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Finally the mint delivers sort of

Buffalo Arrives Jackson coin covers still being processed New dime in my short setThe long wait for the 1/10 oz buffalo is over, it has arrived. Now I will have to put a submission together and get it graded. Will probably go with some Commems I have been ignoring them lately and have a West Point UNC silver dollar waiting to be graded. Maybe I'll look for the matching proof and I need the Civil war proofs also. I got and added a 1943S MS67 Mercury Dime to my short set. Got a great deal and I



New Mercury Dime

The second six digit cert # starting with a zero Thanks again to David Lawrence Rare Coin Auctions, for another MS67 Mercury Dime this one a 1943S to upgrade the MS62 that is in my set. I again was the only bidder and bought the gem for 50% of the Numismedia value. I haven't had this much fun putting a set together since my Peace Dollars. Speaking of Peace Dollars it's time to start working on some upgrades Christmas is just around the corner. Don't take any wooden nickels



Ignore list qualified

Another First for THE DINGER First Thing I want to say is that I apologize for setting off Jason Von Dinger. He answered my Journal entry of 9/10/08 with a less than civil message. This was before he had written any journals as a matter of fact is first Journal entry is in part the message that he set me I answered him back in my usual style. His next two journals are directed at me. I have solved my problem with him he has become my first entry on my ignore list and I hope my last. I think he




The age old question NGC vs PCGS new twist Two Thumbs Up For David Lawrence Rare CoinsJust when you think you have it all figured out, every thing changes. There has been an on going discussion on these journal pages that PCGS has been over grading the presidential dollars, using the statement that the PCGS coins are not crossing over to NGC and keeping the higher grade (MS66,67). I cannot confirm or deny this as I have not tried it my self. I do know however Washington thru Madison PCGS graded




Ole Hickory, another dime UPS delivered my 2008 silver proof set todayI got the Andrew Jackson P in an MS66. Right now the MS67 is way out of my range. I am looking for a d but will surely settle for an MS65 the D's are way out of sight in MS67 and 66. Won another David Lawrence auction A very nice 1945S Mercury Dime in MS67 an only bid win and can't beat the price anywhere. The 2008 silver proof set came today and is going back tomorrow one of the lenses was cracked and the coins look like




Short set takes shapes U.S. Mint, Gold.Labor Day weekend shaped up pretty good. Gustav wasn't as bad as expected hopefully the price of gas will not rise to much. I won a David Lawrence Rare coins Auction Monday night I got a 1944D Mercury dime MS 67FB for the minimum bid, 1/3 the Numismedia Value. I bid on two more in the Thursday night auction Could I be that lucky again??? I also won a Ebay auction, I got a 2007S Geo Washington PFUC 70. I only have the John Adams to go and am well with in m



Friday Night the start of the weekend

Dimes and Dollars, descriptions, Pictures good and bad While I am waiting for my Thomas Jefferson proof 70UC to come so I can enter it in my set. I have been working on my descriptions and pictures. The pictures are coming along, some are good some are not. I have redone some of the worst ones already. I have tried different things with the size of the original and the cropped end product and am still working to improve the over all appearance. As we all know the limiting of the size of the pi



.Upgrading and Waiting

Some auction action and the Buffaloes pushed back some more to September I just checked on my Buffalo order with the mint and delivery has been pushed back to 9-4-08. I have won two PR70UC 2007 Presidential dollars a James Madison and Thomas Jefferson using my shot gun approach. That's where I set a max bid and bid on as many as I can only this time I tried Ebays bid asst. It worked pretty good I won one for $24.00 and the other one for $26 using a max bid of $28.51. It took some time 8 day




Winged Liberty Head Dimes have been keeping me busy.. Dear Journal: Since we last spoke I have been busy gathering Mercury Dimes for the short set, that I started two weeks ago. I have been having so much fun that I just may turn it in to a long set but that is a story for later. Now back to the short set. All the coins that I have picked up so far have been surprisingly to me fairly inexpensive. The first one I acquired was a MS66 1945 micro S a very nice example. I had a 1942 unc coin in my



Updates, Observation's, Doings.

Adding Images, Got Grades, Moving up!! I will be adding Images to all my collections, so I too can show off some of my prized possessions. I will start with my Peace Dollars (What Else) and go from there my goal being to have images and descriptions on all my coins before the end of the year. Thanks to all who gave advice in the Journals I paid attention to all of it used what I could and think my images will turn out rather well. My Early Bird submission has been shipped, in nine working days



Re: Disillusioned

Even TPG graders are human and that is the problem !!!!!! We can all agree or disagree with the grades that we pay the professianals for, however we all must remember that it is an opinion that we are paying for and opinions differ. I have read about studies done where 3 or 6 or 9 different coins, the number really doesn't matter were systematicly sent to both NGC and PCGS for grading and then comparing the results and time and time again the results varied. I have read in the journals many co



Flea Market Find

The first coin I actually bought at a flea Market. I actually haven't seen that many. Saturday while walking around the Flea Market i saw some Commemorative coins for sale and bought a 2002W West Point silver dollar in the OGP for $2 over melt. It will be the first coin of my next submission. Speaking about submissions the one that was received on 7-28-08 hit Quality control today 6 working days with a turn around time of 21 days their must be a real backup in Quality Control. I entered the fi



