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More Indians

Time to take a break I've blown my buget again. I've been looking at the Sunday night Teletrade auctions for a while now, mostly looking for coins to go in the Mercury Dimes short set that I have been working on.I have four left to get and two that will have to be upgraded, those slots are presently filled with coins that don't match the rest of the set. The last four have not been easy to find which is alot of the fun, looking for just the right ones takes time and I have had to expand my sea



Another Great Old Injun

The gold color of the early CN Indians really catches my eye. My lucky streak continued yesterday when I aquirered a great new old coin a PCGS MS63 1862 IHP in an OLD GREEN HOLDER. I love the gold color of the (copper nickel) early Indians. I didn't intended to buy it, I wasn't even looking for it, but when I seen it, I new it was going to be mine. At a buck and a half I could not pass on it. As the economy gets better as it has for me, the place where I work just this week went back on 5 days




YA GOT TO LOVE IT I submitted 5 of my raw key dates out of my my collection books, using my free coupon. I had mentioned in passing that I was looking for a nice AU 1931s lincoln cent to a shop owner a while back for my 09-40 book. He told me that he had just purchased a nice collection that had a Au 31s in it and if I wanted it I could have it for 20% back of bid. I looked at it agreed that it was a nice AU and bought it. Some time later when I was looking over what I had to send in I picked




You get what you pay for No fees No sales I have been a member of ebid since 11-08-08 won two tee shirts in the buddy point auctions. I wasted hours listing coins tjhat I sell every day on ebay at a lower price why not the listings are free. To bad I sold next to nothing. I bought a few things and only got ripped of twice not by getting lousy coins by getting nothing at all. ebid was very helpful and maybe they might even anwser my E-mails someday. Think ebid comes under the old rule that you




A new member of the Mercury short set All pix updated for "I'm at Peace" with the new 1928s Most of the Commems Pix updated Some QC can't tell the difference between gold and silverWith the addition of a 1943p MS66 FB my points total broke the 60,000 level. 001 2009 P LINCOLN BICENTENNIAL S$1 MS 70 002 2009 P LINCOLN BICENTENNIAL S$1 PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO 003 2009 P LOUIS BRAILLE S$1 MS 70 004 2009 P LOUIS BRAILLE S$1 PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO 005 1986 S LIBERTY S$1 PF 69 ULTRA CA



Tried my luck with halves also

got a $500 box As other members have stated my bank does not have a lot of halves come thru. I had them order one $500 box for me 4 weeks in a row. The first $500 came out of my savings account. After going thru the first one and finding nothing I just traded one box for another. after going thur 4,000 half dollars and finding one 40% Kennedy I put a stop to that madness. The rolls in the boxes were all machine wrapped in paper they looked nice but contained nothing worth talking about. Jim



One more down Five left to go

MS61 replaces AU55 "I'm at Peace" gained another mint state coin tonight I was able to pick up A MS61 1928s Peace Dollar to up grade the set. There are five AU coins left to go. It is going to be very hard to rise much higher in the standings. All I'm am doing is maintaining my place. I will try and up grade my gallery with the new 28s and hope to start on the commems this week end. I think I have recouped all the points that I lost when I removed the ASE's and will now start gaining ground in




"I'm at Peace" has all new photos!!!!!!!!!! With alot of time on my hands this afternoon I attempted to take better (not different) pictures for my Galleries. Added the new 1863 MS64 IHP with no problem. Next I tackled my Peace Dollar collection "I'm at Peace" which thanks to you has been on the most viewed list for more than two years, most of that time in the top ten. So to all of you, I invite you back to check out the new pictures. You can now tell they are actually coins. The pictures are




An Indian ambush a waited Talk about a steal I mean deal. I was reminded this morning that I had won the 1863 MS64 Indian Head penny that I had placed a bid on. What!!! Oh ya that impossibly low bid I had placed on this coin had in fact won. The bid was a place keeper so I could Track it and maybe make a last minute bid. It had then slipped my mind until the congratulatory email this morning Later JimL4004




ORDER FROM CHAOS AFTER SOME REMODELING and other disjointed thoughts Had some time tonight and thought I would add some gallery shots, I need to add my IHP's, my MS 62 '21' Peace Dollar. As always the commems need all kinds of work. The Indian head pennys came out fair, for me they were some of my best. The sizes came out good with some detail. I figured I now had a workable formula proved out though trail and error. Using my new formula and pretty confident of success. I thought why not just



I am already having more fun

Good bye ASE's. Will the Presidents be next? After selling off 19 Ase's all MS69, I was able to aquire four Mint state Indain head Cents 3 Ms64Bn one Ms63bn with two of the four being in PCGS holders. Also more nice MS & PR 70 commemeratives. All on the secret auction site. I also have a big submisson I am putting together, both Lincoln & Braille commems plus a 1986 $5 gold egale and I am also going to get some of my Key date coins from my raw sets Slabed. I just have to pick them out.




