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A Trip to the Casino, lack of coins????

Things are different now.... Greetings everyone! Yesterday I took a 2 hour bus trip from Salt Lake City to Wendover, Nevada to see the Alice Cooper show at a concert hall there, and to gamble and eat a buffet at the casino. I was excited to go for many reasons, which is more suitable for a blog than a journal entry here, but one of the aspects that excited me was the idea that maybe while playing slots, I would encounter an old nickel, or a pre-1964 quarter, but things have changed.



The Realization of Needing to "Re-Do" Pictures

Upon further review.... Greetings again everyone!! Just finished up my political science and math work for tonight and thought I'd post here (again). Upon further review...my pictures kinda suck!! I took another look at my sets tonight and I have to comment that all of my hard work on the pictures that exist in my sets need a re-do. I realized that I need to do a few things to make the pictures appear better, and here is my plan. 1. Use a black backdrop to "hide" the area



Will My Income Ever Catch Up to my Dream?

Regarding the (now extinct) $5 Gold Eagle Greetings again folks!!   One of my most prized coins is my $5 Gold Eagle MS70 ER that I purchased for $99 ($106 with shipping) I felt I got a great deal as this coin was one of the lowest gold coin mintages since the beginning of the Eagle program. I have watched the quoted value from NumisMedia grow on this coin to about $150 now, and I feel fairly certain the value of this coin will grow substantially over the years. When I purchased the



What's NOT Done Can Sometimes Kill What HAS Been Done

I am glad I have kept a LOOSE time frame..... Greetings!! It has been a good Saturday today. I completed all of my schoolwork last night (except for dreaded mathematics, but who can blame me?) So, I have had some time today to review my sets and make plans for a little sprucing up of the sets before Dec. 10th, when the sets are judged. And while reviewing everything, I did find myself getting the feeling of "being behind". Now, this is where I am very grateful that I have made for myse



The Importance of Goal Setting in the Numismatic Hobby

A good lesson I learned.... Greetings again everyone! I have to tell you, there are so very many options for the collector in our hobby that one could go a little crazy trying to master the amount of possible sets one could make. I remember a couple of years ago when I first started coin collecting that I had no doubt as to which coins I wanted to be my primary collection (SAE's and SAE Proofs) after watching a History Channel special about The Mint and West Point. I also knew I wanted



The Official Word, And It's Sad....

BUT we all figured it out earlier... Greetings everyone!! Amidst my daily internet journey today that entails my school courses and email checking, and of course, my daily visit to The Collector's Society, I found an email from The Mint that notified me as a "Silver American Eagle Subscriber" that there will officially be no SAE's in Proof or "Burnished" or "Uncirculated" this year. I have been saddened by this all year long, actually. We collectors knew there would not be any SAE's (



My Raw Coins

Wonder if I'll ever see such deals again... Greetings! I was looking through my coin drawer today and it brought back some great memories of the days(just 2 years ago) when I was finding excellent deals on some raw coins. I bougt 5 raw saes for a little less than 35 dollars back then and had one graded, which came back a MS 69. I still have 4 to send in which I most likely will do in Decemeber. I also have a 1909 VDB (not an S) that begs me to grade as well. I am excited for Decem



Happiness Is A Round Coin

Never been happier!! Greetings everyone!! It has been too long since I have made a post since my time has been consumed with work and school. I am enjoying pursuing my higher education and have been learning a lot of critical thinking skills that has furthered my mind in my personal goals. Yesterday I revisited my coin collection and I am very happy with my progress of my SAE collection. I am quite disappointed on the decision by the MInt not to distribute any W's or Proofs this year



The Chill is ALMOST Here!!

Looking forward to a great holiday season...already!! Greetings again!! Well, fall is almost officially here. Soon I will see the familiar and longed for changing of colors in the mountains that surround the valley here. There will be a chill again, and the excitement of collecting will be re-newed. I also just started my fall semester classes (humanities, poli-sci, and math) which counts me down to 3 more semesters until my degree. I am learning a lot of new ideas and other philosoph



Upcoming Vacation/(Relief) Is In the Details (Grading)

It has been awhile.... Greetings and salutations everyone! It has been a little while since I have been able to post here due to my school and work obligations, but that does not mean I have been totally away as I have been checking in to read the latest news and journals, as well as to look at my collection status to determine which coins I will be acquiring next. But, I don't want to start my discussion about those things just yet at this point of my journal entry, instead I would lik



The Desire to Attend Great Coin Shows

Wish I could be there... Greetings! My schoolwork is winding down now and I can see the end of the summer semester coming to a close. My grades are looking great,too which makes me all the more happy that I decided to continue to pursue my educational goals. Just 4 more semesters to go til my AS degrees. So, I have been battling a bit of boredom lately, I know, how in the hell do I have time to be bored? It has to do with not really seeing anything new in the past few years. I reall



On the Landing Slope

Summer semester winding down....no moon landing commem? Greetings!! Hope everyone has been well and are having a great summer. I have been busy with working full time and completing my college summer semester courses 3/4 time, so as you can expect, my days and nights have been running together for the past 3 months. I have found a new kind of "tired" lately, but some excellent sleep has resulted from all of this. I am about 2-3 weeks away from completing my summer semester and it fe



