madison Presidential coin and cover...AND it is IN SLC waiting to be delivered to me!! I am excited about this!! Also, my proof silver eagle and my proof presidential set are on their way, too.   A great way to start a new year!! Branching out a bit further into new coins. And NO HANGOVER!!   Happy New Year everyone!!



A Year in Review Commentary.

Happy New Year!! Greetings everyone!! As I sit here and write this entry, I have to say I do so with a great joy, and a great sense of pride and fulfillment that I think only ones collection, no matter what that collection is, can bring. In about 1983, I started collecting baseball cards with my fellow high school friends, with whom I shared a great sense of comraderie, and got a great deal of help from these people. They shared with me how to care for the cards, shared the adresses of



Branching Out...a little

New coins, and new excitement!! Greetings everyone, I hope you all had the best Festivus EVER!! So, the other day I began contemplating what I want to do so far as my numismania is concerned, namely IF I should branch out just a bit and what coins to branch out with. I decided on the "First Day of Issue Covers" namely the Presidential Dollar 1st day covers from the mint. Now, don't get me wrong here. The Silver Eagles will always be my main point of interest, I will keep my subscripti



Silver Eagles Once Again...

My Take on pretty silver thing... I have been away from the site a few days, and it looks like my most favorite coin has been a hot topic in the journals, and I cannot help myself but to chime in here. When I first saw the silver eagles, I fell totally in love with everything about the coin. From the way it looks, to the feel of it in my hand, you name it, I just love everything about the coin. I have bought a few coins from some auctions, and then eventually I started a subscription from t



"Coin Country" and the 2008 Silver Eagles

What I saw last night.... Greetings again!! Well, last night I was scanning the channels and went to "Coin Country Network" and alas..they are already selling 2008 GRADED by NGC bullion coins. In BOTH Early Release and "Gold Label" (38 and 37 dollars respectively) this tells me 2 things.... (1) We are closer to 2008 than we all realize. ( a collective DUH is in order there..I know) (2) NGC is about to become or already is VERY busy in the grading process right now ( another DUH...



What Can I Say? I Love My Coins!!

A short entry this time... Well, the year is about over, and I have almost no regrets other than I wish I would have started collecting coins..namely Silver Eagles, much earlier. I love the Silver Eagles, and I am grateful for the fun and longing, and sometimes sadness the collection has brought me. This is my first year collecting, and I feel I have acquired some coins that many people would never get the chance to, so I feel fortunate. I have learned a lot from you all, and I feel I have



The US Mint Email I was Waiting For!!

2008, Here We Come!! Greetings!! Well, just the other day I got my notice from the mint that "Your 2008 Silver Eagle Proof subscription will be processed in about 3 weeks...." WOW!! I am entirely excited about getting this one. I also have a subscrption to the uncirculated silver eagles...which, so far as the 2007's go are NO LONGER AVAILABLE from the mint...SOLD OUT!!! Glad I got mine when I did. I have both an MS 69 and MS 70 uncirc. and a PF 70 for 2007...a pretty great start to m




Or "Looking Forward to our annual "Santa Claws" Party Greetings and happy Festivus everyone!! It has been a little while since I posted anything ( I hear a collective "THANK GOD" ) but today I had a spare moment and thought I would check in. During the Thanksgiving holiday I spotted a Snoopy 1st Spaceflight commem coin on ebay (dated 1969) and put a bid in and subsequently lost....but it was one of those bids that deep inside after bidding I was HOPING to lose. I started regretting



Hope You All Had a Great Thanksgiving!!!

Some "raw" Coins I am looking forward to adding to my Registry Next year!! Well, the turkey has been devoured. The stuffing, yams, gravy, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie has been consumed. The wine and beer have been properly "recycled" and the annual family feuds have been re-energized. Must be the day after Thanksgiving!! I am not one of those who go out the day after and shop and get into the crazies. Usually the Friday after I sit home and nurse a small hangover and try to find som



I found a 1939 Nickel (not a D) in My Sons Piggy Bank

I just HAPPENED to Look at the Date Probably not worth much, but it was incredible to see such an old coin just laying there on the coin pile as we were counting his money ( he has managed to save $77...and he's just 10 years old!!) I gave him 5 dollars for it. Also found some 1962 Quarters. It's a lot of fun finding these coins, knowing they all have silver content.



The Things ( and People) I am Thankful For

It IS Thanksgiving week, NOT Christmas YET I am going off of the beaten path a little bit here and am entering a post that is not really as much about coins, or collecting, as it is about being thankful and grateful for the health, career, and people who make everything good possible. "Everything good" includes my Silver Eagles. I went shopping with my wife last night and was astonished that the Christmas decor was already up, and being sold. I can't even watch TV without being fed "GI



The Things ( and People) I am Thankful For

It IS Thanksgiving week, NOT Christmas YET I am going off of the beaten path a little bit here and am entering a post that is not really as much about coins, or collecting, as it is about being thankful and grateful for the health, career, and people who make everything good possible. "Everything good" includes my Silver Eagles. I went shopping with my wife last night and was astonished that the Christmas decor was already up, and being sold. I can't even watch TV without being fed "GI



Looking ahead......and Back.

To the American Eagle 25th Anniversary...and back to "the day" Greetings again!. I have been pondering for a few weeks now what the mint may do for the 25th Anniversary of the Eagle coins. And at the same time I have been wishing I started collecting in 2006. Are they going to do another very limited reverse proof? Are they going to offer something COMPLETELY different..like Edged lettering? A person can dream all day about this. I also remember the day I decided to star



My coins are Back from NGC Today!!

