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Let's Do the Time Warp.....AGAIN!!

Inspiration, anticipation, and aggravation. The Trinity of coin collecting? Well, it has been about a week since my latest inspired moment and, after winning a few coins, I am still awaiting their arrivals. During a rather bad day at work yesterday, my mind went to what I believe are the three major emotions of a numismatist. I'll list and explain. 1. Inspiration: That moment one sees the coin that one MUST have. That SET...OH SO WONDERFUL!! Credit limits and bank accounts be damned...I am



Numis MANIA is in THE AIR!!!

AND.......I Got my 1996 Silver Eagle!! WOW!! Is it the promise of 1200 dollars coming from the feds? OR newly cashed income tax checks? OR the promise of SPRING just weeks away? I think we have all been smitten here with great case of NUMISMANIA!!!!!!! and it is a GRRREAT thing!! I have been on a coin hoarding binge like nobody's business, and I see lots of posts in the journals shadowing the same feelings. I have been on a tear lately acquiring more coins in the past week than I h



July,1969 First Man on the Moon

I am HOPING for a Moon Landing 40th Anniversary Commem next year!! I have always been intrigued with the early days of the space program. One of my favorite movies is "October Sky" and another favorite hobby of mine was model rocketry. I used to always watch the space events as a young boy ( the last I remember live as a boy was the Apollo/Soyuez mission in the mid 70's where USA and USSR docked in space for the 1st time) If I am able I catch the shuttle take-offs and landings, too.



A Bad Cold and Getting my 86 MS 69 Silver Eagle

I wish I could HEAL already!! Greetings! Well, on Friday during my battle with this nasty virus that has plagued me ( has NOW moved to my head) I recieved my 1986 MS69 Silver Eagle!! It really was a "silver lining" to an otherwise awful day. Being the "new guy" at work makes it so that I don't DARE take time off..and my cold seems to be getting worse...so I think I will HAVE to take Monday off. Anyway, back to the "silver lining" I put the coin in my registry and to my amazement it y



My Feelings have CHANGED!!

Completing the Silver Eagle set IS an attainable goal!! Greetings!! I sit here on a stand-by for work today and I decided to check my set and my un-graded silver eagles to see if I can financially afford to complete my silver eagle bullion set in the next 2 years....and YEAH...I definately CAN!! Being inspired by the fact that I can and really SHOULD strive to complete the set, I just bought 2 more coins. A 91 and 92 pre-graded MS69, and I put a bid out on a 90 MS 69. I have 2000-2



My Latest Acquisition!!

1986 MS69 Silver Eagle Uncirc. I have been looking for a good deal on this coin for a long time, finally found one for 28 dollars. It will be shipped tomorrow, and hopefully I can put this in my registry by Saturday or Sunday. And, is it NOT tempting to buy more 2007 W's from the mint as they are still $21.95? If not just for the intrinsic value? I have been thinking about it..... Have a good night, thanks again for reading!!



So Many Choices, But Only One Passion.

This is why I collect and really LOVE Silver Eagles. Greetings everyone!! I have been battling a nasty flu-like virus that has been circulating throughout SLC and has found it's way into my lungs. And being the "new guy" at my new job, it has been impossible to take days off, though I did leave about 30 minutes early on Thursday with a 103 degree F fever. It has been a miserable 4 or 5 days. But, in between my high fever, delirium, effects from night-time and day-time cold "medicines" I



Falling in the Ranks

I need to make more submissions!! So I took a close look at my registry this morning and realized I have slipped in the rankings somewhat, and I do have several "raw" coins just waiting to be submitted. But, like a deer in the head lights, I find myself both financially and mentally unable to submit any coins right now. I am not "poor" but I do have some credit cards that I built up some charges on....for COINS that I am paying down right now. So, I am planning on making a large submis



So Long Coin Vault?