IT WON'T WORK AT LEAST IN MY AREA The banks where I live, northeast Ohio don't deal with the Federal Reseve, the use Brinks, Wells Fargo and other services like that. Banks and stores get and turn in thier change to these companies and they just keep recycling it. A lot of times when new coins are available they are mixed in with old circulated coins, they just dump the bags of new coins in with the old and the automatic rollers do the rest. Occasoinal we might get a sealed box of coins that t



A Direction Change For the Better

I have said good Bye to my collection of ASE's not all of them but most of them, not because I had to but because I wanted to. I deleted and desposed of my largest collection of Silver Eagles. They have lost their appeal, to me anyway. I would rather have a nice MS 62-63 27d, 27s, or 28s Peace Dollar than 19 American Silver Eagles. I still have all the MS70 Eagles and will hang on to them for awhile anyway. My change or heart started with the release of the UHR Saint-Gaudens copy coin. I Could



No Help Here RE Old Green Holder

I have seen pictures of them I have two Mercury Dimes in my short set that have six diget numbers begining with 060 I would say are pretty old but not in old geen holders Are these also caller rattlers cause the coins rattle around in them? later JimL4004



Moving up, some mile stones in sight

1943d MS67FB is safely in my regisrty and NGC box I am getting close to a couple of mile stones. My total registry points will be hitting 60,000 soon. My ranking will move in to the 700's. I picked up a 1986 Liberty $1 proof last night in a eBay auction for less than melt even after the shipping charges go figure. With the two Lincoln's and Braille's I have my five coin min. Later JimL4004




two new arrivals It seems kind of funny that the two coin series that I am working on at the moment are at opposites ends of the scale, Peace Dollars are the biggest of the silver coins Mercury dimes the one of the smallest. I entered the MS62 peace dollar in the registry tonight add will add the pictures over the weekend hopfully at least that is my plan. Now I have six more Peace dollars to upgrade from AU to MS for a entire MS collection which is my goal. My brand new 1943d MS67FB Mercury D



Its been awhile since my last entry

A nice upgrade to my Peace dollar Collection. A great addition to my Mercury's and more MS 70 commems Dear Journal: It has been been quite sometime since my last confession. I have manage to make a nice up grade in my Peace dollar collection, I have Replaced the AU55 1921 with a MS62. I have added a stunning 1941 MS67FB to my Mercury short set it is a twin of the MS67FB 1941s WHAT a PAIR. I have continued to pick up MS70 commems at bargain prices (sorry sellers) your economic woes are my gain.



So much to Write about but not enough Time

Good fortune, Bad luck, gold, Silver, This being my first journal entry of the month I have something to say about a lot of things. Let me start out with I was dismayed like everyone else when pay-pal became the only method of payment on eBay. I run about 30,000 grand a year though pay-pay a combo of payments and receipt of payments for the last 3 years and have had no problems at all. (Knock on wood.)I moved some of my business over to ebid . net(put two spaces in so it wouldn't show a link)



I hope everyone had a good Christmas, I know I did.

I picked up some new coins and up graded some old ones. Well, my secret auction site came thru for me again, three more MS70 Commems for about the same money as the other four I got before the holidays, plus an 1923 MS65 Peace Dollar as an upgrade for $35 less than any of the other MS65 in my set(1922,24 and 25). In my raw Lincoln cent collection I picked up a 1914d in VG up graded the 1909s and 1924d to Vf's and am now only missing 1909vdb s, 1922 no d, and 1931s. Due to the very good sales I



Lets not feel to sorry for the Dealers

Most enjoy large discounts No one reading this has to believe it, but most coin dealers who submit coins to the 3 best grading services enjoy benefits we will never see. First this is how it goes you submit 1000 Morgan Dollars, you stipulate that you only want the coins that are MS64 and above graded when the lot is completed you pay $6 for every MS64 $7 for every MS65 $12 for every MS66 you pay nothing for coins that don't meet this criteria. That means no body bags. There maybe a small surch



Santa comes Early for Me

TWO NGC PR70 Ultra Cameo Two NGC MS70Since my submission has just arrive and I had commems on my mind while checking out the coin auctions earlier this week. I placed a bid on four of them 2008p Bald Eagle MS70, a 2007p Little RockNGC PR70, a 2002w West Point NGC PR70 and last a 1991p MT Rushmore NGC MS70. I told my self, Self put a $50 bid on each one and maybe you will win one maybe two. Well I didn't win two I won all four. Now I don't really like to say how much I spend but in this case I w



Submissions, Acquisitions and some new Territory

Two Gold, Five silver, and four more gold,One big one in copper Dear Journal; Have you missed me, I think this past month is the first month since joining that I didn't write an entry. I have been pretty busy even if work has been slow lately.My Christmas Sales have gone though the roof(hope this continues). I just received a submission back from NGC. My $5 Gold buffalo got a MS70 and the 5 Silver commems were all MS or PR 69's. Picked up the MVB presidential dollars in MS66 a 1941d mercury Di



Gold is down how low will it go

The title doesn't have much to do with the journal below. I just added two MS70 coins to my Modern Commemorative set, A 2005 Marine corp and a 2007 Little Rock. Silver and Gold are way down and I am looking for bargains. I have also been buying lots of wheat's for the up coming holidays as the sets I build make great gifts. I'm still searching for just the right coins for my Mercury Dime short set, it has been so much fun that I started to lose sight of make goal in my zeal to complete it and



It should be no surprise

There are plenty of honest E-Bay sellers You must know that there are plenty of E-Bay sellers that are members of this Collectors Society. I would venture a guess that only a small minority are not very honest. I have 100% feedback in over 1000 transactions. Because of a bad experience that I had in my first E-Bay purchase I made it my goal to make sure no one had that kind of experience when dealing with me. You have to remember you have more sellers on E-Bay than the population of a lot of c

