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1981D Lincoln cent

31 posts in this topic

I need a new set of eyes to look at my coin to see if The right side of Lincoln’s bow tie is missing like what I’m seeing.

 If it’s there then I need to break from looking at coins for a minute. Lol

Anyway any input would be greatly appreciated as always!





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21 minutes ago, R420coins said:

Hello.take your scope look above your date :) you can keep it to yourself,or you can share lol nice fine 

And what, in your view, is she supposed to see in that area which happens to lack any detail except for light wear on the field surface?

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31 minutes ago, JKK said:

And what, in your view, is she supposed to see in that area which happens to lack any detail except for light wear on the field surface?

There is another date there,or is that just a part of coins process

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2 hours ago, R420coins said:

There is another date there,or is that just a part of coins process

There isn't another date there.  I don't know what makes you think that as there is nothing that would indicate a second date at all.

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9 hours ago, Hess4 said:

I need a new set of eyes to look at my coin to see if The right side of Lincoln’s bow tie is missing like what I’m seeing.

 If it’s there then I need to break from looking at coins for a minute. Lol

Anyway any input would be greatly appreciated as always!





Hi Tracy,

In looking at our host's photo on a 1981-D Lincoln Cent on their Coin Explorer page, I do see what you mean about the bow tie.  What I think is going on there is either loss of that small detail through die polishing or die wear.  That side of Lincoln's bow tie is a very small detail on the coin and, as a result, on the die as well.  Therefore, that small detail would be susceptible to loss through die polishing and die wear.  This would add no value to the coin, in my opinion.

Keep hunting!


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Well let Tracy. Tell me I'm seeing things.what I'm saying is I'm learning,if it cost me money down the drain,then so be it ! Because what kinda of coin collector would we be? Without the risk and chances:) people are truly amazing! Enjoy every image we. Because there is always always that one that don't match the others! :)

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4 minutes ago, R420coins said:

Well let Tracy. Tell me I'm seeing things.what I'm saying is I'm learning,if it cost me money down the drain,then so be it ! Because what kinda of coin collector would we be? Without the risk and chances:) people are truly amazing! Enjoy every image we. Because there is always always that one that don't match the others! :)

Actually....I am going to step in here because Tracy is new to collecting and she really wants to learn, so she needs good information on coins so she can continue to learn and grow as a collector.  The problem here is that you are proposing something about her coin which has no possibility of being real or accurate.  There are absolutely no trace of any additional numerals on her coin at all, and there is no chance at all that the numbers 83 or 92 would be on her coin whatsoever.  If there was a die clash or another error of that type on her coin, the only numerals that could be there would be those of the date, or 1, 9, 8, 1.  And such an error wouldn't be subtle at all....there would be no question of it and you wouldn't need to break out a microscope to see it.  This would be a pretty severe error.  What you are proposing is absolutely impossible and your continued proposing of an impossible error not only wastes Tracy's time, it spreads misinformation to a new collector and that's a dangerous thing.  That's how people become fed up with this hobby and leave it.  Chasing phantoms and having dealers and other collectors later telling new collectors that they have nothing special leaves a bad taste in a newbie's mouth like you wouldn't believe.  This board is a place where new collectors can come and learn from experienced collectors in order to be successful in the hobby.  The most important ingredient in that formula is good information.  What you are saying is not good information, it's sending a new collector to waste her time chasing phantom errors which have no basis in the real world and no possibility of being real.  So, this isn't even a matter of opinion, it's actually spreading dangerous misinformation.  Clearly, you have a lot to learn about coins as well, and you could learn a lot here if you want to.  But to do so, you're going to have to stop sending new collectors on wild goose chases and you're going to have to listen to experienced people when they tell you something is either possible, probable or impossible.  If you don't do these things, you'll be doomed in this hobby, much like some other "collectors" on here who have perpetuated misinformation of a similar manner.  You can do what you want, but I'll tell you this.....I'll always call out misinformation on these boards.  I want this hobby to continue after I am gone, and fighting misinformation is a vital component of ensuring the hobby's survival.

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11 hours ago, Hess4 said:

I need a new set of eyes to look at my coin to see if The right side of Lincoln’s bow tie is missing like what I’m seeing.

 If it’s there then I need to break from looking at coins for a minute. Lol

Anyway any input would be greatly appreciated as always!




4D8C95AB-740E-4096-AEAF-E832FC2EB245.jpegas I said Tracy! The lower backside shoulder.it has a imprints of a date ending with a 1


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Oh please pardon me! I'm not trying to step on nobody toes! Yet! For anyone to tell me I am garage.:) well you should have been that hero ,that should have stop that on EBay.Like I really offend you .:) :)

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4 minutes ago, R420coins said:

Oh please pardon me! I'm not trying to step on nobody toes! Yet! For anyone to tell me I am garage.:) well you should have been that hero ,that should have stop that on EBay.Like I really offend you .:) :)

I don't think anyone thinks you are a garage. For one thing, garages might collect coins, but they aren't able to post on the Internet. We just don't want a very pleasant new numismatist to get misinformed by things you imagine you see on her coin. Misinformation of this type doesn't hurt experienced collectors because they can see that it's bologna, but a new arrival might be done a disservice through confusion.

People will be easier on you if you confine your creative imagination to the coins that you yourself post.

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Please do not believe anything that R420coins has stated on this posting. You just have to read some of his other posts to know why.

There is a saying that is very appropriate here "He knows not of what he speaks".

