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Entries in this journal

Keeping a Peaceful Mind in an Overwhelming Hobby

It's easy to get distracted by all the options. Here's how I keep peaceful and focused. Greetings again!! Having read some entries as of late, I started thinking about the complexities and personal trials I have encountered in my collecting life. There truly have been some very high peaks and some low points along the way, and God knows there have been times (as lately) where I want to acquire more than the wallet (or credit) can deliver. There have been bouts of sheer happiness, and p



"The Dark Knight" and the 1922 Peace Dollar

The Peace Dollar is a STAR!! I was extremely impressed by "The Dark Knight" and really cannot get mind mind off of it even 2 weeks later now after I saw it. I was thrilled to see the use of a 1922 Peace Dollar featured in the movie as well. I'd like to have the one used in the movie as part of my collection...real or not. You just gotta love coins!!



August? Already????????

This year has FLOWN by!! Greetings!! Quite a fast and eventful year for a lot of journalists here!! I have been reading the many acquisitions and have been dreaming of my own. I am looking forward to 2009, though and am wondering (still) if the Mint will produce a 40 Year Moon Landing Comemm. I am hoping so, and will be among the first people to buy. I think that was a very exciting time for the world and feel strongly that era should be preserved via coin mintage. October is fast a



Just a Few Things...

Been away for a little bit, here's what's new. Greetings again!! Been away doing other things such as trying to find my way in my new job (enjoying it thoroughly!!) and taking some time to re-focus my direction while having a couple days off. Also went to see "The Dark Knight" in IMAX and was totally mesmerized and thoroughly blown away by it....still can't get it out of my head. I am busily working on my credit card bill so that I can more thoroughly "get in the game" here, though



Mesmerized by the Peace Dollar

Gawking at my coins again.... Next to the Silver American Eagle, the Peace Dollar is my 2nd favorite coin. I love the way Liberty's hair flows on the obverse, and I love the detail of the Eagle and the word "Peace" on the reverse. Seems like the idea of peace is a bit far fetched lately, but of course, even in the 1920's, things were not exactly "peaceful" for all Americans, even as this famous coin advertised peace. We still had a long way to go ( and still do) to ensure that peace and hap



Happiness is......

............ Getting the coin or other collection piece you wanted after months of planning!! I obtained my Batman Year One Part 2 comic the other day and have it in my CGC registry. I am very excited to have it, and to see the new Batman movie. I am currently scheming on how and when I am going to acquire the Reverse of 2007 coin.....I have decided it's just a matter of time. I also spent some time today creating my own website/blog where I may have to post the upcoming interviews wi



I wish I could Afford more Gold and Platinum coins....

I am a real lover of the $5 gold pieces When I first received my MS 70 ER $5 gold piece in the mail last year after winning it in auction for about $99, I was a bit shocked on exactly how small it was, and I documented that fact here at the time. But, with only about 190,000 of those particular coins minted last year, that coin has actually become the biggest coin in my collection. I am very proud to own it, and I feel like this coin will become a highly sought after addition to many sets i



A little bit spread out......

My interests are all over the place lately. I ended up taking the day off today as I had a dentist appointment this morning. I MEANT to only take off 3 hours, but some things were happening that caused me to just take the whole day. Which is OK because for once in my life I get sick time that accrues 1 day a month. I ramble....while being off today and looking at my collection, I realized that I have soooo many interests that I wonder if I am going to ever complete any of the sets. The clos



October can't come Soon Enough

I am tirelessly paying down the credit cards to be able to make a large submission I feel a little left out lately as I have not made any NGC submissions lately, and I miss the thrill of waiting for and watching the coins go through the grading process. BUT there will be a large submission made in October when I can get the credit cards down a little more...most of the charges are coin related. I am going to be getting into pennies more and Peace Dollars, as well as finishing the Silver Eag



Happy Independence Day!!

But I'd never want to be "independent" of my collection!! Looks like in the USA we'll be celebrating another year of independence as we have been doing since 1776. If my quick calculations are correct, that means "we" have officially been a country for about 232 years. And a very young country in comparison to England, France, Greece, Italy. Those countries were already "around" hundreds of years before "we" ever came to be. There are homes, places of business in these other countries that ar



My Love for Collecting, and "Absinthe Girl"

I have made a story for "Walking Liberty" the star of my Favorite coin, the Silver Eagle. On any given day and when I make time, I often take my wonderful coin collections out and I like to just STARE at them, and admire the craftsmanship and I often wonder what the characters on the coins might be thinking, or actually doing as the case may be. I can just imagine Lincoln telling the engraver "WAIT!! this is my GOOD side!!" same with the other Presidents, because we all KNOW they were NEVE



On Deciding What to do with my Prezzie Proof Sets

To Grade...or NOT to grade..... Alas the weekend is upon us, and once again I have gotten my collection out of hiding and have gazed intently upon the shiny silver and gold discs that we all love so much, and am STILL undecided about whether to grade the Prezzie sets, or to let them be in the very great Government Packaging. I love the theme on the Prezzie sets with the glamourous portraits, and a very good and sturdy plastic housing, I almost hate to trade that in for the (in comparison) p



Uncertain Economic Times Hitting EVERYBODY

This has to include the Mint Greetings again!! Well, recently I became a "Public Service Employee" and just about as soon as I was employed by my County Government, and thrilled to have some basic benefits ( affordable health ins. and some days off I never had before) they were talking about how "next year these bennies may cost more or disappear" The County relies on sales taxes to sustain itself, and people just are not BUYING anything except maybe GAS...ARRRGH!! So, when I was to