Did I hear that right? One of my favorite shows to watch on TV is "The Coin Vault" on the Shop at Home channel. Now, I have never oredered anything from there as I usually just get what I want from the mint or auctions, but I find it amazing to sit and stare at the coins they present, and the hosts are usually very entertaining, I have a good time with that show. But, last night, somewhere in between the "proof silver statehood quarter" and the "BU Morgan dollars" during a break, the Pr



Taking a Closer Look...

The details are amazing!! Greetings!! I had a few free moments yesterday and I realized I had not really admired my bald eagle commems ( skinny chickens) for a while, so I took them out of their boxes (Ihave the proof and uncirc) and took a really close look. AMAZING!! The detail on the obverse and reverse are something to behold. The feathers on the eagle soaring, and the land at about 4 o'clock seem to really stand out. The skinny chicken on the reverse and the seal are just



The 2008 Proof Presidential Set

I'll be ordering that one soon... Greetings everyone!! I hope you all have had or are having a great weekend. I just got back from seeing U2 3D in IMAX and I am feeling very uplifted and inspired. I was taking inventory of my coins today and realized that I am getting a bit overwhelmed by the quantity and scope of everything I'd like to collect...big ideas and skinny bank accounts make for lots of wishes and no action!! I have so many coins I'd like to send off to NGC right now tha



I'll Take Mine in Silver Eagles, Please.....

Let's forget about the "rebate check"...just send coins.... Well, lately I have been working excessive amounts of hours ( again) and things have been a little un-settled, but I have been following the "stimulus package" that the politicians want to send us in the news. A 1200 dollar check? a 300 dollar check? let's just save the postage and send me a roll of silver eagles!! Or a 50 dollar gold eagle would do nicely, too. Pre-graded an MS 70 would REALLY do the trick.   That would be



My "Skinny Chickens" Have arrived!!!!!

AND.. I got lucky the same day!! Greetings!! It has been a few days since I have been able to contribute here due to an injured hand, and changing jobs...all in the same week. I had a rough go on the new job as it has been incredibly cold and the calls did not stop coming in to repair broken furnaces last week...the hours were gruelling and I did slip and sprain my right wrist in the snow. Doing much better now, though. That was last week, and I questioned myself as to whether I rea



Awaiting my "Skinny Chicken"

My Bald Eagle Coin..STILL on the way!! When I first started collecting baseball cards, I was about 14 years old, and had the urge to have quantity over quality. I felt that IF I collected enough, SOME "valuable" cards would certainly be in the stack. But a very good friend of mine intervened, and told me something that has always been my mantra in collecting to this very day. He said "NEVER collect ANYTHING you don't personally LOVE." This rule has worked well for me over the years, a



My Latest Acquisition A VDB Penny!!

AND my Bald Eagle Comemms are on the way!! It was just last Thursday when I took off to the local coin shop and saw the VDB pennies first hand. And the earliest penny in my wheat backs is a 1911, and I really do love the wheatbacks, reminds me of my childhood going to the corner store and getting 100 pieces of candy for 100 of the pennies. I drove the clerks mad, I know, but the swedish fish and squirrels were worth it, and I was always mesmerized by the design and EARLY dates on those penn



Some interesting News

Scouring my cedar chest hoard with a magnifying glass... Greetings!! (again...I Know!!) Well, I woke up today with a small case of boredom and decided to look closer at my cedar chest coin hoard that I recently discovered..with a magnifying glass. I THINK maybe the 1928 Peace Dollar may indeed be a 1923...it's hard to tell because the 3 and 8 on that mintage is so similar, but I am going to ship this off to NGC anyway, as it still could be a 2,000 dollar coin. In my unprofessional opinio



My First Trip to a Real Live Coin Shop

A GREAT Time!! As I mentioned in one of my numerous journal entries in the past few days, I had never been to a REAL coin shop before, so I planned on going to one tomorrow. But I mentioned this to my wife over a very delicious breakfast of sausage and eggs, and her response was "I didn't know that! Lets finish up eating and we'll go." So, we did finish eating and off we went to the Downtown Sugar House area of Salt Lake City where there is a coin shop I have passed a billion times named