My 2nd 2009 MS 70 Early Release Silver American Eagle has Landed

Get em soon if you can!! Greetings! Now, I am not a panicky sort. Nor am I particularly greedy and I sometimes cringe when a coin collection is called a "horde" as it implies the collector is greedy, which makes me greedy by association as a collector. But I can't help but urge any of you SAE collectors out there to get the 2009 SAE's NOW in MS 70 condition before it is too unaffordable. I urge you to get the MS 70 as there are about 8500 of these graded by NGC, whereas there are over



Doing Things I Should Not Do

Coin obsession can eat you up. Greetings! Well, thanks to the recent purchase and arrival of my 2009 US Mint Proof Set, which by the way I am very proud to own, the coins look pretty good. The quarters are outstanding as are the Prezzies, the Kennedy Half looked a little mucky on one edge, though... I digress!! Anyway, thanks to the arrival of that set, I got myself once again deeply involved in the excitement of acquiring coins from auction. I HAD to look and see what kind of 2009 M



Anxiously Awaiting My 2009 Proof Set

Should be here from the Mint by the 1st of July Greetings!! Been spending most of my weekend completing my college assignments left over from last week. Been getting great grades and good feedback from all of my teachers, which is encouraging as I have not attended college for about 9 years. It's hard work, but it is great to be back in classes. I ordered my 2009 Proof Set from the Mint on June 22 and I am glad to report it is well on it's way and should be delivered by the 1st of July



Something New For Me To Get Excited About!!

I am filling in the SAE shaped hole in my heart.... Greetings! Hope you all have been well. School continues to be going very well, but time consuming. I am still enjoying furthering my education very much. Yesterday I decided to go to usmint.gov and see about ordering my 2009 Prezzie Proof set, which the Mint offers for about 15 dollars. BUT something else caught my eye. The 2009 Proof set offers not only the Prezzies, but also the Proof Lincoln Pennies, the dime, half, and quarte



Contemplations Galore!

But not actions!! Greetings folks! I have been having a great weekend. Celebrated my birthday yesterday and on Friday. It is great to be alive!   I have been watching some auctions lately, and I have been thinking about buying outright all the rest of the SAE's needed to complete my set. I have also been meaning to buy the new Prezzie Proofs from the mint....but I just have not done any of this yet. I have myself in contemplation mode, and I really don't like it so much. I am happ



It's (sort of) Like A Death in the Family

Feels like something is missing in the numismatic world this year Greetings!! I hope everyone has been well!! I have been busily working toward my degrees and have been learning a lot about myself in the process. One thing I for got about as far as college education goes is that a good course will change ones old process of thinking and will have you re-evaluating what you THINK you know. I recommend the pursuit of higher education whole-heartedly for everybody. I have been sur



The Good Feeling of Helping Out

My supervisor needed some advice... Greetings!! I had a good coin experience a couple days ago when my supervisor (who is just dabbling in ungraded coins right now...but has some really nice Morgans) asked if I went anywhere locally to get coin supplies as he just bought about 150 Ike dollars and wanted to store them in some sealed tubes. I pointed him to a place not too far from where we work. He told me later they had what he needed and "thanks. Then he said something to me that made



In ( fill in blank) We Trust

I can't help wonder exactly why this phrase "In God We Trust" has been such an issue on our (American) monies. Greetings! I have been having a pretty good spring, just started summer semester and my college classes have me busy writing a load of essays and discussions so I have been checking in here, but not really able to participate as much as I would like lately. So, I was admiring the newest Prezzies, and noticed that the "motto" has been moved from the edge to the front. I know thi



A Bit of a Scare

Sometimes we take our health for granted...but never our coins! Greetings! I have been a little out of the loop here lately as far as posts, but I have been checking in every day to see how everyone is doing. I have been a bit busy pursuing my degree and writing a lot of essays to that end, so I am sometimes left without much to say. I am glad to read all of you have been well, though and I have been entertained by the posts lately. I had a bit of a scare yesterday as I was passing blo



A Busy Week

More looking at coins, no buying...lately... Greetings!! This has been a sleep deprived, worrisome sort of week as I have been getting ready for my college classes, and I have been anxiously awaiting the grant money, and loan so I can buy my text books, etc. Fortunately, my grant money paid my tuition in full with enough money to spare to buy one of my texts, but I am still awaiting my loan to finish up buying some other supplies...and school starts tomorrow. You gotta love the speed a



The Effect You Have on People You Know As a Collector

They really don't understand you, BUT you inspire!! Greetings! Yesterday at lunch I had a conversation with a co-worker about the hobbies we both pursue, and other interests we hold dear. My friend is an avid bicycle enthusiast and goes to Moab, Utah to do some extreme mountain biking and also rides frequently around the city canyons. He could not contain the thrill he has for the sport as his words spilled over and literally seemed to take me on the red rock trails and city canyon hill



Does the Person Make the Collection, OR The Collection Make the Person?

This is where Signature sets come in.... Greetings!! It has been a few days since my last post as I have been busy getting the air conditioning systems in the buildings I am responsible for ready for summer, as well as pool boiler start-ups for public pools I am also responsible for, AND getting registered for college coming up in May. I have had some time to ponder the effects of having a collection and nurturing the collection, and adding to the collection. I wondered the other day d



Something Tells Me There Will Not Be 2009 W's or Proof SAE's

And if there ARE any, they will be extremely limited.. Greetings! As many of you who have read any of my entries here at all know, I really do cherish the SAE's. I am just over half way to completing the SAE set, and a long way from completing the Proof SAE set, but I do cherish the coins very much and have felt a real gap this year with the Mint not producing these coins so far this year. I have this very strange feeling that there will be no "collectors coins" produced this year due

