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Entries in this journal

Anxiously Awaiting.....

An auction end, and my membership package... Greetings!! I know that I am entirely back in the game due to the anxiety and thrill I once again feel about my membership here and the things to come. I found a good coin on auction that I am awaiting to see if I won. Pretty good deal if I can get it for my max bid. I'll post any news about this when the auction is over. I have also rounded up my coins I am going to send in for submission in high anticipation of my member packet to arriv



That Old Familiar Chill

And the (lack of) hope for the new year... Greetings! I have just arrived home after attending my aunts xmas party (she lives in a group home as she is deaf and mentally challenged) where the directors announced there will be some really steep cuts in the medicare funding this coming year, making an already tight budget even tighter. I looked around the room noting the many special needs people , most in worse shape than my aunt, and was troubled that they may be going without the meds



Platinum and Gold...the SAME PRICE????

Amazing what happens when the speculators on Wall Street go home... Greetings!! Well, as is my daily routine of checking the metal prices in my daily news, I have been noting that the plat and gold prices are almost exactly the same. I cannot for get the days of 1,000 dollar an oz. plat last year, and feeling like I would never be able to afford a plat coin. If this keeps up, I'll be able to afford maybe a few!! I am hoping to obtain at least one next year. I am also looking forwa



The 2 Coins I Am Most Excited To Submit

Believe it or not, they're NOT my Silver Eagles With my Collectors Society package on the way, and with an ample amount of coins I am just chomping at the bit to submit, I have been gawking at the ones I am going to send to NGC soon, which include my 08 Silver Eagles (Proof and Uncirc.) my 08 Bald Eagle Comemms ( Skinny Chickens, Proof and Uncirc) I also have a 1928 Peace Dollar (not not Philly...unfortunately) a couple of Morgans...BUT the 2 coins I am daydreaming most about is my 1909 VDB Li



I Am Again a Paid Member

Made a sacrafice to give myself a present... Greetings folks!! You know I HATED it when my paid account expired here and I knew I HAD to find a way to get back into the fray. So, tonight I upgraded my account back to paid status, and I will soon be submitting some great coins to my registry, and I really cannot wait to feel that anxiety again. The collecting of my Silver eagles is really the one thing I can say I am thoroughly passionate about, and without being as active in the pur



Last Chance for "Skinny Chickens"

I love emails from the mint So, today I got my email from the Mint letting me know it was "Last chance for Bald Eagle Comemms" and it reminded me how much I do love that coin....well, coins. I own the Proof version and the uncirc, and I'll never forget the day I got them in the mail and immediately nick-named them "skinny chickens" as the Great Seal of the United States...did not really look so "great" at first...the bald eagle in the seal (to me anyway) looked like a "skinny chicken". I



(Another) Close to the End of the Year Journal Entry

As the old year ends, hope for the best of the next year begins. Greetings!! Well, I am sure that most of you who collect Modern coins have been following the spot prices daily in the money section in your paper, or right here on the NGC site, and I am sure most of you will note that the platinum prices are about ONLY $100 less than that of gold right now. This (hopefully) will mean lower prices from the Mint to all of us, and IF that holds true, it will mean my first foray into collect



A Heart Felt (close to) The End of the Year Post

Let us not forget some things.... To be a collector is the grandest thing one can be. The collection you posess is uniquely yours, nobody else can have it ever. Not even if you sell it, give it away, or bequeath it to your nearest relative. The reason for this is because it was you, and you alone who set out to build and posess the collection you have. The challenges, excitement, butterflies in the stomach, regrets that maybe you spent too much, the sack lunches instead of eating out for



December Almost Upon Us

Here's hoping for a good end of the year!! Greetings!! Well, Thanksgiving 2008 is done, the dishes have mostly been washed and put away til next year. The Irish whiskey bottle is half full, and the beer bottles need to be taken to the recycle still...but it has all but ended and a great T-day it was this year. The food and company was outstanding, hard to believe I almost cancelled the feast this year. Christmas is upcoming now, and I reflect on the year and my goals in my collecting



Winds of Change

No, not another silly coin title!! Greetings!! It is an extremely windy day here in Salt Lake City as I write this entry. And it is a day when I have found my procrastination has been my friend as the leaves I piled in the yard with the intent of "picking up and bagging in a day or two" have all blown away. My mind tells me that they all blew in the city street and that the neighbors will not have to deal with them, but I know this is not the case. I don't really like my neighbors an



Thoughts on the Economy While Riding the Bus

It's a dirty ol' town.... Greetings! My day usually starts at 5:45 am when the BEEP BEEP BEEP of the rude alarm clock awakens me to a new day. I then stagger over to my wifes side of the bed where the clock rests on her night stand while tripping over her shoes and her dog. The first success of the day is shutting that damn thing off. I don't hear very well, and my wife can sleep through a tsunami, so we bought the loudest alarm we could find. I hear it, but she still sleeps through it



The New US Mint Gift Catalog and the 2009 St. Gaudens Coin

Looks impressive!! Greetings, and Happy Veterans Day to my fellow US citizens, and all the best to my fellow world citizens. I got a pretty large envelope in the mail the other day from the Mint containing the 2009 gift catalog chock full of coins from 2008, and a great preview of the new St Gaudens high relief coin. It even features some edge encrypting like our prezzies, which leads me to wonder when, not if the error coins with no edge lettering is going to come about. I do realize th



To Be Thankful For

Taking inventory of the collection and the collector.... Greetings!   Well, the chill of November is here and the first snow has fallen as I write this. There is something about this time of the year that gives me a reason to slow down a bit and take inventory of the experiences and times that the past year has brought to me. So much to give thanks for as I will soon celebrate my favorite holiday which is Thanksgiving. I will never be able to express the joy and longing collectin



"At Least I Still Have My Coins..."

