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I just have to say something

eBay, sales tax, Collectors Soc. I havn't added a journal in quite sometime, havn't even read ant up until tonight. I must say I feel all of your pain. I have over 4,000 toal feed backs on eBay and have been selling for some time and got my first 2 neg's this year both on coins that cost less than $10 one becuase the person paid more than the coin was worth, the bidding started at 99 cents how was this my fault. The other one said the coin he got was not the one in the picture. He was wrong, a



My RE to the less than honest.

Swindlers Lawyers and Thieves OH MY!!!!!!!! Dear Journal: I believe that what ever you are going to do sell, give away or crack out, I repeat what ever you are going to do, remove the coin from your registry. That?s what I do and the only right thing to do. The world is full of crooks, cheats, swindlers and being part of the world in general why wouldn?t we have our share. Being a member of our society doesn?t automatically bestow honesty and integrity on you. You have to have them before you



Peace Reins Tonight

Just upgraded my gallery pictures not all yet 80% Wouldn't you just know it, I just get my pictures update on my Peace dollar collection and they are a lot better than they were. What do you think I went and did why of course I upgraded two coins. I only have 3 AU coins in this set now with the addition of a very nice looking 1927d NGC MS62 and a monster 1935s in a PCGS Old Green holder MS64. I got both of them on a secret site that I have done quite well on over the last couple of years. I gu



What?? Another Buying BINGE That's All

BUYING,BUYING, the only way to stop is not to look!!!!!!! Dear Journal: I lucked into a couple of pretty good buys this weekend past. I picked up a 2010 Presidential proof set NGC PF70 took pictures wrote descriptions and added to my registry set. Now I?m back tied for first and holding down the last slot on page # 1. They cost me $1 for every 28 points. I also got a MS66 first day of issue 2010p Millard Fillmore for less than $8 that?s a whopping 48 points per dollar.



Poorly Graded Coins. What Next????

A new service to add value to CAC coins Dear Journal: I am going to start a new company that is going to affix a little red oval label to your CAC labeled coins to verify that I agree that CAC agrees with the agency that certified the coin. The label will have the letters SITYS on it, which stands for See I Told You SO sound ridiculous WELL IT IS!!!!!! When someone sends in a bulk order to be graded, say 200 coins, they usually get to specify that they don?t want anything under a certain



Re Finalized, Imaged, Shipped

I did some what better I sent in one roll 20 2010 ASE coins got 6 MS70's 14 MS69's that equals 30% MS70 coins about 3 times better than AVG. Later JimL4004   COIN LIST Coins for NGC invoice number 2539020 LineItem Year Mint Mark Variety/Pedigree Denom. Grade Comments 001 2010 EAGLE EARLY RELEASES S$1 MS 70 002 2010 EAGLE EARLY RELEASES S$1 MS 70 003 2010 EAGLE EARLY RELEASES S$1 MS 69 004 2010 EAGLE EARLY RELEASES S$1 MS 69 005 2010 EAGLE EARLY RE



Merc's, Indains, Gold & Silver You gota Love It

A new submission and a couple of searches Dear Journal: By the end of the weekend I should have my next submission ready to go. It will have a variety of different coins a $5 1998 Gold Eagle a 1996 Silver Eagle, the two new Disabled Veterans commemoratives plus 3 other commems I am still looking for that elusive 1944p MS66FB for my Merc short set it as proven to be one tuff coin to find. I would like to move up from 23 spot so I can stay on the first page so I am now




As time goes by people come and go I was here before you and will be here when your gone. Dear Journal: Looks like I have done it again went and hit someone?s sore spot. You can always tell how close you are to the true by the reaction you get as in big reaction close to the truth. I just picked up some Zack Taylor?s P&D NGC MS66 FDI at 366 points each what a value 34 points per dollar spent. At the same rate my PCGS AU55 1934s Peace dollar would be worth 20,400 pts February was a great




could not have said it better Jackson has it the nail on the head. As I approach 3,000 eBay transaction I know a little about how it works and I get offended when others make statments about eBay that I know are untrue. I also think that members should have at least one coin in the registry to be heard. I could have said a lot more but will save it for another time. Later JimL4004




69'S and 70'S oh my!!!! Dear Journal: My roll of American Silver Eagles have been graded all are Early Release with 6 out of the 20 getting MS 70 all the rest MS69. That works out to 30% of my eagles getting MS70 compared to the census report that is saying that only 6% of the 193,847 graded so far have graded MS70, which makes me feel pretty good. I was surprised to see that there are over 70,000 more 2010 E.R. Eagles certified than in 2009 and 2010 has just started. With the population of o




Another postal story Friday once again!! My roll of 20 Silver American Eagles resides in quality control, but for how long who knows. I also have a postal story, which I found hard to believe. As I ship a couple of hundred items through the U.S.P.O every month I consider my self very lucky to have as little trouble as I do. I?ve even shipped overseas with no trouble ?Knock on wood!!!!? The city that I live in has a post office that is exactly four miles from the post office in a neighboring




Don't expect to get rich anytime soon of ever!!!!!!!!!! Dear Journal: There are a few more things we should remember when thinking about scrap values. The values you see quoted are not going to be the price you get no matter what kind of metal it is. The quoted value is for the highest purity and cleanliness. As I am in the metal cutting business it is something I have to deal with often. Scrap dealers are notorious for get the lowest possible price, since the lower they buy the more profit




