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Entries in this journal

On Being Tired...

What has happened to my stamina? OH I got OLD!! Greetings!! Well, I knew it would happen to me someday.   I knew I would admit I am getting older. I knew I would realize I just don't bend and move..or HEAR like I used to. I knew I would be thankful for more days off, and longer vacations. BUT one thing has not changed about my persona and physical dilemnas...I still am passionate about collecting. My days are spent a lot of the time thinking about the next coin purchase and



My Mind is Elastic

I have learned to never say "Never" Greetings!! I have been lamenting the act of collecting things with a friend of mine today, and it seems the commonality of collecting always seems to be change. It seems that as collectors mature, so do the items a collector aspires to obtain. Personally, I have gone from baseball cards to comic books, to autographs, and now to coins which has been my favorite collectible so far, and the one I have been most passionate about. In some of my past j



Random Thoughts During a Really Heavy Snowstorm

Coins and other bruises... Greetings! As is my usual Sunday, I have spent today mostly relaxing which means I read the paper, called my dad in Detroit, and contemplated taking my dog for a 2 mile walk....but then it started snowing, so I nixed that idea. I have been trying to watch TV, but I have grown tired of constantly walking outside to use the long handled brush to clear the Dish Network satellite receiver of snow. Nothing like pixelation whilst trying to watch shows on the Biograp



Finally at the 50% Mark on my Silver Eagle Set

This is a landmark for me!! Greetings!! I am collecting the old fashioned way...earning it!! It has been a slow process and an exciting one at that, every coin I add to my registry has been hard earned and equally looked forward to with anxiety. I have side tracked myself along the way by getting involved with other sets that I just could not say NO to, and other coins I knew I would never build a set upon. Money has been tight, and every cent I throw at a different coin than t



My plans for February

More pics....maybe better pics... Greetings!! It's funny what people look forward to doing on days they take off from work. Most people have a nice trip planned, some work on the car, others go skiing. Me? I look forward to posting pictures of my coins in my registry, and contemplate re-taking pictures of pictures already posted on the registry. I am off for Presidents Day next month, so I took the Friday before off to give myself a nice 4 day weekend, and I know it will b



My Coins Arrived Today!!

Fresh from Florida!!! Greetings! I am happy to report that my coins arrived today and I have proudly registered them in my registry. The Mint keeps doing a great job as it looks like 70 is a higher pop coin than the 69's anymore in the SAE category. Proud to have the coins, very beautiful!!



My Thoughts on the New St. Gaudens "Coin"

Not to be a journal hog, but I had to write this.... Greetings again... Yesterday afternoon I received in the mail a special brochure regarding the new St Gaudens gold coin. It looks like nothing I have ever seen so far as the dimensions go on a coin, and I applaud the Mint for trying to do something different. The coin is thick enough to have "E Pluribus Unum" on it's edge, and I am sure the technology and the artistry in making a coin of this type is impressive. But, to me, it



Does NGC Know Something I Don't...???

I already know the answer is "yes" on most coin things...but... Greetings! I could not help but notice as I was looking through the Silver Eagle registries the other day that NGC already has a slot for 2009 W's. I HOPE HOPE HOPE the W series SAE's will be made, but I have been hearing all sorts of rumors to the contrary, mostly I have been hearing that the W series was a 3 year run only...ending last year. Now, as I said, I HOPE this is NOT true, as I do love collecting the W SAE's..



Thoughts from the Dog Walk

Surprisingly, mostly good things are on my mind.. Greetings! This morning I decided to take advantage of some spring like weather we are having here in Salt Lake City and take my dog "Gracie" out for a 2 mile round trip stroll. Usually as her and I take our stroll, I am busy trying to figure out the hows and whys of life, but today, I was finding myself more connected with the beauty of the mountains that have been snow covered for months, and the empty streets that Saturday mornings br



I Really Cannot Believe This!!

My submission results.... Greetings!! All I can really say is "WOW!!" 2008 W MS 70 SAE 2008 W PF 70 UC Proof SAE 2008 P Bald Eagle MS 70 2008 P Bald Eagle PF 69 UC 2001 SAE MS 69 (3) 70's though!! This is incredible, and I am utterly excited!! I can go to sleep now, my day has been made!!



"Willing It So" and my Silly Emotions

No, it's not a bad thing at all!! Greetings!! I believe I am in my fourth shade of blue as I have held my breath for about a week now awaiting the results of the grades of my submitted coins. I am glad the "Order Status" button is a virtual one and not a real one, because I am sure I would have worn that button out by now as many times as I have clicked on that. Today I noticed my status was "Quality Control" and I started saying all kinds of prayers to about a dozen different gods aski



A Slight Change in Strategy for 09

Upon realization of the size of my hoard, and economics... Greetings! Last night after much thought and upon staring at my coin hoard (again) and also upon hearing that the "W"'s will most likely not be minted this year...and when you go to the Mint website and try to look at SAE Proofs...well, there are none...yet. Upon considering all of these factors and realizing the coin production this year is likely going to be skimpy I have decided to concentrate most of my budget on submissions



That Old Familiar Yearning

How many times have I clicked on "order status"? Greetings! I have now gone from the sheer adrenaline rush of choosing and packing my selected coins for submittal to the agonizing period of hoping and waiting for my coins to be graded. It's a delicate time when a collector submits his coins to NGC. Laughter fades to quick temper. The pacing begins. The spouses never really understand. Then there are the prayers to (name your dieties) that the coins will be safe on their travels, a



WOW!! What an HONOR!!

