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My Latest Acquisitions!!

A 1922 P Peace Dollar MS 63 and a 2007 non-burnished Early Release MS 69 Silver Eagle!! Greetings!! I am "back in the game" somewhat as i just acquired a 1922 P Peace Dollar MS 63 for $31 and a 2007 ER non burnished MS 69 Silver Eagle for $19.75. I feel like a got a GRRRRRRRREAT deal on the silver eagle...did so-so on the Peace Dollar. They are on their way, I should have them in my registry next week sometime. FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK!! Have a great day!!



Getting back in the Game

maybe sooner than later!! Greetings!! Well, I have been monitering the comings and goings here for the past few weeks and have not had anything really new to contribute as I have been steadily paying off credit cards so that I may be able to afford more coins and grading services towards the end of the year. At the same time I have been in a job situation that promised me more money and benefits but has fallen wayyyyyy short on both fronts, so you might say this has been a bit of a str



A Lot Happening Right Now......

And MOST of it is good!! Greetings!! I have "been away" for a couple weeks as I have been re-connecting with a very good friend of mine whom I had not heard from in 20 years, so most of my time writing has been to him catching up on 20 years and congratulating him on his marriage and on his upcoming child. He is one of the key reasons why I started collecting baseball cards, and really helped me get started with my collecting passion, so it has been a very good thing to "get back to my roo



Another Reason to Love Our Hobby

And it's NOT about ...money? Greetings!! Another reason to love our hobby....the friendships we have all forged here. Now, I don't email some of you as oft as I should, but I am happy to know that all of you who frequent the journals can understand the way I feel, and can appreciate the longing and yearning for the coins sent, and the coins on the way. I appreciate deeply reading the journals here, and I wish you all luck with the submissions and auctions. I WISH I was "in the



When life is BLAH..I am glad to have COINS to make me SMILE! :)

A hobby? NO!! An OBSESSION!! OK, I have been having a series of bad days lately, and right after I walk through the door and greet my wife and maybe eat a burrito, I am working on something to do with my coin collection...it keeps the sheer MADNESS at bay, let me tell ya!! I work for a place that COULD be a great company, but the "drink the Kool-Aid" expectations are HUGE..EVEN by UTAH standards... and it drives me CRAAAAAZY! BUT thank GOD for a loving wife and a great coin collecti



My Plans for Later This Year

I am putting together an interview sheet as I am going to interview some coin shop owners.... Greetings!! Well, the "Reverse of 2007" is certainly going to spawn some extra excitement this year. And I KNOOOW ALLLLLL of you ran to wherever your coins are to check up to see if YOU had one...I know I sure as hell did!! And no, I don't. But the excitement had me thinking about what I could do a little differently to spawn a little excitement of my own, and I decided I am going to attend so



There Will Be.......Pictures

Not being very computer literate gets frustrating sometimes. Greetings!! A subject I have given very much thought to lately is whether or not to spend the extra (valuable) time to try to get good pictures of my coins, and then do all the cropping, shrinking, etc. and post these in my collection here. I get a bit worried about people using the images for coins they do have have to "sell" on ebay, or other sites, and this worries me a bit. Also, unlike ebay, for me personally as I am not



My 2008 W Silver Eagle has ARRIVED!!

I would BET this is an MS 70!! Beautiful coin! Greetings after a bit of a break as I have been attending to some small personal matters ( I hate my job and can't get my mind around it) But, it is very good to be back and to report that my 2008 Silver Eagle has arrived, and it is definately an MS70. The re-design, though only slight, does make this coin stand out, and I have not received a coin from the mint in as good of shape as this one. I'll know for sure of it's grade when I send this o



A "Re-do" for my Silver Eagle Set

I added some good information on the coins I own so far.... Don't mean to dominate the journals today, just thought I'd add a little side bar about my Silver Eagle set. Having in my posession the official mintage figures from the Mint, I decided to change my descriptions from a light-hearted to a more informational forum, as it takes time to READ what people have in the sets, so I figured I should make it worth the effort. Check it out sometime if you have the time. Hav



Steel Pennies and the Means of Sacrafice

I don't think my generation could hold a candle to "The Greatest Generation" So, I was going through the contents of my "cedar chest coin find" last night and I cannot help but marvel on the "steel pennies" that are in that hoard. The "marvelling" is not really at the pennies themselves, for the pennies are not in "good" shape, as these particular pennies tend to have spots on them and the like. But the pennies, made in 1943 during America's "gear up" for what would be WW2 represent the sac



"John Adams" and my Feelings of Pride

My Presidential Proofs Look even more astonishing Greetings! Lately I have been glued to the mini-series on HBO "John Adams" and get these great feeling of pride in the American forefathers and what they did to create a new country. Now, I am not usually a big fan of any mini-series as they usually never garner my attention for that long, but this is truly mesmerizing especially if you are a fan of history, as I would dare say most numismaniacs are. The mini-series reminds me that w



"In Stock and Reserved"

The journey of a coin from the Mint Greetings! So, those words "In stock and reserved" have been read by many of you here I am sure. Almost all of you who do order your coins right from the Mint. And, if you are like myself, those words bring a great sense of relief and further longing, because you KNOW your coin is soon to be at your door. Soon the tracking number will be made available so every day you can watch the progress of your coins trip from Kentucky all the way to points every



It's a Good Thing I WAITED....

