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My name is Jim and I am a penney Fiend

I'm glad I'm not the only one I go to the bank twice a week for pennies usually $20 at a crack I also find wheat pennies and even a couple of Ihp's. I save all the copper and won't tell how many rolls I have put away. I have rolls of 59-74 that I keep separate from the 75-82 and I give back the zinc 82's and up. The 82's are hard to tell apart so if I'm not sure I get rid of them. I can pretty much tell by looking at the color which ones are 81 and below so I start by separating them by color



Another blow to the Dead Horse

Being in the silent majority not owning and probably never going to own a 2008W rev of 2007 my opinion is ? My only chance at one of these coins was to get them from the mint and that didn't happen. I have a subscription for 5 of the unc W ASE's. I was lucky with the 2006W's and had two of mine grade MS70 I was also lucky with the regular 2008W and got two of the in MS70. I was very lucky with the 2007W and got four MS70's, but alas no 08/07. Everyone that got one I'm happy for you. My not hav



My grades are in!!! Peace Dollars are up graded

Received On 5-1, Quality control on 5-10, shipped on 5-12, to me that is 8 working day Unless NGC works on Saturday then its 10 still faster the projected turn around. The best graded submission for me to date. 12 coins sent in. the grading was split 50-50 6 MS70 6 MS69 and best of all my 1994 50th an.WWII unc Silver Dollar got a 70 My Peace dollar up grade was the one I talked about earlier 1922 MS64 to a MS65 Looks very nice. There is going to be a large Coin Show this week end At t



Peace: what more can I say

I just can't leave them Peace Dollars alone. Not even a week has gone by since I got hold of my 1934s and what a beautiful coin it is. There is just a touch of wear on the Eagles shoulders and ever so little on Ms Liberty's hair it looks way better than my XF-40. I have just up graded my 1922 to a MS65. I went the same route as with the other MS65's in my collection. Trader Phil at Gainesville Coins has taken care of me again. They really do have some good prices, I think so any way. I am 5 wo



Submissions & Acquisitions Revisited

Ngc received my submission!! I acquired my Peace dollar!!!! I checked my delivery confirmation number today (actually yesterday) and found that my submission had arrived. Then checked the web site and saw it in receiving. Now the hard part starts, the waiting!! Now for the very exciting news A 1936S Peace Dollar in AU 55 is now mine. I won it in a BIN or best offer on Ebay. It was a very strange chain of events, I made an offer a little low to see what kind of reaction I would get, which is



Submissions & Acquisitions

American Silver Eagles, Commems, Peace Dollars With all the journal entries about submissions lately, I had to get in the act. I just submitted 12 coins, five 2007W Ase unc's five 2008W ASE unc's (no rev of 2007 I'm sorry to say). One 2008 PR ASE and last but not least WWII 50Th anniversary Silver Dollar. I am all ready stalking my next Peace Dollar upgrade a 1934S in AU 50-55 to replace my XF40 worth 3 whole points where as the AU version is 908 points. Thanks to my uncle I will be able to pa



A Natural Progression From Addict to Pusher

Since I have the disease why not infect others. As I have stated before, for they past two years I have been trying to make a go of a little coin business that has final shown some signs of being a success. I have had to over come some bad decisions that I made. The initial start up cost and the normal costs of a business. I am now paying down my debt while not adding to it. I have been lucky the last six months in having enough left over at the end of the month to pay all the bills and have e



Peace (Dollars) Reign

A nice upgrade to my Peace Dollar Collection I've been very busy (still) nothing but work its bee maybe 3 weeks since my last entry. But today I got a 1925P NGC MS 65 Peace dollar. A surprising fact I got this one and my 1924P MS 65 from the same place Gainesville Coins. After checking out the auctions believe it or not I could buy them for less. So thats what I did. I should get it in a couple days and maybe just maybe I can move up at least one spot. Later JimL4004



A little bit of this and a little bit of that ( thanks H.L.)

"You pays your money yous takes your chances" As far as I'm concerned there are already to many rules, let's not make any new ones. I will make my sets and or collections how ever I want to. We all paid our membership dues. We weren't invited to join or screened by the other members. It is an individual decision to join or not. In the passed I have criticized other members for their competitiveness and other things and I was wrong. There is a place in the society for all of that. I got a littl



MS67 James Monroe's arrived

I entered them in my collection today My MS67 James Monroe's Arrived today, it took a while they came from Fairbanks Alaska. Being PCGS coins, the points won't show up till tomorrow, but that's OK. We are still recovering form a weekend snow storm I live in north east Ohio, we had around 24" of snow. I missed my weekly visit to the coin shop not because I was snowed in but because they were not open, I actually went up there. Nothing was plowed I couldn't get in to the Bank parking lot or any



Sometimes losing an auction is better??? WHAT!!!!!

When does losing an auction turn in to a BIG win? Easy when you get a 2nd chance offer, that's when. Last week in a moment of insanity, after tasting the top ten in the Mint State Presidential Dollar category. (I dropped to 12th the very next day.) I decided that I needed to up grade my Monroe's to MS67 even though I had just bought and add some MS65's. So off I went in search of my prize, and it didn't take long for me to find them. I quickly ran a search to see what they have been going for.



