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Entries in this journal

Exactly One Week Before Class Registration

This entry really IS a coin entry..I swear!! Greetings!! A snowy April day in Salt Lake City as I write this, and once again the weather has me waxing nostalgic and feeling (this time) optimistic. In exactly 7 days I will register for classes at the community college to embark on my journey towards my degree in political science, and I am feeling rather euphoric about my decision to get back into college after leaving classes about 10 years ago a year shy of my A.A.S. degree in therm



This Years Mint Offerings Are Thankfully, A Bit Sparse

My wallet and credit score thanks the Mint... Greetings!! I eluded to this in a previous post here, and I realized today what a relief it is, really to have slim pickings from the Mint this year. I do miss the W's and the Proof SAE's so far, I am sure they will pop up in a few months, though. But, as a compassionate collector of coins, I did find myself barely able to keep up financially with the offerings..MANY offerings from the Mint in the past couple of years. It seemed every ti



In Anticipation of my Reverse of 2007 SAE

Already making room for it.... Greetings! I don't think there has been a coin that I have had such mixed feelings about than the "reverse of" Silver Eagle. I remember when NGC first announced the finding on the web site here, I was excited as I did have a raw SAE 2008 coin in my drawer where I keep my coins, which is upstairs from my computer...I RAN upstairs to see if maybe I had one of these very rare coins. I did not have one. So, I was disappointed, but I still did have a



The Plight of the Collector

So many coins, so little MONEY!! Greetings!! I have to say the recurring theme for me in regards to coin collecting is the fighting off of the desire to buy every single new coin that the Mint offers me. The mintages of new types of coins this year seem to be more sparse as in the past 2 years..and for me, this is a good thing. I remember when I started collecting coins in 2007, Mr. Moy kept presses on day and night it seemed. And as a new collector with not quite a path chosen othe



My Newest Addition

i Just added my 2009 ER MS 70 SAE WOW!! What a great coin I just added to my registry. My MS 70 ER SAE came today, and I could not be more thrilled than I am right now. With just over 8300 of these in population, compared to over 100,000 of the 69's....I predict this to be a very key part of the SAE collection. WOW!!



My "Mental Health Day"

...and anxiety related to "coin waiting" Greetings folks!! After a brutal 4 or 5 months where my mood has been swinging back and forth, and me not seeing any sort of end in sight of the "mood situation" I decided last night to take a "mental health day" off from work. This did wonders for me. I did not realize how much I needed a day off. This time also gave me a window to contemplate the arrival of my newest coin. And the anxiety of waiting for it..... I wish there were words to de



I Just Bought The 09 SAE

Early Release MS 70 for 134.00 WOW!! Talk about compulsive!! I went ahead and bought a MS 70 ER SAE for 134.00, and I am glad I did actually. With a census of only 1627 compared to 17,000 MS 69's, I felt I would only be doing myself good by pulling the trigger on this. I believe, who knows for sure, but I believe I will be seeing this coin escalate in price farther than I can even imagine by next year. The Mint has not even minted the Proofs or W's so far, and they are not eve



The Impending Busy Time Ahead

Starting Summer semester soon, new coin pics Greetings! I am contemplating a very busy time coming up as I work full time, go to school part time, and continue to upgrade my photos and add to my collection of SAE's soon. I also will be ordering the Prezzie Proofs as well, I love that series. In the meantime, I have been getting my mind ready to get back into school. It has been a long time coming that I get myself back to finish up my degree. I plan on attending for about another 5



Waxing Nostalgic

Weather changes do this to me... Greetings! A rainy afternoon in Salt Lake city as i write this. Something about the cooler weather we get here makes me think about the past a little more than usual...and with the past comes the collections I have had over the years and now miss dearly. I think about the comic books from the 70's my brother owned and I "borrowed". The ads for me were as great as the art or stories...the Johnson Novelty Co. "Xray Specs" and "Sea Monkey's" and the Eve



Spending Good Quality Time With My Coins

This is an important thing... Greetings!!! I love to get lost in the details of the coins I have acquired. I have long held that each coins is uniquely a part of the persons life who acquired it. I have written here before that the story and the feelings a person has when that person acquires the coin will always be special only to the owner of the coin. I still adhere to this. And since each coin is unique to me, and the way they were acquired is special in their own way, I do l



Patiently Awaiting the SAE's

Now, if only it were just the BULLION I wanted.... Greetings!! Exciting times to be a coin collector!! AND trying times as well.....   I am still patiently awaiting the release of the SAE's from the Mint, namely the W's and the Proof variety. The mint did finally post a note stating the Mint had to fulfill the demand for the bullion investment coins first, and THEN they'd mint the stuff we little ol' collectors love to hoard. And, I predict the mintage this year for the W's



Prezzies Galore!!!