Took about a week...GREAT JOB!! I am so excited to have gotten my coins back in such a timely manner from NGC. As collectors, we are all lucky to be associated with such a great company. I was thrilled that my proof 2007 Eagle came back a PF 70 Ultra Cameo, and my 1986 Proof came back a PF 69 Ultra Cameo. Both are beautiful coins. Everything elase came back MS 69 ( my 93, 2006W, and 2007W) I love these coins, they are a great addition to my collection. Thanks NGC for th



Walking Liberty. Loving Wife.

The balance between collecting and relationships. Greetings! Well, it happened yesterday. My excitement upon getting another coin that I won on auction was a bit marred by the reaction from my wife. WHAT??? ANOTHER ONE??? Now, I don't want any of you reading this to think negatively of my wife. She has been loving and supportive of me and all of my strong points and flaws from day one. She is the reason why I am successful in my career, and the reason why I have joy and peace i



Status: Scheduled for Grading.

The excitement MOUNTS!! Greetings! I submitted 5 silver eagles for grading last week, and have been watching my "Order Status" like a mother bird watching her eggs seeing how they are coming along. I submitted a 1986 Proof silver eagle, a 1993 bullion silver eagle, a 2006 W uncirc. silver eagle, a 2007 W uncirc. silver eagle, and a 2007 W Proof silver eagle. I am hoping they all grade well, but especially the 2006 W..I hope that one grades an MS 70. I paid about 80.00 for the 2006 W ear



I Just won 2 more Coins ( I build while others downsize?) : )

This is the LAST coins until 08..I MEAN it THIS time?!! Well, I really have gone overboard monetarily this year building up my collection, and like every good addict I have come up with numerous excuses. "I got a GREAT deal on this one..." "OK, now, I won't spend ANYMORE this year..." "But LOOK at how BEAUTIFUL this one is..." " My credit card is not THAT maxed out!!..." " Just ONE MORE, then I will STOP...I PROMISE!!" But really, who am I, or any of the rest of you foo



The "Burnished" Identity

A note of comparison... Greetings! (again) The other night while I was getting my coins ready to go to NGC for grading, I took a moment and held my 2007W and 2006W uncirculated burnished silver eagles next to my 1989 MS 69 bullion coin, just for a comparison. You know what? The Bullion coins sure are more, ummmm Brilliant? looking. I think I like those better in an asthetic sense. BUT do not get me wrong, I do really LOVE the burnished coins, but I really was struck at how beautiful the



Trial...and failure!!

could not upload my coin images So this morning I tried to upload my coins images onto my registry, but I "exceeded the 120kb limit" so I will go back to the drawing board and try it again later. On the good news front, I sent my 5 coins in for grading the very next day after I got my membership packet in the mail, so they are on their way!! I can't wait to get the results back. They are 5 silver eagles, the 2 I am anxiously awaiting the results for are my 1986 Proof, and my 2006 W



A GREAT day for Coin Mail

My NGC membership, my ms 69 1989, and my MS 70 2007 eagle 5 dollar coin They all arrived today. I hurried and added to my registry. Wow!! the $5 Eagle is SMALL...but a great coin. Looking forward to sending in some more to get graded!!



The Glory of the Online Auction

" The THRILL of VICTORY..The AGONY of DEFEAT" OK, so I have yet another confession to make.   I live for the online auction. I LOVE it!! This is where being compulsive becomes a sworn enemy to everybody's coin budget. You know how it goes..the internal dialogue "OK, I will ONLY bid $25 for this NO MATTER WHAT..if I do not win it OH WELL!!" Then that dialogue changes during the last few minutes..or DAY of the auction. "What? that @#*@@!! is OUTBIDDING me by $5??? I'LL SHOW TH



Adding ANOTHER coin to my Collection

MS 69 1989 Silver Eagle Well, I am definately a "NUMISMANIAC". No matter how many times I tell myself to stop this collecting of round metal objects..I just can't stay away from it...but this really is not a BAD thing...is it?? I just won an auction for a 1989 MS 69 Silver Eagle..should be here either Saturday or Monday. I paid $19.50 for it....once again, MAYBE a bit too much, but I am playing for the long run here..and once again it is pre-graded. I will be proud to add this to my r



My 1st GOLD Eagle MS 70 Early Release....

I just won my auction for it. Greetings again! Well, I am pretty excited about this one. I just won an auction for a 2007 MS 70 Early Release Gold Eagle for $105. It has everything going for it except it is NOT a W but, for my first Gold eagle, I think I did pretty well, maybe paid a LITTLE too much, but I took into consideration it is pre-graded, saving me a grading spot when my member package comes. I am looking forward to adding this to my registry under gold eagles w



I hope 2008 Brings as Much Excitement as 2006/2007

Speaking of the Silver eagle Market...AGAIN!! Well, what an exciting couple of years the US Mint has given us all with the new Presidential Dollars, The scarce 2006 W Silver Eagles, the Back ordered 2007 w silver eagles... ( will the 2007's be as scarce?) I now find myself glued to "Shop at Home" coin shows like I would be glued to a mystery movie with high suspense as the Eagles are brought before the cameras. Beautiful coins!! I am looking forward to submitting my 86 proof silver ea



I Just Upgraded to a Paid Membership

The Benefits Outweigh the Cost! Well, I have been puttering around here for FREE for too long now, and probably writing like the newbie I am, so I decided that as much as I use the site, I may as well PAY my dues and quit acting like a SPONGE here!! I also figured it is better to pay and get some free grading benefits as I have a 2006 w silver eagle, a 1986 proof silver eagle, and some other bullion eagles that would look great in my registry. I also feel like it's better to get some ungra

