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Entries in this journal

A Quick Check In

Added a 2010 Proof UC Early Release to the Registry today!! Hey! It's been awhile. Life and my studies keep me running, my writing time and writing inspiration is on the back burner lately. Just a quick hello. Hope you have all been well, I am excited to have added this coin today! To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



A Quick Check In

Added a 2010 Proof UC Early Release to the Registry today!! Hey! It's been awhile. Life and my studies keep me running, my writing time and writing inspiration is on the back burner lately. Just a quick hello. Hope you have all been well, I am excited to have added this coin today! To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



It Has Been a Long, Long Time!

Live from the back burner! Greetings all! Wow! The site has a new look! It looks better as I certainly have gained a few wrinkles in my time away I have been off pursuing my education, which coupled with my full time job, has taken a substantial amount of time away from my collecting interests. I can't believe that I have not yet submitted any coins for grading, and I re-newed my membership last December! I certainly need to get back on track. I recently also had a medical scare as



Been Awhile!!

Damned Priorities!!! Greetings all! It has been quite awhile since I last added a journal entry or even checked in here to read any other journals. NOT that I don't love being a member here, just that life has a way of making one busier than normal. I am trying to finish all of my Undergraduate studies as well as work full time and be a husband and father, so my time here on this great site has been limited as I try to juggle everything. My passion for the Silver Eagles has not les



My 2010 SAE's Have Arrived

and a glimpse into my busy life.... Greetings folks!! Well, it has been a little while since my last post (I have been starting my journals out this way frequently) and I hope you have all been well and are all finding the coins you want and need. I pre-ordered 2 MS 70 ER 2010 SAE's a couple of months back and I finally got those coins last Saturday. Looks like only about 5500 of these exist in ER and in MS 70, about 3000 less than the 2009's. This should be a worthy coin to have. The



My 1st Coin Purchase of 2010

...and my procrastination of submitting my coins... Greetings and Happy New Year everyone! I have been a bit busy (again) with the new school semester and am finding this quiet moment to finally post here. I made my first coin purchase this year a week ago...well a pre-order actually of an ER 2010 SAE MS 70, cost me about 120 dollars. I am looking forward to seeing it next month sometime. Any new coins I buy (new as in the year of release) will only be MS 70's I have decided. I am



Congratulations Everyone!!

You have worked hard... Greetings!! To all of the 2009 Award winners (and especially those of you winning the Journal Awards) a sincere congratulations to you all!! It takes courage to put your thoughts out there in your journals and to (hopefully) inspire someone else with your own experiences and adventures. In a way you expose your vulnerabilities in the writings and it takes a brave heart. All the best, and thanks for the inspirations!!



Thoughts from a Relaxing Sunday Afternoon

Feeling sentimental about 2009 already... Greetings!! I have been having a great Sunday doing nothing than relaxing and thinking about the past year and the year just begun. 2009 was a challenging year for me. It was not at all a bad year, nor was it stellar, but it was a year equipped with a good set of changes that I am glad has happened for me. This past year I decided to continue my education and pursue my degrees in General Education and Political Science. This is the most ti



Happy New Year!!

I am feeling this will be the best coin year ever... Greetings!! I hope all of you are well. I am gearing up for a great new years eve celebration at home. The adult beverages have been stocked up and the calendars are ripe for burning in my bonfire (my new years eve ritual) as well as rice paper has been acquired to write the frailties of my character on to burn in the bonfire as well. Also, my Collectors Society membership package arrived a few days ago, and I have to make a decisi



All Paid Up, Next Submission is Ready to Ship

Glad I had the fore sight to buy those raw SAE's Greetings!! I re-newed my NGC membership a couple of days ago, and this brings about a certain excitement/dilemma as when I do renew my paid membership, I scramble to find my next submission out of my coin drawer. Usually I am submitting this years mintage of SAE I just got from the Mint, but since there were no SAE's (W's or Proofs I mean) minted this year, This may have presented me with a problem. Sure, I have some older coins and some P



Finals (finally) and Goals for 2010

Been a busy week... Greetings! First of all, good luck to all of you competing in this years sets and journals. I hope you all had time to get your sets and journals ready for judging. This is my first eligible year on the coin side with 55% of my SAE set complete, so I am excited to see if my set is good enough to win anything. Last week was finals week in my classes, and I am happy to report so far I have done well ( my poli-sci class is graded in totality, and my humanities class is



A Note from a Proud NGC Member

In the spirit of the season... Greetings!! I have been busy (again) this past week gearing up for my finals in humanities and poli-sci so my remarks have been absent here for just a little while, though I have been dropping by just to read a few journals here and there. I have been a member of NGC for 2 years now and I am always amazed at how this site has helped us all in our collecting goals, and keeps us all excited about the hobby. I believe without The Collectors Society, our



An Extremely Thankful Thanksgiving

Even though things were less than perfect... Greetings!! I hope all of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. Mine was a little less than stellar as my sewer backed up the night before;thus we had to move the dinner to mom in laws house. Also, my kids were outta town, so I missed them very much this year. But, not all is lost. So much to be thankful for. I have risen above the muck of bad financial times, even afforded myself a new (used) vehicle, and am in the final stages of getting



Thanksgiving Almost Here!!

