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283 posts in this topic

On 11/14/2022 at 3:14 PM, GoldFinger1969 said:

I believe he's the shortstop in Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First" !!  xD 

That's right!  "I don't care." How did you know that? How did you remember that? 

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On 11/14/2022 at 2:04 PM, VKurtB said:

Now, here’s where YOU can help the ANA. I’ve checked with numerous exhibitors who believe 12 months a year is overkill, and it would be better to rotate 2 or 3 subjects with the exhibiting articles. I’m killing myself to come up with one or two other broad subjects to “rotate in” with exhibiting. Any and all ideas are welcome, and this is the brainstorming phase so no idea is off limits.

2 subjects - 6 articles each

3 subjects - 4 articles each

and so on. Not dealing with 5. 

There are other technical issues. Pages can only be added in increments of four, so anything added means either something has to go, or there will be unused space for SOMETHING, maybe editorial, maybe ads. 

I think this is would be an excellent thread for the NGC members to opine (I would peel it out of this messy thread, and make it its own post).

How would I approach the assignment?

I would go about this collaboratively.  This means that I don't have to "kill myself" to come up with content (at least by myself).   I would give the judges perspective and interview collectors, dealers, exhibitors and other judges on their strategies and approach to exhibiting and collecting in general.  Having some "interviewing" on the subject helps me to create a formula, and takes some of the burden away.   This also helps me to diversify my voice by use of other voices for added interest.

I'd try to think of a wide variety of topics - Gold, Copper, Type collections, variety experts, new discoveries, counterfeits, tokens, world coins, ancients - all sorts of things... this will help to cast a wide net, but just as importantly give me a greater selection of people to work with.  I am not saying make this about "hero worship", but get the biggest people in numismatics talking about the hobby, their journey, and where they see the hobby going for their specialty.  If they are not exhibitors, talk to them about how they see exhibitions, and some of their favorites - I could tie it all back to exhibiting if I have a solid plan up front.

I'd start with a list of people/topics to understand how many articles I can write.  If I have too many, cull it down to the "best".  Think about what has been published in the last 12-18 months to not be duplicative.  Think about my audience... what would advanced collectors like? New/Intermediate? Try to speak to every group in every article.  Too much newbie talk makes the article seems too remedial, and too advanced makes the conversation appeal to fewer people.

I am not an exhibitor, and this is not my area of expertise at all... so everything I am saying may not resonate (maybe very little of it).  But, I do presentations a lot, and it is rare that I cover a topic end-to-end without having someone to (at the very least) break-up the monotony.

Maybe this helps, maybe not... but you asked an honest question, and I wanted to try to assist if possible.


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On 11/14/2022 at 4:17 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

I think this is would be an excellent thread for the NGC members to opine (I would peel it out of this messy thread, and make it its own post).

How would I approach the assignment?

I would go about this collaboratively.  This means that I don't have to "kill myself" to come up with content (at least by myself).   I would give the judges perspective and interview collectors, dealers, exhibitors and other judges on their strategies and approach to exhibiting and collecting in general.  Having some "interviewing" on the subject helps me to create a formula, and takes some of the burden away.   This also helps me to diversify my voice by use of other voices for added interest.

I'd try to think of a wide variety of topics - Gold, Copper, Type collections, variety experts, new discoveries, counterfeits, tokens, world coins, ancients - all sorts of things... this will help to cast a wide net, but just as importantly give me a greater selection of people to work with.  I am not saying make this about "hero worship", but get the biggest people in numismatics talking about the hobby, their journey, and where they see the hobby going for their specialty.  If they are not exhibitors, talk to them about how they see exhibitions, and some of their favorites - I could tie it all back to exhibiting if I have a solid plan up front.

I'd start with a list of people/topics to understand how many articles I can write.  If I have too many, cull it down to the "best".  Think about what has been published in the last 12-18 months to not be duplicative.  Think about my audience... what would advanced collectors like? New/Intermediate? Try to speak to every group in every article.  Too much newbie talk makes the article seems too remedial, and too advanced makes the conversation appeal to fewer people.

I am not an exhibitor, and this is not my area of expertise at all... so everything I am saying may not resonate (maybe very little of it).  But, I do presentations a lot, and it is rare that I cover a topic end-to-end without having someone to (at the very least) break-up the monotony.

Maybe this helps, maybe not... but you asked an honest question, and I wanted to try to assist if possible.