I landed in the top TEN

Well!!! Presidential Dollar first day of Issue collection is in tenth place. (For the moment anyway)   Yea I'm Koin Krazy too!! and can Prove itI just added my latest Presidential dollars to the registry, a James Monroe P&D MS66 FDI and until more collectors add the Monroe coins to there collections I reside in 10th place. I also added my upgrade MS65 1924 Peace Dollar today. What a beautiful coin it is I sat and looked at it next to the MS63 what a difference. What did you do for New Year



Presidential Dollars PCGS vs NGC

I had to get the PCGS every time I know that this topic comes up every so often. When buying graded Presidential Dollars I end up getting PCGS every time. I have found that they are less expensive and better looking coins with out fail. When the George Washington coin came out I went with NGC and also John Adams, I wasn't even looking at the PCGS coins at that time. I don't like their holder among other things. Then I met a man that was dealing in PCGS coins we got to talking and he offered me



Peace of my heart

I just upgraded Today I upgraded my 1924p Peace Dollar from MS63 to a MS65. This will be the first MS65 Peace Dollar in my set. I chose the 1924 because I only had it in 63. I have 1922p and 1923p in MS64 and will be upgrading them to MS65 also over the next two months. That will boost my score over 600 points. I will be getting all three from the same place. When I sell the two 64's and the 63 I will recoup some of the cost. Hopeful by this time next week I will have added it to my registry s



Excessive Compulsive Behavior

Hi my name is JimL4004 and I am a coin-aholic I have been this way for as long as I can remember and it is getting worse or better depending whose point of view you agree with. I have always had some type of compulsive behavior to deal with, it seems to run in streaks, For quite a few years I was an avid fisherman going fishing every weekend, and before and after work, At a different time it was bowling I bowled on as many as three different leagues, I even got my wife to bowl in a mixed doubl



I'm Feeling a Little Lost

With my Peace dollar collection finished ( not really. I need upgrades) I am having trouble focusing on something else. Just because I haven't added a coin recently I just had to go after something and decided on a ASE I found a 1989 NGC MS69 to bid on cranked up my old EBay countdown and won it with a pretty low bid at the last second. I added it to my collection the points awarded were low but it was something. I still have a submission to send in the same one I wrote about in my last journa



I've been so busy I havn't had time to write!!

"A little bit of this and a little bit of that" (H.L.'s line) This month every time I logged on to this web site, I only had time to read the journals not to write one. I thought I would try and squeeze one in before the end of the month. I got my submission back, the Jamestown proofs came back 70s and the 1991 veterans coins all came in at MS69. I am gathering my next one presently. I came across a 1991-95 WWII anniversary silver dollar and am going after a proof silver dollar next, both for



The final Peace of the puzzle

11 days past my goal but not to shabby I now have a complete set of Peace Dollars. I just obtained the last won(because it was an auction)this past Saturday and received it to day. A 1934D in MS61. This same coin was up for auction two weeks ago, I watched it all week it had an opening bid of $99. The entire week there had been no bids as the last hour of the auction approached I clicked on my EBay countdown (a pretty neat gadget, if you get a chance down load one)and sorting coins for the col



This could be my last journal of the year.

For me it was a pretty good year I will fall short of my goal of finishing my peace dollar collection by two. I have a submission in receiving five proofs the three Veterans proofs and the two Jamestown proofs. I am also looking for 2008 Ase's raw ones for grading. I also picked up a 1991-95 WW II anniversary unc silver dollar when I visited my local coin shop today. Hats off to Rich at the COIN XChange Wickliffe Oh. for keeping prices low and very fair treatment for all. Its been fun reading



A penny for your thoughts

Penny rumors are flying I have heard a couple of things recently. One being that shortly after the 1st of the year the Federal Reserve will start to pull all the copper cents (1959-1981 plus some of the 82's) from circulation as the price of copper continues to rise, at present a penny is worth about 3 cents by weight. The scrap yards in my neighborhood are paying $2.40 for clean brite copper that works out to 1.6 cents for a penny. I have heard this from people from many different states. I h



Three Peace's of the puzzle are left.

All that remains are the three d's 23,26,34. Late Sunday night I cornered a Ms 62 1927 Peace Dollar. In an auction that I led wire to wire. I had a much more exciting auction that unfortunately I came in second. It was for a 1934S in AU53 I had my eye on it for the last 5 days and bid on it a number of times. I would very much like to upgrade my XF40 34S to a AU To make my collection all AU BU not to mention the additional 905 pts. So when the auction was in the final stages even armed with my



Peace on Earth

I couldn't pass up that title. It has Peace(dollar)in it and it is that time of year. Well it is almost Christmas again!! The vote is in and counted and 2007 will not be the year that saw my Peace Dollar Collection completed. I just add a very nice 1925S in MS 62. It looks better than MS62. I now have four left to go. I think a 1927P will be the last Peace dollar of the year. It is also a MS62, but it isn't mine yet. It took me almost 2 weeks to find it, and the other three that I need have be



A little bit of this and a little bit of that. thanks Hal

A new coin and a old coin. I can't believe its been two weeks since my last journal entry. In the last two weeks I have added an old coin 1925S peace dollar in MS62 NGC and a new coin 2007 Thomas Jefferson dollar in MS67 FDI that one is a PCGS. I need 4 more coins to complete my Peace Dollar collection. All though the last 4 are not the rarest I'm not finding a lot of them in the right grades there are some AU and MS64's and not much in between. My latest submission has been received since



Give Peace a chance!!!!

Could the end be in sight. Another one bites the dust. One more down and then there were five.After going almost three weeks without adding a new Peace Dollar to my collection, I scored a 1934P in MS62 A nice golden toned coin, in a rather lack luster auction. There were only six bids and my last bid held up for the last 45 minutes of the action. This is the second auction in a row that has been like this. I shouldn't complain, I am getting good prices on the coins, but I also like the excitem



I think all the complaining and chest beating about being # 1 is laughable

This is not what coin collecting is all about, I'm sorry but that is the way I feel. I guess this might be easy for me to say because I will never be in the position to be ranked first in any registry set of any kind. I am ranked # 92 In the Peace Dollar category and while I plan to move up higher in the future, I will never be #1 my pockets are not that deep. The top entries have single coins that are worth more points than my entire collection. My wife surprised me with a coin that she had