"no longer an ebay member" what would have happened? Greetings!! So a few weeks ago I was eager to get an MS 69 1990 Silver Eagle from a certain seller on ebay. I saw the bids were still low with only hours to go, so I hap hazardly put in a bid, and then AFTER I did so, I read the description "WE NO LONGER ACCEPT PAY PAL" I thought "ooops" but decided to go ahead with the transaction anyway, as most people who sell on ebay really are honest. Obviously, I did win the bid. I contacted the



Awaiting my 2008 W Uncirculated Silver Eagle

The "beaten path" has become more of a TRENCH to my mailbox now.. Hope everyone had a good Easter holiday! I have been keeping an eye on my account at the Mint website, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 2008 W Uncirc Silver Eagle. Not that I can SEE the mailbox anymore as I have now worn about a 7 foot deep trench from my walking and pacing to the mailbox. Can't wait to see it and subsequently get it graded later in the year. If the uncircs look anything like the Proofs,



Happy Easter Everyone!!

May your Easter baskets be full of COINS!! Greetings again!! I have these memories of waking up Easter mornings when I was very young and finding an Easter basket full of candy on top of the TV set in the living room. I'd rush to see what was in the basket and also get that plastic grass all over the place. I'd eat as much of the candy that was allowed and then ( after getting full of sugar and whilst bouncing off every wall ) my mom would help me get dressed for the annual trip to churc



A New Goal

This one will take me years... Greetings! Well, I have been really stunned by the beauty of the Proof Silver Eagles ever since I received my first one from the Mint last year. I have noticed that the interest in collecting the Proofs is not as great as the uncircs and bullions in the Silver Eagle category. I am not so sure of the reason for this. The Proofs are a bit more expensive to buy from the Mint, but the Mint only produces in the 7 or 800,000 range of these coins per year. So



I Robbed my "Batman Bank" and Found it is Very hard to Spend Coins

I looked very intently upon each Quarter... The economy has hit me right here at home. Now, I am not "broke" but I have started a new job a few weeks ago, and due to the time of year I have been short of hours lately. This will change in April/May when people turn on their AC's and find they don't work...I mean LOTS of people at THE SAME TIME...but I digress... Anyway, finding my bank account a little strapped due to lack of hours, my Batman Bank peered at me in a menacing manner as I



A Passion Reality Check

Also, A definition on what a "Skinny Chicken" is, and the origin of the description. Good day!! Well, just like many of you I have been consumed lately on getting my set ( in my case the Silver Eagle set ) completed, and with silver prices on the rise, I felt a sense of urgency as I believe the pricing on the rarer Eagles ( 94, 95, 96, 06W) would be out of my reach. And I acquired the rarer coins within my budget, and actually got great deals, as I have posted here previously. In that same



I've Got Plaque!!

AND, the 2008 W's will be out very soon...... So, after a day of turmoil at work, and HOPING for a nice surprise when I finally arrived at home, I came across a package from UPS sitting on my doorstep addressed to me. I looked closer as I was fumbling with my work tool backpack, my GPS and trying to find the correct key to open the door, and saw the sender was NGC. I FINALLY got into the house ( gravity can be an enemy as it pulls the tool backpack off of my shoulder at the damndest times



Serving Two Masters...sort of

My career sucks....wish I was a coin dealer!! Greetings everyone!! Well, I have been on a real rollercoaster lately with my new job where I feel like I am really working too hard, but I don't feel the passion for being a heating and air conditioning technician anymore. When I first started my career 13 years ago, I was going to school to learn the trade, I was in an apprenticeship as well, where every move was under scrutiny of a journeyman, and I thrived and learned well. My "light rea



Moving Back Up in the Ranks

My 94 and 95 Silver Eagles arrived today. My 96 has been entered into my set YAY!!! Greetings!! After much anticipation and some findings of great deals, I finally got my 94 and 95 Silver eagles, at the same time today. I was also quite relieved to have seen my 96 was entered into my set after a week of waiting. This moves me back into the 200's so far as my ranking goes. The coins are all beautiful, and have been well taken care of, no scratches on the holders, no toning. I am gla



My 2008 Presidential Proof Set has Arrived!!

Still awaiting my Silver Eagles... Greetings!! After much waiting and being patient (sort of) my 2008 Prezzies have arrived, and whata great looking set it is. As I have mentioned before, I'll probably never send them in for grading, as I really like the mint holder they come in, just plain impressive. This is a set that I am proud to be collecting as I have been able to "get on board" from the beginning, and plan on completing the set when all is said and done in 2016. The mint sent



My MS70 2007 $5 Gold and the Delayed Adrenalin Rush

After reading the US Mint Final Figures.... Greetings again everyone! So I had some spare moments the other day and I decided to look up the US Mint's "FINAL FIGURES FOR AMERICAN EAGLE BULLION (in pieces) 1986-Current" And I found some amazing figures for gold for the 2007 production. There were only 140,016 pieces of 1 oz. gold produced. 47,002 pcs. of 1/2 oz, 34,004 pcs. of 1/4 oz. and, this is my personal favorite as I own this one. 190,010 pcs. of 1/10 oz gold. Now, this is bullio



1994 and 1995 Silver Eagles

With the 1996 Silver Eagle I now have all the key dates...but the 1990 eludes me.... Greetings!! I have had an exciting morning as I have now acquired the 94 and 95 Silver Eagles ( paid 38.70 and 36.75 respectively) so now I am well on my way to completeing the set. I think it is mostly a mental block so far as the 94,95, and 96 goes. What I mean is we all KNOW these are low population coins, so we all kinda shudder and stall a bit when it comes to acquiring them. I feel lucky to have



A Small Problem with my 1996 Silver Eagle.....

To my elation it arrived, BUT So after much anticipation my 1996 Silver Eagle arrived, and I RUSHED to my computer to add the coin into my registry...BUT it is STILL registered to someone else..... So, what happens next is Collectors Society emails that person to ask them to remove it from their registry, if they do not do so after 1 week, Collectors Society will automatically add the coin to my registry. No big deal...just will take a little time. I guess it's one of those moments in co