All of it is good food for thought. Thank you. Do you have a sense, yourself, how many rotating topics make sense to you? My initial reaction was to go with four rotating quarterly topics. I’d like to “time” the exhibiting ones so that anyone wanting to give it a try would have enough time. I’m seeking the various publication deadlines. Of course, it’s POSSIBLE the powers that be will nix this - it IS just a committee’s ask at this point. If that happens, I’ll move it here for sure. 

Edited by VKurtB
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On 11/14/2022 at 1:46 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

I don't respect you... not even a little....  You bring almost no value here....

🐓:  Have you noticed how NN is beginning to sound more and more like the OP whose premature departure we all lament?

Q.A.:  I have, and I'll go further... I believe the latter is indisposed and asked the former to stand in for him.  Their voices are indistinguishable. [Check the transcript!]

🐓:  You're probably right.  We're lucky, Q...  You can't put a price on the value of entertainment. We got this!

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On 11/14/2022 at 4:31 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

I think quarterly is a good cadence. I don't know the number of topics that would be appropriate for each quarter.

It’s going to take a spot every month. The question is how many rotate, and who would write them? I can handle exhibiting, but there HAVE TO BE more expert folks for the other two or three. 

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On 11/14/2022 at 5:40 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

🐓:  Have you noticed how NN is beginning to sound more and more like the OP whose premature departure we all lament?

Q.A.:  I have, and I'll go further... I believe the latter is indisposed and asked the former to stand in for him.  Their voices are indistinguishable. [Check the transcript!]

🐓:  You're probably right.  We're lucky, Q...  You can't put a price on the value of entertainment. We got this!

QA.. are you just an absolute a......le alt for VKB? Their voices are indistinguishable. Nobody would lament losing QA or VKB. Check the transcript... they literally always appear to defend each other, and puff each other up. They are both insufferable, both are absolute jerks, both offer literally zero to the community or forum, both should be deleted from digital existence... It all makes sense now. 

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To the Great z:

Why the profound sadness?  This is all par for the course.  This refugee fled the premises a few years back (after successfully having me expelled, in concert with others) and came back as a migrant to size things up and enlist recruits. The funny thing is I no longer remember to whom the gentleman he quoted in the first paragraph was directing his venomous vitriol to. Kurt, or me? Bad timing. Who cares? I make short work of his childish tantrum as one would a persistent gnat. Who has time for all this?   Do we have consolation prizes for sore losers?  Tomorrow is another day.  Bonne nuit! I'm outta here!  :roflmao:C'mon Ricky, bed-time.


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I am not a sycophant. I’m hardly acolyte yet.
The posts stimulate me to parse my own defects—I possess defects from the accusations made from all.

Prompted to visit that topic, I provide expansion in the range of slavishness:


In exile, I probe the plumbing of coin forums looking. There is a reading problem on par with the bubbas I read in my lumber harvesting forums (I cut, split, and sell boutique firewood).

We use a cliche for reading between lines, but no such direction is provided for understanding spaces between words, spaces between letters and the spaces above, below and around them, beyond the point we started to pretend to understand grammar in school. When one does not pay attention, one is susceptible to manipulation. I wait to see who is on deck.

Writing is thinking with written text, this thread is talking written with text—interesting, entertaining, and humorous. It’s our creation, our baby.

Jubilate what we do together.

I thank you here in my fostering. Who intends bad?

Edited by Ray Tatum
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On 11/14/2022 at 8:28 PM, physics-fan3.14 said:

QA.. are you just an absolute a......le alt for VKB? Their voices are indistinguishable. Nobody would lament losing QA or VKB. Check the transcript... they literally always appear to defend each other, and puff each other up. They are both insufferable, both are absolute jerks, both offer literally zero to the community or forum, both should be deleted from digital existence... It all makes sense now. 

You are just a miserable angry troll, Mr. Jason Poe. Nobody wants to read your mental diarrhea. Don’t go away mad, just go away. Sell your book elsewhere. The radiation has started to rot your brain. 

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Gold... I'd literally prefer this site be shut down and cease to exist, instead of what it has become. There are 2 users that need to be deleted from their digital existence, and then this site may possibly become the place it used to be. I hate them, they hate me. I'm okay with it.... but I'm not okay with what they've done to this forum. 

