vapor's Journal

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My second try at coin pictures for the registry

Hopefully this is getting better .... Well, After my first frustrating attempts at coin photography, I decided to give them another try. I took this one outdoors around 1 pm, under indirect sunlight.This one looks better to me, since its more evenly lighted. This may take some time to get the hang of it, but I think i am going in the right direction. I .....MAY .... get the hang of this by the time I have taken pictures of all my graded coins. Thanks for any opinions.



Coin pictures

With a little help .... After reading in the forums about coins with no pictures, I decided to take a few pictures to add to my sets. I tried for awhile to take some decent pictures of the coins with my camera. After several hours and much frustration I was about to give up. No matter what I did I couldn't get a decent pic. With a friends help it was discovered that I needed a macro lens to get the pictures sharp and to be able to show the coins cameo's. I'm still learning how to take accura



Registry start

I never thought ..... I have been collecting coins off and on for around 30 years and never thought I would end up here. Only recently have I started collecting any slabbed and graded coins, so this is a new direction for my collecting habits. Hopefully , this new direction will lead me to fine tune my collecting.

