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Price Reduction at the US Mint

The 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set The 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set was scheduled to be available for purchase on 5/09/2013 for $149.95. This has now changed, according to the Product Schedule page at the US Mints website. It will still be available for purchase on 5/09/2013, but at a reduced price. The new issue price will be $139.00. This is a $10.00 reduction in price for this set and should make it more obtainable for everyone. The price for



Back to Collecting

Completed my 21 Century Proof Type Set After several years I have finally completed my 21 Century Proof Type Set. It is now tied for first place with about 15 others sets, but I am very pleased with this set. I was hoping to have it completed for the 2012 awards, but did not quite make it in time. I was able to complete a first place Union Shield Lincoln Cent Proof Set and it was in time for the 2012 awards. Thanks to everyone for all of your support and help with completing this set. To



Trying To Stay On Track

It?s harder than I realized. I have started back collecting for about a month now and am finding it harder and harder to stay on track with my original goal. My goal is to have a 21st Century Type Set (Proof) ranked as #1 by the end of the year and this will not be hard to do. I have seven PF-70-UC coins in the set at this time and the eighth one should be delivered by Wednesday. That leaves only ten more coins by the end of the year to achieve my goal and that should not be hard to accompli



Happy to be Collecting Again

I am having fun doing it. First thing, congratulations to the registry award winners. I hope that one day I will be able to join all of you by earning an award myself. The first part of January has been busy, too much time at work and most of my spare time searching auctions. I have seen many items that I want, but the prices are way out of range for my budget. I know that looking and dreaming does not cost anything, so I will continue to do both. Just having fun collecting coins again is wh



Started Collecting Coins Again,

and I am happy to be back. Two years ago the bad economy forced me to halt my passion of collecting coins. Not only did I have to stop collecting, I was forced to sell most of my collection. Now my situation is turning around and better times have arrived. I started building a Franklin Half MS Set, added several pieces to my Roosevelt Dime Proof Set, and added a 2010 MS-70 Silver Eagle to complete that set for at least a couple more days. Again, I am happy to be able to be collecting again



Finalized and Shipped

My best submission ever Last week, I sent in seven 2009 Proofs to NGC to be graded. The grades were posted yesterday and I was very pleased with the outcome. Five out of the seven were graded PF-70 UC. Here are the results. 1. 2009-S 1c Birth in Kentucky PF-69 UC 2. 2009-S 1c Formative Years PF-69 UC 3. 2009-S 1c Professional Life PF-70 UC 4. 2009-S 1c Presidency PF-70 UC 5. 2009-S 5c PF-70 UC 6. 2009-S 10c PF-70 UC 7. 2009-S $1 Agricultural PF-70 UC Now if I could have



My Newest Addition

1913 Type 1 Rainbow Toned Buffalo Nickel Last Sunday I finally pulled the trigger on a beautiful rainbow toned Buffalo Nickel. I had been watching this one for several weeks now and could not stand watching it any more. So I bid on it and now it is mine. I picked it up from the Post Office this morning and after opening up the package, I was totally blown away by the colors this nickel possesses. They were much more vivid than the photos from the auction house. The obverse and reverse are to



Slowly Getting Back Into the Game

I just had to have this one. My last journal entry was full of doom and gloom on how the economy was forcing me to auction off a lot of my collection. Well, my situation has started to turn around and things are getting better at this time. I had received many messages from society member telling me that this day would arrive and it has. (Thanks again for all the positive messages; they really helped keep me get through these hard times). The other day, I was checking the status of the few c



The Day Most Collectors Don?t Want To See

I am forced to sell some of my collection. The poor economy has hit home. My wife has been out of work for 6 months, I am only working every other week at this time, and the bills still need to be paid. My goals for this year have now been put on hold and I have to make some sacrifices that I really did not want to make. I have spent many hours building my collection and I didn?t want to let any of my coins go, but it just had to happen. So two weeks ago, I sent all of my Morgan Dollars an



2009 Silver Eagles

Is there really that high of a demand for silver bullion this year? Almost every collector of Proof and Uncirculated Silver Eagles has been patiently waiting for the Mint to announce the release dates for these coins. The Mint has stated that the production of all collector strikes of the Silver Eagles have been put on hold due to the high of a demand for silver bullion this year. I don?t think so! There is always a high demand for bullion Silver Eagles every year. The Mint produces millio



Taking Pictures Didn?t Help This Time

I will try it again next time. My last post I wrote about taking pictures of my Proof Roosevelt Dimes to help me pick the best ones to send to NGC. Well the results are in and I was a little disappointed with them. 1987 S PF-69 UC 1988 S PF-69 UC 1989 S PF-69 UC 2000 S Clad PF-69 UC 2000 S Silver PF-69 UC I was so sure that all of them would get a PF-70 UC grade, but I was wrong. I seem to have a problem grading the smaller coins. I always use a 5x lope and now I?ve tried takin



Sent Five Proof Roosevelt Dimes to NGC

This time I took pictures of them to help me choose the best ones to send in. I have recently started a Proof Roosevelt Dime set and I am trying to find the best coin that I can for each year. I decided to send some of my Proof Roosevelt Dimes to NGC for grading and had 12 different coins to choose from. I thought all of them could get a PF-70 UC designation from NGC. Boy was I wrong. I had taken pictures of all 12 of my dimes to help me make my decision on which ones to send in and to m