And No, Gold, neither of us will coexist until one of us is gone. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 7:48 PM, physics-fan3.14 said:

Gold... I'd literally prefer this site be shut down and cease to exist, instead of what it has become. There are 2 users that need to be deleted from their digital existence, and then this site may possibly become the place it used to be. I hate them, they hate me. I'm okay with it.... but I'm not okay with what they've done to this forum. 

And No, Gold, neither of us will coexist until one of us is gone. 

...lets take a vote n see who is left....

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On 11/15/2022 at 7:48 PM, physics-fan3.14 said:

....I hate them, they hate me....

🐓:  We do?

Q.A.:  Of course not. Look, word has it NASA's budget was cut after Challenger in '86 and the Space Shuttle disaster in '03. What we've got here is a disgruntled, marginalized rocket scientist with an exaggerated sense of his self-importance. [Who disowns an institution like z? Who'd rather the site be shut down? This is chutzpah and pathology all rolled into one!] It stands to reason when Ol'hoop showed up over "there," he gravitated "here." He's what you might call a visiting outside rabble-rouser. Only, there's no rabble here to rouse.

Out of deference to Goldfinger's entreaties, I say we do the old Steeplechase the Funny Place circuit. Plenty of rides and attractions elsewhere. Hey, who knows, we may even inadvertently contribute to this "body of knowledge" we hear so much about! 

Never let it be said Q.A. plays favorites on the Forum.  Q.A. loves all members equally (and some more so than others)  :makepoint:  doh!  :facepalm:  :roflmao: C'mon Ricky, let's bounce.  Bonne nuit, all!


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On 11/8/2022 at 1:47 PM, zadok said:

...u r welcome to initiate the thread my friend....

And it's very lovely that he did.  He has no agenda.  I have a very good feeling about that venture.

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On 11/16/2022 at 12:16 AM, VKurtB said:

And here I thought QA was about to transition to a reminder that the SLS rocket is scheduled to launch tonight. Big noise. Lotsa fire.  

First I heard of it.  Question:  Is this Artemis worth four thousand billion dollars?  I don't think so.

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On 11/15/2022 at 8:18 PM, zadok said:

...lets take a vote n see who is left....

I never lost confidence in you.  My faith has been immeasurably restored.

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On 11/16/2022 at 3:41 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

First I heard of it.  Question:  Is this Artemis worth four thousand billion dollars?  I don't think so.

No, not that much. That’s four trillion. Only whatever wet dream The Regime presently has is worth that much. 

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On 11/16/2022 at 3:43 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

I never lost confidence in you.  My faith has been immeasurably restored.

This what happens when obvious bullies start accusing others of being bullies. “Rather see this board disappear” indeed! Beware self-righteous ne’er do wells. I myself suggest he suffers from a brain tumor and we should be understanding. 

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On 11/16/2022 at 4:44 PM, VKurtB said:

No, not that much. That’s four trillion. Only whatever wet dream The Regime presently has is worth that much. 

$40 billion -- 4 thousand million.  Exploration is interesting, but at what cost.  Here's what my wife said to me on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing (1969/2019) and I quote:  "How did they get there?... What did they find?"  I was unable to answer her second question.


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On 11/16/2022 at 4:47 PM, VKurtB said:

This what happens when obvious bullies start accusing others of being bullies. “Rather see this board disappear” indeed! Beware self-righteous ne’er do wells. I myself suggest he suffers from a brain tumor and we should be understanding. 

Might this be your quaint way of suggesting a gofundme is in the offing?  :facepalm:

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:56 PM, VKurtB said:

 @The Neophyte Numismatist Do you have ANY IDEA how “looked down upon” the Internet version of the hobby is? ....

I have to admit the mere existence of such a disconnect has never even occurred to me. If this is true, it doesn't bode well for the hobby.  

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An ode to Poe, from Poe...

"Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action for no other reason than because he knows he should not?

"Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgment, to violate that which is [---] merely because we understand it to be such?"

Source: The Black Cat, 1843

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On 11/16/2022 at 4:08 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

I have to admit the mere existence of such a disconnect has never even occurred to me. If this is true, it doesn't bode well for the hobby.  

It doesn’t. You’re right. The shows are doing well, according to those at them, which is all that matters. The disdain runs to a belief that the online hobby are primarily, with obvious exceptions, largely freeloaders. “If it ain’t free, it ain’t for me” attitude. Nothing worthwhile in this hobby has EVER been free. 

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