Izzydad's Journal

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CAC Submittal #3 & some overall statistics

The results are in for my 3rd CAC submittal. And this one was a little disappointing. Nine coins were submitted , and 5 coins received stickers and four did not. That comes out to a 55.5% success rate. From what I've read that seems about typical, but I was surprised as I really felt that all four of the coins that did not sticker were going to, based on what I had seen with my first two submittals. At any rate for all three submittals 27 out of 35 coins stickered for a rate of 77.1%. NGC co



Coin of the Month for December

And the coin of the month for December is... an 1898 Barber quarter. It has stunning cartwheel luster with a full sharp strike. It has nice green and red toning. This piece was graded MS-66 by PCGS and is in an old "rattler" holder. This coin was also awarded a green CAC sticker.



Coin of the Month for November

And the coin of the month for November is... an 1853 Arrows and Rays quarter. This piece is graded MS-64 by PCGS. The strike is nice as is the luster. Medium toning. This coin was stickered by CAC. For a change of pace, I will attach a photo of the reverse.



Coin of the Month for October

And the coin of the month for October is... a 1800 half eagle. The reported mintage was 37,628 pieces. This is the BD-2 variety, considered to be R-3. This coin has dark even green gold color with no adjustment or other serious marks. It has nice flashes of luster in the protected areas. This piece is graded AU-53 by PCGS and came with a CAC sticker.



CAC Submittal #2

And the results are back from CAC Submittal #2. This submittal was not as good as the first but not terrible either. This time 8 coins out of ten were stickered. I was surprised that the 2 didn't make it. The next submittal will be in a month or so. The picture is of one of the coins that were stickered.



The Coin of the Month for September

And the coin of the month for September is... a 1892 Barber dime. This coin is graded by PCGS as MS-66. It has nice red and green pill away toning on the obverse with greenish gold on the reverse. The luster on the obverse is very nice, while the luster on the reverse is outstanding (more like a 67). This coin cane with a CAC sticker.



CAC Submittal

The results for my first CAC submittal are in. I recently applied and was approved by CAC as an advanced collector/submitter. I feel that for the coins I collect, which are mainly 19th century type coins, having the CAC sticker will be of benefit, when someday the coins are sold. At any rate, I sent in my first batch of coins and they were received at CAC on Monday. They sent an e-mail confirming receipt on Monday. I then received an e-mail on Thursday with the results and the return shippi



The Coin of the Month for August

And the coin of the month for August is... an 1800 Draped Bust dollar. This is a Bolander-5, BB-189 variety, considered to be R-4. It is graded VF-25 by PCGS. It has deep gray peripheries with lighter gray centers and violet/gold overlay. Some flashes of luster are seen in the protected areas on both sides.



The Coin of the Month for July

And the coin of the month for July is... an 1803 Cent. This is the small date, small fraction variety. It has a nice even dark chocolate brown color and the devices have a nice luster. There are very few minor marks and the surfaces are very smooth. This piece is graded AU-55 by PCGS.



The Coin of the Month for June

And the coin of the month for June is... an 1854 3 cent silver (Trime). This is the first year for the Type 2 design. Well struck and with full luster, this piece is graded MS-65 by PCGS. With deep golden, green and russet toning.



The Coin of the Month for May

And the coin of the month for May is... an 1818 Capped Bust Quarter. Moderate golden gray toning with luster in the protected areas. This is graded by PCGS as AU-53, and is the Browning 8 variety. A nicely struck large size quarter.



The Coin of the Month for April

And the coin of the month for April is... an 1814 Large Cent. This is the Crosslet 4 variety and is graded EF-45 by PCGS. Well struck with only a few tiny circulation marks barely visible without magnification. Dark chocolate brown with smooth frosty surfaces.



And the Coin of the Month for March is...

Ans the coin of the month for March is... an 1857Seated Dime. This piece is graded MS-64 by PCGS. The obverse is toned in a deep rose-orange with blue around the rims, while the reverse is a lighter gold and russet. Both sides have a nice cartwheel luster. Nicely struck except for weak dentils from 9-12 on both sides.