There have been some tough economic times for for this year.... Greetings. You all know the old addage when things are not going well, we often joke "well, at least I still have my health." And I have said that more than once this year. And not really in a joking tone either!! It has been tough. There were even some moments when I thought about maybe selling off my collection and then just buying the whole set "when I was more able". But, we all know that particular day sometimes



A Look Ahead!!

2009 will be exciting!! Well, it's that time of the year again to look ahead if you had a so-so year...or to look back if you had a good year. I am gonna look ahead!! 2009 promises to be exciting for our collective numismania as we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lincoln Penny...which means your 1909's will OFFICIALLY be antiques!! I am proud to own a 1909 VDB penny which I will have graded as soon as funds allow. Also, the Mint will be issuing new pennies highlighting



My NGC Membership is About to Expire

I am scrambling to find a way to re-new Greetings folks!! I have been faithfully checking in, but have not left a post here for a little while. I thought tonight would be a good time to do that as I have much to say about the paid NGC membership.   I'll never forget this time last year as I found my collecting passion of American Silver Eagle coins. I remember the inspiration I found as I watched a documentary about the US Mint, and West Point. I felt strongly I needed to obtain thes



Can You FEEL It?

Holidays fast appraoching, more new coins will be bought... Greetings! Well, we are only slightly into October as I write this entry and a great chill is in the air and much rain is falling here in SLC. It is just enough for me to wax a bit nostalgic about the current condition of my great coin collection as I am very proud of the progress I have made with it in less than a year of serious collecting. It was about this time last year that I became a paid member here and started my s



The Hoarding of Buffaloes

Uncertain times bring people into the numismatic herd... Greetings!! So, I read in my local paper the other day that the Mint is out of stock of the 24k Buffalo coins. The article went on to talk about how people turn to metals as investments in uncertain economic times. This is certainly not a bad idea at all for investors who want to have the security of precious metals in their chosen portfolio. But, in my humblest opinion, if one is a COLLECTOR, it is a horrible decision to start t



A Look at Metal Prices

A rollercoaster this year!! Greetings folks!! I have been away a bit lately getting my fantasy football team going, please pardon my absence. I have been noticing the decline of silver and gold prices lately, and actually am pretty happy about it. I am anticipating more affordability and the ability to purchase more coins next year if this trend keeps up. Earlier this year, silver hit $20 an ounce and thus made the purchasing of "raw" coins more expensive than even last year. And this ha



Navigating the US Mint Site is NOT Always Easy

I can't seem to find the status of the 2008 Prezzies anywhere...sold out, etc. I hope everyone who has had the opportunity to celebrate Labor Day has had a great holiday this past weekend. I like to go the the US Mint web site and see if the coins I have bought from them are still available or if they have sold out. This gives me an unofficial idea of whether the coins I have bought are especially popular, or have a lower mintage, etc. I have noticed that the Proof Silver Eagles for 2008



A Comemm I'd Like to See

Inspired by Obama's speech tonight, and realizing how historical this campaign is.... Yeah, I'd reallllly like to see a comemm of Obama's nomination one day. It is imperitive in my opinion that this does happen. And yes, I know the procedures that mustbe followed for a comemm or any other coin to be minted, and it is a long road...IF this ever happens. But I really do believe it SHOULD happen, and I will be among the very 1st to own such a coin. I hope everyone has been well. I'll see



A Journey of Ups and Downs

From feast to famine in my coin world.. Well, this has been a year that will live with me for a long time as I have seen my own personal finances peak and fade. There have been job changes, wage increases/decreases, there has been hope and despair....all in the course of 12 months. This has affected my buying power for coins greatly, and I have not purchased any coins for my collection now in a few months...though I DID add to my comic registry...when maybe I should have held on to my mo



The "Cashless Society" and the Fate of "Real" Money

I sometimes worry that "real" money will be lost in antiquity Next to my computer keyboard is a small pile of coins my wife accumulated before I ever arrived in her life. There are 3 wheat back pennies and a 1964 dime. It's a fitting collection of coins for me as 1964 is the last year that "real" money was made..that is money containing silver and the pennies are actually solid copper. And this is what made American currency unique. I remember growing up in Detroit, and not at all far



The Package and the Coin

Both seem to be important to me Lately I have been having an inner debate about what really makes a coin desirable to me for collecting, and I have found that I really like the package AND the coin. Especially if "the package" is an NGC holder witha grade 69 or better SAE or Proof SAE. The coin is definately a main contributor to my initial attention as I love the Proof SAE's and MS SAE's. Now, this also goes for my other favorite coins, the Proof Prezzies, BUT the packaging HAS to b



The Double Prosperity Set

Think I would pass... So I got an email from the mint touting the new "Double Prosperity Set" Comemmerating 8-8-08. Looks like 2 coins already in mintage in new packaging. I dunno....seems like those who already have the coins are just as well off without the "new" set. And those without the coins are probably not going to buy this one. I, too am desperately awaiting new ideas from the Mint.