A Retrospect of the last Few Months

It has been a rollercoaster ride.... Greetings again everyone!! It is a sunny bright day in the 90's here in SLC as I sit in a very comfortable air conditioned space inside...which has made me do a little retrospective thinking about the past few months, and a little bit into last year. AND a bit of future news for my plans for my journal here. I think the 2 most newsworthy events that has happened to us all as coin collectors are obviously, the "Reverse of 2007" and the stunning $20 an



The Rise and Fall of the Burnished Silver Eagles

The pricing has changed... So, after a hard days work today I do my favorite thing which is to check my registry sets and see how my coins stand, and also to read the interesting things you all have to say. I have been a bit perplexed lately as I watched the pricing for my 2006 W Silver Eagle Burnished move from about $100 to $78. I always felt like maybe that would happen as there was a bit of a "craze" over the new Burnished coins. I paid $89 for mine in raw form, and it graded a MS 6



The Job I'd LOVE to have....

Are there any openings? So, I remember watching the History Channel's show about the US Mint, and I remember seeing a person...with white gloves on, arranging Silver Eagles on a table (I believe they were Proofs) so they could be inspected and then shipped. WOW!! To be able to hang out with the Eagles all day AND get the great Government bennies, too. Now THAT my friends, would be HEAVEN!!



Missing the Excitement lately!!

I wish.... I wish I had enough money to get my Silver Eagle set completed sooner than later. I go to my registry and see all these empty slots, and just YEARN to get the slots filled. THEN there's the Silver Eagle Proof slots, too. Patience is easy when you need MONEY to get these things done!! There are so many coins out there, though. It can make you crazy when you realize there is far too many things to take in, all the while the "numismania" is grabbing you by the THROAT and DEM




...and other observations... Happy weekend everyone!! I was (once again) looking through my collections of coins, comic, and baseball cards I recently acquired, and am thrilled to once again have the things that have brought me a great amount of joy and yearning over the years. I am currently looking to complete a CGC graded set of "Batman: Year One" as I feel like I got a pretty great deal on the first installment. ( See my comic registry) I am also looking to get my Silver Eagle



My Trip to the Bank for "a roll of 2008 pennies"

...and the dirty looks that ensued... So, I had a (not so) brilliant idea of getting a couple of rolls of 2008 pennies from the bank to hold on to since the Mint is going to change up the design next year to comemmorate the 100th year of the Lincoln penny. I went to the 1st bank and asked "do you have rolls of new 2008 pennies?" and the LOOK that came back my way was one of both "HUH?" and "OH MY GOD!! IS HE GONNA ROB ME???" So, obviously the answer was a very confused "no" at bank numbe



A comic AND Coin Post....

A "twofer" sort of.... Greetings! Well, after years of being without it, I finally received my "Batman: Year One Part One" in a 9.6 White Pages grade in the mail after winning an auction for 19.99 for the comic. I have proudly put it in my comics registry and could not be happier to have it. I have since bought the series in a non-collectible format so that I may read the stories as often as I like, and see the artwork, which is one of the best pieces of comic art ever written and penciled.



Is it REALLY Just "Stuff" ?

The things we have and losing it all..... Greetings! I sit here with the memory of going through my divorce 7 years ago and having the attitude that I did not need the "stuff" I acquired over the time of the marriage anyway. I felt I did not need the comic book collection, the baseball cards ( the good autographed ones were sold previous to this...a long story) the "things" that I treasured, I figured I would "just re-build later". It turns out I was sorely wrong. I miss the "stuff"



On "Peace" and "Batman"

My latest acquisitions... Greetings!! Well, yesterday I proudly added my 1922 MS63 Peace Dollar to my registry. I think the Peace Dollars are very well deigned and I am proud to have started a small collection of "Peace" here. Also, in Comic Book news, I won a "Batman Year One PT 1" By Frank Miller in auction the other day, rated a 9.6 by CGC with white pages for $19.99......I remember paying 75 cents when it first came out!! I am proud to be owning it though, and to try to recaptu



Some Very Personal Thoughts on Collecting.

Also, some great news!! Greetings! So, Just like everybody else I have been monitering the ups and ups of the Reverse of 2007 Error coin, and I will be the first to admit that when I read about the Error right here in the Collectors Society, I literally RAN up to my coin collection to see if I did indeed have that Error. Turns out I do not. I was a bit disappointed when I found out I "only had the 2008 Silver Eagle" and then the reality set in about what I was really feeling about my



Got my 2007 Early Release MS 69 Silver Eagle Bullion!!

Nice looking coin!! WOW!! Talk about fast shipping!! I won an auction for the 2007 ER MS 69 about 3 days ago, and got the coin from FLORIDA no less ALREADY!! It felt nice to add the coin to my registry and get back in the game again. Yeah, my credit cards HATE me, but I got this coin for $19.75 and I could not pass on that great of a deal. I think I set my high bid for it at $25 so, I am happy as can be, especially for a coin with Early Release designation. I added the mintage number



Some Additions to the Registry

Doing some additions in name only for now, anticipating sending in some pennies, Morgans etc. for grading soon. Greetings!! This time off work between jobs has me scrambling for things to do so that I do not go stir crazy before I start my job with the County on Monday. So, I have been spending a LOT of time on-line and here at the Collectors Society re-doing a few things in my registry. I added the Morgan slot, and a penny slot in anticipation of adding some coins in there that I found