Contemplating my First Trip to a Coin Shop

The internet has spoiled me.... Hi again!! OK, I'll be back to work tomorrow, so if you all can just bear with me with ONE MORE journal entry, I promise I'll lax up a bit here as I will have a new JOB to go to!!   Anyway, I have never been to a real live coin shop. Yeah, it even surprises me,too!! But nope, never been and I think that is unfair to me as I miss out on the face to face social aspect of collecting, and unfair to the local economy as the local coin shop misses ou



The Excitement Continues!!

Finally got my 2008 Proof Silver Eagle, new job!! Greetings again folks!! Well, the anticipation and longing for the mail I had on MLK Day has now been long forgotten as yesterday my 2008 Silver Eagle arrived, and I have to say, the mint has done a remarkable job with these proofs as long as I have been ordering them these past 2 years. The detail and...hell, PERFECTION of the proofs are just remarkable. I am surprised that not more people are interested in them, seems like since the 20



Happy MLK Day!!

A snow day for me....and some transitions goin on!! Greetings again!! Woke up to a HEAP BIG amount of snow today, and having a GRAND TOTAL of 4 vacation days left this year, I decided to take today off and snow blow the drive and walk. It's not the same being home though without the mail being delivered today..and the mints web page down, but this might just be what the Dr. ordered for my numismania...a day off from the longing and excitement MIGHT just get the blood pressure within "pr



My 2007 Presidential Proof Set has Arrived!!

Also, I looked a bit closer, and have a 1928, not 1923 Peace Dollar... Yesterday was a rather long day for me. Worked until 6 o'clock, and of course my last call was 40 miles from home. I won't even MENTION the traffic ( ooops I just did!!) BUT as a arrived home, I had one of the nice rectangular cardboard packages from " Fulfillment Center" waiting for me, and all of the sudden the job and traffic were all but forgotten about...for a few moments anyway... Could it be my Proof Silver Eag



Bald Eagle Comemms!!

My offer from the mint... Greetings! Yesterday was a terribly wayward day for me professionally. Although I LOVE what I do for a living, sometimes it is hard to deal with people and things politically on the job..so I guess I could call it "a bad day". The homefront is always a place that I find peace and comfort, thanks to a great "partner in crime" a.k.a. "My Loving Wife". As I was sitting at home after work, the mail arrived, and in it was a brochure from the mint tauting "The 200



A Windfall.....I cannot believe what happened to me today!!

"An old metal box in an old cedar chest..." What a great numismanic day I had...I do not have time right now to write my full account, but I will write a full inventory of the coin content later, and the full story (I don't mean to tease here, my son awaits me for bedtime ritual) I opened an old cedar chest which housed a metal box that belonged to my wifes Grandmother....and it had a SOCK full of coins, which includes...... An 1883 Morgan dollar A 1921 Morgan Dollar A 1927 Liberty Dolla



Some Mixed Feelings.....

A day off work and watching silver prices exceed 16.00 an oz. Greetings everyone: Today is an odd day for me personally as I woke up late for work due to a power outage that took my clock off the alarm, so as I called in to say I was on my way, the boss says " well, we actually don't have any service calls today so if you want to take a vacation day so you get paid, that's really fine." It HAS been slow at work this week. I am a heating and air conditioning service technician and my wor



An Honor, Many Thanks!

AND... my 2008 Proof Silver Eagle is on the way!! First, many thanks for all of you who take time out of your busy lives to read my journal. I hope I have been able to entertain and encourage all of you who do read this. Also, I am greatly humbled, and thoroughly surprised to have won a 2007 Journal Award. I really appreciate the acknowledgment, it means a great deal to me to have won. Thanks Collectors Sociey!! Now, I have to tell you I am THRILLED to announce my 2008 Proof silv