I am completely humbled Greetings!! I was quite surprised and utterly shocked when I logged on to my Collectors Society page to see that I have been awarded one of 3 Best Journal Awards again this year. This is a huge honor for me, and one of my proudest moments. Also, one of the most humbling experiences as well...that all of you would put up with me for the past 2 years!! I do appreciate the honor and those of you who read my journal, it does mean a lot to me, and I hope tha




I am ultra excited to have heard this... Greetings!! I have to admit once again that I am a coin show (that is TV coin show) junkie. I can sit for hours and listen to whomever the host is on any given show show and sell his coins. I don't ever really get tired of it until the host says something absurd, or does the ol' hard sell thing, or says "now listen guys" too many times...but I am getting off the subject. I also tend to hear things on those shows that either confirm certain rum



My Coins are on the Way

The old familiar feeling of anticipation looms... Greetings!! This being my 1st day back to work from a long (and much needed) holiday weekend, I had much to do but also found time to get to the postal office at lunch to send my coins to NGC. I anticipate they will grade well, and I am already planning on my next submission mid February that will consist of my Morgans (2) and a Peace Dollar, and (2) Pennies..one of which is an error with the rim double stamped. I wanted to get the M



My Decisions on my Submitted Coins

Was Easier than I thought... Greetings!! NGC Helped me decide what I was going to submit for right now, actually, as I wanted to use my coupon for the 5 submissions, and I did not really want to submit all of my coins in the tier that we use for the free submissions. So, for now I am sending my 08 W SAE, my 08 Proof SAE, 08 Bald Eagle (skinny chicken) comemm uncirc., 08 Bald Eagle comemm Proof, and a 2001 Silver Eagle MS state coin. In a while I will send the Morgans, and the pennie



Getting Coins Ready for Submission

Not sure yet just how many I am going to send... Greetings!!   The holidays and subsequent days off have done me a LOT of good as I have been able to re-new my coin fervor and concentrate on my self and the things I like to do lately. On Friday, my job was to get the pictures into my registry. Mission accomplished!! On Saturday my job was to figure out which coins to submit. Failure so far.... though I know I am going to submit my 08's (SAE's) but I don't know about the com



Pictures In My Registry

This is a promise kept to myself, and time well spent Greetings! Well, having taken a vacation day today as I found it foolish to return to work for one day after a holiday, and becoming slightly restless,I decided to keep a promise to myself and add photos of all my coins in my registry. This took some trial and error, and a copious amount of my time as I do still have dial up, but it was well worth the effort. Though probably not the most wonderful photos displayed on any of the



(Another) End of the Year Retrospective

Let's hope the next is better... Greetings! Happy New Year everyone!! It seems that whenever a year comes to a close I tend to get sentimental for the past, and very enthusiastic for what the future might bring. I found myself more "out of the game" than I wanted to be this past year, with no real additions to my registry, a lapse in my membership here ( for awhile anyway) and a bad case of writers block that left me with not much new to add to my journals, though I did try to kee



A Surprise in the Mail Today

I was actually expecting it...but... Greetings!! After a long day back to work today...well, long in that I had to GO to work today..the day after xmas and all...and after much use of the snow blower and shovel, and after wrestling with a bad attitude all day (my own) I was pleased to find my Collectors Society member package in the mail. This absolutely made my day as now I can get those coins in for submission that have been calling out for that for months now. But I am having some



An Early Present

My auction acquisition arrived quickly Greetings!! While being submerged in the bad economy as a family this year, there has had to be many sacrifices made and things wanted, but gone without. But, fortunately, about a week ago I was able to get a little bit of fun money and made a bid on auction for the 1990 Proof Silver Eagle that caught my eye. I won this on auction and was not expecting it until after the holidays, BUT in a rare Festivus miracle event...I got it in the mail on D



Did my Ears Decieve ME???

No more W's? Greetings! I almost gave this post the title "NO MORE W!" but the double meaning about politics is something that might have offended some here. So, I was watching "CSN Coins and Collectibles" last night and the host was tauting the 06,07,and 08 W's and said "It's OFFICIAL, there will be NO MORE W's!!" Now, I have watched enough TV coin shows to realize that sometimes the truth gets a little stretched, and the hyperbole is at times a bit...thick. But I somehow have a



On Winning and the Consequences

Everything seems to have 2 sides... Greetings!! I have struggled for the past 3 years in fantasy football to draft and maintain a winning team, and finally this year, with hard work and a little luck, I have succeeded in winning 1st place in my league...which has made me ecstatic. I could go on about that, but this IS a coin web site, so I make my point that the same weekend I won the football league championship, I also won a really great Proof Silver Eagle on auction for about half th



My Latest Acquisition!!

Just won this on auction tonight!! Great news!! I just won a 1990 PF 69 UC American Silver Eagle on auction tonight for 27 dollars....about half of Numismedia pricing for the coin. I am very excited to get the coin and to add this to my Proof registry. Also happy that I have won 1st place in my football fantasy league, too. It has been a great night!!!