Unlike gold and silver there are laws against exporting and melting one one and five cent coins Blow is a brief summury of what I mean no scrap dealer will touch them.     FINAL REGULATION ISSUED PROHIBITING THE EXPORTATION, MELTING, OR TREATMENT OF UNITED STATES ONE-CENT AND 5-CENT COINS On April 10, 2007, United States Mint Director Edmund Moy approved a final rule that generally prohibits the exportation, melting, or treatment of United States one-cent coins (pennies) and 5-cent coin



New coins New submissions

Gold and Silver Oh My!!!!!!! Dear Journal: Quite a few things have happened since last I wrote. My best purchase of the New Year to date came last night in the form of a 1902s Cornet head w/motto ? eagle PCGS MS62. I won it in an eBay auction. That I am an auction junkie I would have to admit, I have placed bids on three other ? eagles in the Sunday Teletrade Auction with the hopes of winning at least one of them. All the ones that I have and am bidding on are S mints, I have always thought of



Catching up

Things couldn't be better or could they??? Dear Journal: Quite a few things have happened since last I wrote. My best purchase of the New Year to date came last night in the form of a 1902s Cornet head w/motto ? eagle PCGS MS62. I won it in an eBay auction. That I am an auction junkie I would have to admit, I have placed bids on three other ? eagles in the Sunday Teletrade Auction with the hopes of winning at least one of them. All the ones that I have and am bidding on are S mints, I have alw



Great Grades, Great Coins, Great New Year for Everyone I Hope

My best submission yet. This latest non-modern coin submission was a huge success I?m about as happy as I could be with the grades that I got. The valueof the coins has more than doubled from what I paid for them. I guess even a blind squirrel can find an acorn once in a while. Check out my grades below: Coins for NGC invoice number xxxxx48 LineItem Year Mint Mark Variety/Pedigree Denom. Grade Comments 001 1908 S IHP 1C MS 61 BN 002 1935 TEXAS 50C MS 65 003 1937 D OREGON



Presidential Dollars vs Peace Dollars You should be shocked.

$$$ vs Points a joke? Modern vs obsolete still laughing? Pot metal vs Silver you got to be kidding!!!!!!!As I slowly move my attention away form the mainstream modern coins and focus more on the obsolete series. I began to realize that the coins coming out of the mint now days are plain or down right ugly or a copy of a classic design as in the SAE's mimicking the Walking Liberty Halves, Buffalos like Buffalo nickels or the UHR, the St-Gaudens $20 dollar gold piece, to name a few. They went fr



Sellig Slabs on EBAY

What I Do When I sell a slab on eBay I use 4 pics the whole slab front and back plus a closer shot of just the coin front and back. I have always done it this way as it is what I would like to see when I am Buying. ebay is so big that they do rely on people to report policy violations. They must have alot of them to look at beause I have reported many and only seen a few get canceled. later JimL4004



Are Entertaining Journal Entries a thing of the Past ???????

I used to read all the journal entries and enjoyed most of them. Now I guess times have changed!!!!!!!It seems as if all the more talented and entertaining writers have stopped making entries in our journal, this trend started in late 2008 and looks to continue into 2010.Not to change the subject but if you didn't know it about 95% of the people that are collecting American Silver Eagles for instants could care less if it is a First Strike or an Early Release or if it is in fact graded. Most do




ONE GREAT NEW OLD COIN ONE NEW SUBMISSION MANY REASONS TO GIVE THANKSI haven't written anything in a while (pause while the cheering dies down) I aquired a milestone coin, for me anyway a 1857 Flying Eagle Cent NGC MS64 I have pictures of it in the gallery it is now the corner stone coin in my collection. I have a submission scheduled for grading made up of some modern commems namly both Frist in Flight coins and the Jackie Robinson unc and proof.I am also preparing another submission that wil



Re: I found out how to put a financial hurting on EBAY

You will only be hurting innocent people Sellers depend on high DSR's to qualify for FVF discounts start messing with them and you only hurt the seller not eBay. EBay will just make more money, but of course a spiteful short sighted disgruntled bunch of buyers wouldn't give a damn about that would they?? Later JimL4004



Short Set is getting real short.

Two more for completion Thanks to another Sunday night auction I snagged 1945d Mercury Dime in MS67FB only 302 in that grade and only 10 graded finer. worth over 700 registry points. It is a real beauty not a spot pure white, very nice as good as any MS67FB that I have. I have only two left to get with a possible two more to upgrade. Then I will start working in ernest on my Indian head pennies. The merc's have been just as much fun to build as my beloved Peace Dollars set, which by the are wa



A tale of two 1914d wheat cents

how I turned a raw 1st spouse coin into pennies Once upon a time I bought two Dolley Madison 1st spouse coins the day they went on sale from the mint, one unc, one proof. With great hopes I sent them off to NGC for grading hoping for a matched set of 70's but was disapointed only the Proof coin got a 70, the unc coin came back a 69. Now we will fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. As I was searching the auction sites as I'm apt to do (probably to much). I was looking for deals on modern comm



MS65 RB 1905 IHP

The Latest Addition To Indian Head Penny Set I am still impoving on getting my picture right. This is my MS 65 Red Brown 1905 Indian in an old fat NGC holder. Thanks for looking, Later JimL4004



NGC under attack by Society Members????

quality control faulty blind graders Scratched nicked and cleaned coins gradedWell I guess I have heard everything now, members are now complaining the their coins are being graded to high. To me it is just more proof that modern coins are not worth owning. When you get 2009 proof coins that are marked up it reflects on the US mint quality. For example one of my 2009 proof lincoln cents was so ugly it had a finger print and some kind of smear on it. This is the second year in a row I have had