You know...I truly love these coins. Greetings! I am acquiring more and more prezzies lately as these coins are seemingly getting more circulated. I really love these coins. I think there are 2 reasons why I do love them so much. First, they tend to remind us of the past presidents that we as a modern society may have forgotten about. There is a history lesson in each coin if we all want to take time to research the era of the past presidents. The coins seem to make the faceless hi



Amidst My Own Uncertainty I Relish My Collection

It's nice to have tangible accomplishments Greetings! I know that things will get better. But, I have my days when I feel like I am making an unfair wage, and the bills come in, and the decisions I have to make at the grocery store are not the decisions I am used to making ( can I really have MEAT this week?). Sometimes I feel like I work too hard to make even less, and I feel like I am getting nowhere fast. THEN there are the times when I make my coin collecting goals, and che



A Great Start to Spring

I feel this will be a great coin year for me.... Greetings! Well, it has been awhile since I have made any journal entries as I have been occupied with getting funding for my further education started and then stressing over "when the hell is registration for summer semester?". You know, all the things we tend to worry about, yet cannot change. All the while neglecting the very important stuff like my coin collection! I am really feeling great about the future of my coin collectio



I Saw a Great Hoard the Other Day

My supervisor brought his raw collection in... Greetings!! It has occured to me lately that I really just love to be around coins...hell, I even just love to watch coins on TV. I got into a discussion with my supervisor at work a few days ago about coins and collecting when he stated he had a lot of older coins at home. "You know, Morgans, old nickels..." he said. So, I told him I'd have to show him what a great job NGC does in preserving the coins I have, and I brought a few of my c



I've Got Plaque!!

I love the mail today!! Greetings! Not to be a journal hog, but after my last entry I checked the mail and found the Best Journal Award plaque that NGC awarded me this year. I am proud to have the award and I am really really humbled by the honor of receiving the recognition here, and I am very proud to be a member of the Collectors Society and to have a great collection and stories that go along with my collection. Thanks to all of you who do read my ramblings here and who look at



The New Prezzie

A new twist...sort of Greetings! Well, I went on a bank to bank run yesterday to try and find the new Lincoln pennies and was (finally) informed that even though the banks around here tried to order them, the Treasury was not shipping any out due to the amount of pennies in circulation. This is the story from a teller, anyway. And I tend to believe what he said due to the fact that I went to about 5 banks and none had the pennies. BUT I was (finally) reminded that the new Prezzie was o



(Sort of) A disappointing Prezzie Day

I got nothing done that I wanted with the coins.... Greetings!! After much anticipation and some vicarious planning, I fell short of my goals of getting my coins pics re-done yesterday. I don't know what happened. I just lacked motivation somehow, might have been that there are ALREADY pics for most of my coins, or just a plain case of the "ahhhhh screw its" but that's OK, it was still good to have the day off. Speaking of Prezzies....I took a look at the new Lincoln silver comemm,



Too Much "Prezzies" On My Mind

Well, not really, sounded like a good title...and yeah, I DO have those coins on my mind Greetings!! Tomorrow I will be off for Prezzie Day, and I am looking forward to spending some good quality time re-taking photos of my coins to maybe improve the quality of the previous shots. I have a great background and lighting idea that should do the trick. I have been thinking a lot lately about the Prezzies that I own, and I now cannot wait to submit them for grading, looking forward to acq



A Snowy Saturday Entry

Some thoughts about my "Skinny Chickens" Greetings!! It's 32 degrees and snowing as i write this today...which means my hands are a bit cold as the space I write in is downstairs in my office...too lazy to turn up the heat!! I awoke this morning with a mind full of thoughts and inner arguments. I thought about how Chase took over WaMu, from where one of my credit cards are with, and just as sudden as Chase, who DID take money from the bail out, took over WaMu, they increased my interes



My Quest for the "Reverse of 2007" SAE

And I am becoming healthier at the same time.... Greetings!! As I mentioned in a previous journal, I really did not want the "Reverse" coin at first. I was actually also a little put off that having that particular coin in the set would be a requirement to have a complete SAE set. But, time went by, and so did those silly emotions. Now, I crave the "Reverse" coin. I can't wait to get it!! I now have a good plan to go about this as well. On my job, the employees are gi



Very Proud of my Collection

Upon reviewing my coins today, I found I have made great strides. Greetings! There are days when it is easy to get in a sort of rut and lament about the things you don't have while cursing the fact of a bad economy and cursing the fact that for the 4th night in a row you have been awakened from a deep sleep with nightmares about losing your job. It seems like these have been my days lately as the headlines don't bring very promising economy news and lay offs in Utah have only increased



Worrying about The 2009 Proof Silver Eagles

Is that an ULCER I feel? Greetings!! I have a new daily routine..well obsession, really, and that is logging onto usmint.gov and clicking on the American Eagles bar, and checking on any signs of life or reports of the SAE Uncirc coins, and the Proofs for 2009. The pages are blank, and there are no release dates for either coin. In between nervous shivers and mass doses of Valium, I can't help but wonder if the Mint is done with the Proof program, as well as the uncircs? The rumors ha



The Rise and (sort of) Fall of the W's

The coins seem to be not as hot as they were... Greetings!! I spent some time looking at my SAE registry today and found the SAE W's (namely the 2006 W) seems to have lost a little bit in their NumisMedia pricing. I'll never forget the hype over the 2006 W. "The first of it's kind!!!!" "How long will they do this???!!" "Get it NOW before it's too late!!" Yeah, I know. This is normal amongst those who sell the coins to create a hype and a fever pitch to stir interest. I did think th



About "Treasure Quest" I Like It!!!

Yet another way to love coins... Greetings! Thursday nights for me are my big TV nights as I usually watch "My Name Is Earl", "The Office", "30 Rock", which usually falls after my nightly viewing of " Countdown with Keith Olbermann". After watching the big 4 I usually have turned the channel to "Sober House" on VH1...BUT after the recommendation from NGC to tune into "Treasure Quest" and being a devout coin enthusiast, how could I ignore such a recommendation? On "Treasure Quest" yo