And the Coin of the Month for February is...

The coin of the month for February is an 1846 Seated Dollar. A more common date for this type with 110,600 minted. It is graded AU-55 by PCGS. It has underlying semi-prooflike luster with a moderate gold toning over both sides, a little darker on the rims. There is a little blue along the bottom of the reverse rim. It looks a lot nicer in hand than my photos show.



And the Coin of the Month for January is...

The coin of the month for January is an 1837 Liberty Seated Half Dime. It is graded MS-64 by NGC. It is in an old NGC no line fattie holder. It is medium deep toned, with blue centers splashed with violet-rose. The luster is a nice cartwheel.



Coin of the Month for December

and the coin if the month for December is... an 1831 dime. It is graded MS-62 by NGC. It has a moderately deep golden gray toning. The fields are somewhat prooflike. A nice crusty old bust dime.



Coin of the Month for November

And the coin of the month for November is... An 1864 piece. It is graded MS-65RB by PCGS. The toning has a light bluish-violet cast to it. The luster is a strong full cartwheel. It is a much more lively piece that my photos show. An interesting obsolete coin minted during the civil war. The spot the photo shows over the shield is on the holder.



Coin of the Month for October

And the coin of the month for October is... The coin of the month for October is a 1820 Large Cent. It is graded by NGC as MS-65 BN. The color is an attractive chocolate brown but it has red-violet around the devices. The luster is a very strong cartwheel. The strike is very sharp except for the stars some of which are not quite fully struck. As often seen for this type it has a complete radial die crack connecting the stars.



Coin of the Month for September

And the coin of the month for September is ... This months coin is a Seated Dollar. It is graded AU-55 by PCGS. The obverse has a moderately deep russet gold tone that doesn't show up much on the photo. The rim has a band of blue. The reverse is golden gray with cartwheel luster.



Coin of the Month for August

And the coin of the month for August is ... This month's coin is an 1837 Reeded Edge Half. It is graded AU-55 by PCGS. It is well struck with just a little softness on the eagles claws. It has nice gray toning with rose on the high points and light blue and gold on the periphery and some blue and rose in the fields. It also has some remaining luster. Unfortunately, the colors don't show up in the picture very well as they make this a very appealing coin, in my opinion.



The Coin of the Month for July

And the coin of the month for July is... I am not sure how many months I will be able to do this, but I do have a coin of the month for July. It is an 1862 3c piece, graded MS-65 by NGC. It has nice russet & blue-green toning and was struck with heavily clashed dies. It is also very lusterous.



The Coin of the Month for June

And the coin of the month is... June's coin is an 1853 Large Cent. It is graded MS 65BN by NGC. It is a uniform chocolate brown color with an excellent strike and very nice cartwheel luster. The surfaces are very smooth. About the only flaw is a tiny amount of matter on the tip of the three. I say matter because it sure doesn't look like a contact mark, rather just a little something stuck to the surface. It shows up some in the picture, but it hard to see in hand.



Coin of the Month

The plan is to acquire a coin a month.. Of course like many plans this will probably be derailed before long. But at any rate I will try to attach a picture of this months addition. It is a 1849 50c, NGC AU-58. It has nice russet and blue toning but the blue doesn't show up in the picture. I have a lot of learning to do in the photographic end.



A Long Time

It has been a long time since my last journal. It has been a long time since my last entry. Like a lot of others I feel like I need to focus on what I am trying to collect. While my primary interest is my type set, there are so many subsets, half-dimes, dimes , quarters, that I feel like I am always going off on a tangent and I need to try to focus on a denomination or something. I have been fortunate enough to be able to pick up a few very nice seated halves lately, so maybe I should try t



Final 2007 Acquisition

This is it the last new coin for the year. As the year draws close to the end, I've added one new coin. This is an upgrade for my type set. I had a MS-62 Trade $ and this MS-64 replaces it. The toning is really neat and it also has great cartwheel luster. Happy Holidays Everyone