I just love it!! Greetings! Well, T-day just around the corner and my excitement is almost uncontrollable!! I am all set to make the meal, which has also made me more excited for all things "coin". I also have finally found a car, have not had a car of my own for a few years..been bussing it or my wife has been toting me all over, I'll be buying my car tomorrow. FINALLY can afford it again. Been a hard little while economically for me, but I am now out of the haze of no money. Whi



I Love the Countdown Clock

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Greetings!! It's almost Thanksgiving break from school, and the courses have been extra time consuming this past week or so. I have been tuning in and reading everyones journals, but have not had too much time to contribute lately, and I am glad I can add some things here today. Once again I feel the cold chill and festive feelings in the air that for me associate this time to my first excursions into coin collecting. This is also the first year I have eno



Getting Back to My Roots

This past week reminded me why I love this hobby so much Greetings! This has been a hell of a year in the coin world, if you ask me. Especially if you collect Silver American Eagles in MS and Proof state. I was totally dismayed after getting the email from the Mint stating that the Silver Eagle collectors mintages would be cancelled this year, actually "until further notice". Maybe that means next year, too? Who knows? But, I soon realized that this hobby has too many other aspects



New Pics and (some) New Descriptions have been Added

A LOT of work yesterday Greetings! Well, my SAE entry has been (mostly) revamped. New pics (took all day) and some new descriptions. I actually re-read the existing descriptions and liked most of what I saw. I did edit a few, and will most likely do a re-write on the header, but I am quite pleased with the fruit of all my labor. I spent about 9 hours with the revamping, a day well spent, because it was a day spent with my SAE's! I wish the rest of you much luck with your efforts!



My Progress So Far Today

A sort of comedy of errors!! Greetings!! Well, as I have previously been posting I am in the midst of re-doing my SAE entry's photos, and I am currently about 6 coins in and I am now re-charging the batteries for my camera, so I thought I'd give a status update. The morning did not start out very well. I woke up at about 4am MTN time with a very sore left wrist. I have some tendinitis that gets aggravated when I drive for long periods with my left hand. I woke up and took some motrin



Tomorrow is the Big Day!!

Revamping my SAE entry! Greetings! Well, as I mentioned before tomorrow I will be off work and I am dedicating my entire day to my SAE entry. New pictures, new descriptions, hopefully a whole new "feel" to my entry. I worked extra hard today to get my schoolwork done so I will have nothing else to worry about tomorrow and I can concentrate solely on my coins. This is a big day for me as I am feeling excited all over again about my coin accomplishments. Wish me l



My Plans for Veterans Day

Photos!! Greetings!! I'll have the day off on Veterans Day, so amidst remebering the sacrafice my Great Uncle made as a POW in WW2, and my father's service in Korea, I'll be doing my re-do on my SAE set. The practice photos look excellent, better than the photos currently online, so I am super excited!! All the BEST!



My Goal Date

New pics Thanksgiving week! Greetings! Well, after a few rounds of camera and lighting experimentation, I have decided upon Thanksgiving week to re-do my SAE collection here. I'll be on vacation that week as well as off from my school obligations, and as I am now armed with some experience in the photo department, I am ready to make a dent in that goal. I always get very excited as a coin collector around this time of the year as this is when I first started collecting a few years ag



Some Great Results!

A camcorder in "photo" mode works well... Greetings! Well, my photos are improving. I will post them soon, I am using my Handy Cam in photo mode and am finding some very vivid coin photos are coming through. I can't wait to finally improve my SAE set with the new photos. This will happen in the next 2 weeks. Good luck to you all in your pursuits!



A Tough Week, A Bright Future!

Too much stress some weeks... Greetings! So my struggles in the math arena continue. (This IS going to be a coin post I promise) After not doing well on a few tests at school, and fearing the inevitable "F" I decided to withdraw from my math class and take ONLY that class next semester. I dread what this is going to do to my grants and other aid, but I know I did the right thing as I was just not grasping the math, several reasons for that, which I will spare everyone from, but this led t



A Numismatist Who Is Bad At Math?

A strange combination... Greetings! I have always struggled with math. Math has been my Goliath if I am David. I look at numbers and math problems and it all looks jumbled to me. If I have the formula, and can read it while doing an equation, I usually can conquer the problem OK, and using math in the HVAC trade has never been difficult as I can see what the numbers are telling me on a guage (what the air of refrigerant is doing and if I have to make a repair) but to just do



Setting up My Coin Photo Studio

Well ok, it is not MUCH... Greetings! I am getting excited as I have obtained my materials I need to take some better coin photos. Black backdrop cloth, a business card holder, some practice shots with my cam corder that also takes still photos AND has a USB port, as well as a light that is white and not yellow. I am going to practice a little while and then put the best takes on my registry in just a few weeks. Just when you think maybe the act of collecting is mundane, a new aspec