Thanks NGC for the Super Fast Turnaround Time

My Bronze Medals spent more time with the USPS that they did being graded at NGC. I have sent in many submissions to NGC and this was the fastest turnaround time that I have ever received. My First Spouse Bronze Medals showed that they were received on a Monday afternoon and then showed that they were shipped back that following Friday morning. That was less than 5 days to have them graded. Shoot, they spent a total of 7 days in transit with the USPS (going and returning). This type of ser



First Submission for 2009 Went to NGC Today

I can?t wait for them to return home. I woke up early this morning as if I was going to work and realized that I have the day off. The company that I work for has shutdown for a long weekend and gave us the day off without pay. How nice of them to lookout for us like that. Well I didn?t want to waste this morning setting around waiting for something to happen, so I started searching the web for some coins that would fit into my sets. I spent several hours looking at coins and didn?t finding



January Has Been a Good Month

And it is not over yet. I had set some very modest goals of 2009 and I had hoped to complete them by the end of the year. But during the first three weeks of January I have been able to complete the following. 1) I have upgraded my 2007 ASE from MS-69 to MS-70. 2) I have added a 2009 ASE Early Release MS-70. 3) I have added a 1944 Mercury Dime MS-67. I also have a 1945 Mercury Dime MS-67 in transit and should be arriving this afternoon (I hope). When it gets here it will get me half wa



My Goals for 2009

There is a first time for everything. This is the first time that I have set any yearly goals when it comes to my coin collection. I normally try to buy every coin that I thank is a good deal without taken into consideration whither it fits with that I am trying to achieve. Most if the time I am disappointed with what I purchased and end up selling it for a loss. This year I will set some meager goals that I feel can be achieved without to much difficulty. Goals; 1) Upgrade at least one



A New Year Has Started

I hope 2009 will be better than 2008 Well, 2008 was a very bad year for me and I know that it has been tuff for everyone. The poor economy has forced me to sell at least half of my collection of certified and raw coins. It was really a downer, but it had to be done. It was hard for me to let go of these coins and it turned my attitude towards coin collecting sort of sour. I was ready to trash this hobby altogether. During the holiday season, I had a long talk with myself and decided that I d



November has been a really tuff month

The bad economy has struck home The month of November started out like any nightmare would. My wife went to work on a Tuesday morning, thinking everything was fine, only to be laded off with everyone else that worked at that location. The doors were locked on their way out, never to be opened again. It is hard to believe that we had become so dependant on her weekly income just to enjoy the finer things in life, but we did. She has been trying to find new employment for four weeks now, but n



My New Focus on Coin Collecting

Trying to get my Registry Sets in Order Over the last several months I have been on a selling spree. I have sold over 50% of my certified coins & reduced the number of competing sets in half. I was way out of control when it came to buying coins & I needed to make a change in my collecting priorities. I was buying coins that I did not collect just for the sake of buying them and then creating sets to put them in, knowing that I would never add another coin to that set. This had to stop



Change of Direction

Completed my Sacagawea Proof Set It has been several months since my last journal entry. During that time I have sold off many of my coins and deleted many of my competing sets from the registry. This was because I was working on so many sets that I could not find any direction in my collections. I was buying too many lower graded coins just to add something to my registry sets and was finding myself getting nowhere real fast with my registry standing. Now I have been able to concentrate on



1885 Morgan Dollar

Starting to upgrade one of my sets. I just received an excellent upgrade for my Morgan Dollar Set. It is an 1885, MS 65*, with a beautifully toned reverse. This is the highest graded coin in this set and I just want to share it with everyone. Thanks for looking. Here is a quick picture; I have placed better pictures in my set.



American Silver Eagles

No upgrades for this year. This year my plans were to upgrade a couple of my American Silver Eagles from MS69 to MS70. The set was 100% complete, with all of the 2008?s added a few months ago and I wanted to try and get into the top 50 sets by the end of the year, but those plans got squashed last week. Last week I logged in to my account to read some post and found out that the 2008 W with the Reverse of the 2007 had become a required coin for the American Silver Eagle Mint Set. I went stra



The Waiting and Anticipation

This must be NGC?s busiest time of the year. I couldn?t sleep last night, so I logged into my account to catch-up on reading some journal entries. There were two entries that really hit home to me and they were written by Bruce Willmore and Bully. I also have two submissions that have been setting as received since last Monday and have been checking their status three to four times a day all week long. They will probably remain as received until the middle of this coming week. It?s the excite



Toned Coins

My Statehood Quarters are toning. I set down this morning to put my 2007 Statehood Quarters into my coin album. That was when I noticed that the majority of the coins that were already in the album have started to tone. The sight of these quarters has made me very excited. All of the 2000-S Silver Proof Quarters are showing brilliant blues, reds, russet, and golden toning on the reverse of the coins, while the obverse of the coins have brilliant white fields with the same colors developing onl



My Birthday Gift Has Arrived

A beautiful 1901O Morgan Dollar My wife totally surprised me this year on my birthday. The lady that always says ?NO? every time I mention the word coin, bought me this beautiful MS 65 Morgan Dollar. I was expecting to receive some socks, a pair of paints, or a shirt that would never find its way out of the closet. I never thought I would receive a gift that was this nice. I just want to thank her with all my heart for such a wonderful birthday this year. I hope that everyone that reads this