Mercury Rising I Think I got the Fever Again

The search is under way, The attack is being planned After the let down of finding out I have a 21 day wait for the Mercury dimes I sent in for grading, I had to do something so I started my research and then started to plan my attack. It felt good and the excitement is mounting. I don't want to tip anyone else off so mums the word, but should have at least one MD to enter in to my set by this time next week maybe more. I stated in my last journal that I was going to cancel my proof set subs



Submission # 3 Received

Early Bird has a turn around time of 21 days!!!!!! Well I guess I am paying for the quick turn around on the two most recent Modern Tier submissions. When I get my coins back I should have moved up in ranking to three digit numbers. I ordered a $5 Buffalo from the U.S. Mint, it is back ordered, delivery in about 2 weeks. This will bring my count of gold coins up to seven, wish I could afford more!! After this year I will cancel my mint subscriptions to the proof sets I wanted the state quarter



I hate to be a naysayer

Awesome ebay buy may not be so awesome First Coinworld prices are very high second SGS doesn't grade anything lower than a MS70 It is probably MS65 If your lucky. Sorry but true. I looked at Over 300 Mercury Dimes today trying to find three that were better than the ones I final sent in my latest submission and couldn't find one. So we will see how mine come out. One more word on Grading think I can tell what an MS 64 is but after that they all look pretty much the same. To me anyway.



3rd submission this month

I have done well hope it continues Some of my Internet coin buying experiences and adviceThis being my third and last submission of the month it is in the Early Bird tier and consists of My Dolly Madison 1st spouse coins and three Mercury dimes for my new short set it is also my coupon submission. I went though my raw dimes and picked out the three best ones, so I will see if I have learned any thing. The first one I sent in was for my U.S. commems and all were MS69. The $5 GAE came back MS70.



Peace Of Mind

I have found my new path but it is in an old direction. As most young collectors I started out collecting circulated coins. I always managed to have a paper route, so there was no shortage of change to go thru. Pennies, nickels, and dimes were the coins that I collected. Quarters and halves were way to much money to be collecting and silver dollars were birthday gifts from grandparents. The silver dollars that I got were Peace dollars. At that time I had no idea that the coins that I was coll



The Peace Dollar is born

Pittman act of 1918 government waste or stroke of genius Key Pittman was a senator from the state of Nevada and the author of the Pittman Act. Looking out for the working men of his state. He proposed a way for the Mints to get rid of the unpopular millions of Silver dollars that were stored away in bank vaults. yes the unpopular Morgan dollar(Don't we wish we had some time alone in those vaults.) The act decreed that not to exceed 350,000,000 standard silver dollars be melted cast in to bars



Comments, Quips, and a clean up

Quip; A WITTY OR SARCASTIC REMARK I cleaned up my collections, somewhat today I deleted three of them. It was a grand total of four coins that's right four whole coins worth a whopping 13 points. I got tired of looking at them, I kept the coins one of which was a 1950D Jeff in MS 66.(Clean-up) I was going to work on them until I got bit by the Peace Dollar bug. My July 7th submission hit quality control today five working days after receipt. With a 12 day turn around I guess it will now spend



A good time to reflect.

This afternoon I was building collections it was raining and I was alone in the house. My favorite Pastime is building coin collections weather my own or ones that I am going to sell, I don't make a profit at it but I make enough so I can buy more coins to build more collections to sell and upgrade my collections and purchase other coins for my collections and supplies, you get the picture. I advise collectors that are just starting out to buy a parcel collection and fill in rarer coins themse



Modern Coins vs Vintage Coins

I am just back from Vacation and would like to add my thoughts on this subject If you look at my registry collections you would see that most of them are modern sets. Yet the center piece is my complete set of Peace Dollars. The raw collections that I own include no modern coins. I think that the value of the modern coins are very low in most cases unless they are certified at a high grade. I like to submit coins for grading and at least for me the chances are better of getting high grades on




AND THE WINNER IS????? I used to only collect NGC coins. I think before the new dollars came out I only had 3 PCGS coins in my registry. Now all my prez's are PCGS mainly because they are more affordable in the higher grades. I also think Paul is right on the money in saying if PCGS allowed NGC coins in there registry it would be dominated by NGC coins. I think NGC is more user friendly. PCGS coins are allowed in the NGC registry but not the other way around. Heck NGC coins won't even fit in P



Just what I wanted to hear long turn around times

Wouldn't you know it, just as I'm readying a new submission!!!!!! Tomorrow after I leave the coin shop maybe with a new Civil War two coin Proof set. I will pack up my latest submission to NGC. It will consist The two coin unc Civil war set for my Military theme signature set & c Modern Commems ditto the proof set if I get it. Geo.Washington half dollar that I have had for ages. A 1/10 oz 2008W burnished GAE and the U.S.O. unc and proof coins. They should be in the mail on Monday. I have b



I got a couple of nice coins at a bargain price

Some Silver dollar commems are auctioning below melt even with shipping charges added. While searching for coins for my next submission. I found that the USO 50th aniv silver coins both unc and proof were selling for less than melt. The USO coins will fit in to my military signature set and my modern commems set. I checked the completed auction results to see what they would run and much to my surprise found that they selling for less that spot by three to four dollars. I placed a max bid on