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Lol ok ! Listen people,again I'm.not disrespecting anyone,it's how you take it ! Sir ! I do value your views about things! Yet ! I just said please use a real microscope,that way you may see things I could or not be seeing! Hello I did say I'm still learning to! So the facts are what each eye may see in the light

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Well....R420coins, I honestly did not mean any disrespect of you as a person.  But, as someone who has been in this game for 20 years continuously and who has worked in a brick and mortar coin shop, I've seen the damage that misinformation can do, especially where newbies are concerned.  I've seen the broken-hearted faces of new collectors who bring their coins into a shop when they need money desperately only to hear that the coins that they bought off of a TV show or that they were told were rare and special by someone saying things like what you said about the extra numbers are essentially low value or worthless.  It's really terrible to see and it does damage the hobby as a whole.  Many of these new people that this happens to leave the hobby never to return and they often tell family and friends about what an awful hobby that coin collecting is, or how shady dealers are or any number of negative things regarding the world of numismatics.  And this information does spread and it does stick.  I understand that you are a newbie as well and that you're still learning also.  However, many experienced people here have told you that much of what you say on here is incorrect and inaccurate, but you continue to state these views even though experienced people have told you that you are wrong in your assessment.  That, I do not have patience for. 

As Jonathan said, Tracy is a newbie, a very pleasant newbie who has a real desire to learn more about coins and, even more importantly, a real openness to the learning process and the information that she is getting from more experienced collectors.  You coming into the thread and telling her that you see impossible things on her coin and further telling her to look for the impossible things which you have been told are not there and that there is no possible way for them to be there poses a real threat to her learning process.  What if she, and other newbies, believe this BS about phantom numerals and other phantom errors and start chasing this stuff?  That's the danger of what you have said here.  I'm also sensitive to the issue because we have about three other members here who are notorious for posting a whole bunch of BS like what you have typed and they've done some real damage to the quality of the board.  These kinds of things are not a real danger to experienced people, but they are highly dangerous to newbies who are still learning the hobby in addition to damaging the quality of the content of these boards.  Let me give you an example.  A while back, a few months or a year or so ago, there was a posting on Etsy of a damaged 1977-D Lincoln Cent that the seller was calling a "Pac-Man Error" and this person was asking $50,000 for this coin.  Of course, all of this was total BS....there is no such thing as a "Pac-Man Error" and there is certainly no 1977-D Lincoln Cent that is worth $50,000.  However, though this was a long time ago, we still get newbies here from time to time claiming to have found a 1977-D "Pac-Man Error" cent.  We then have to inform them that this isn't a real thing.  That's the danger of what you're doing......misinformation can spread far and wide very rapidly and leave some very negative consequences in its wake.  Once again, I don't mean to disrespect you as a person, but please give some real thought to what you say on here and how it could affect others in the community and the community as a whole before you hit that submit reply button.  And, also, please try to listen to experienced people when they're trying to teach you things.....you'll be much better off and get more out the hobby as a whole if you do this. 

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Your so Right! Yet! She was asking us what we see!  So once more No disrespect to nobody! I was focusing the picture in and out like a microscope,so I shared what I seen..because I know some of you,have seen other marks as been discussed.I don't look to make it rich from this ,however it is so nice to see different impressions on a coin because every coin has a story to tell

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3 hours ago, R420coins said:

If this is a board to discuss issues,then if a coin is left over in the batch.can a coin be stamped over another coin,that has already been stamped? 

This does not quite make sense. Please be clear as to exactly what you are asking is possible or not. Do you mean two planchets stacked atop each other? Do you mean the same coin struck twice? We can only assess possibility if we can understand what you're suggesting. Bear in mind that we see zero evidence of such phenomena on the actual coin, thus we have no conclusion toward which to work. You will need to describe your conclusion with great precision in order to get a responsive answer.

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I think I see where you are headed. Are you wondering if a coin that has already been struck could find its way back into the coining press and be struck a second time, thus showing letters or numerals on  parts of the coin on which they normally would not appear? The answer is, yes, it can and has happened, but if you look at pictures of "double struck" or "double denomination" error coins, you will see that the secondary image is easily visible with the naked eye. The coin pictured above has marks or staining that may resemble numerals - or something - but that is all it is. It was not struck twice.

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When I said do you see what I see I was talking about the missing bow tie and no numbers what so ever as I had already looked at the coin thoroughly with a loop. Thank you guys for all your input and I’m sorry this post caused so much conflict, I truly appreciate your professional opinions and even more so appreciate you all looking out for us newbies!  Mohawk, greenstang, just bob, jkk and gtw-123 you all are greatly appreciated again as always thank you for the info and my post y’all made even more interesting! Lol

i appreciate any and all help, but I must say I was a little disappointed when I realized I had nothing special when that first post got me a little excited ! Thanks again y’all are very appreciated!


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18 minutes ago, Hess4 said:

When I said do you see what I see I was talking about the missing bow tie and no numbers what so ever as I had already looked at the coin thoroughly with a loop. Thank you guys for all your input and I’m sorry this post caused so much conflict, I truly appreciate your professional opinions and even more so appreciate you all looking out for us newbies!  Mohawk, greenstang, just bob, jkk and gtw-123 you all are greatly appreciated again as always thank you for the info and my post y’all made even more interesting! Lol

i appreciate any and all help, but I must say I was a little disappointed when I realized I had nothing special when that first post got me a little excited ! Thanks again y’all are very appreciated!


Please don't apologize for what was not your doing in any way. Your question was reasonable and you aren't responsible for what others come up with. And please keep collecting, and learning about the process. The more you understand about how coins are minted, the better you will understand how errors happen (and have happened).

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The missing right side of the bowtie is from die polishing.  Note that the from of the coat is also weak and the is a blank area between the eye and the bridge of the nose.  These areas are all in very low relief and it is not unusual for them to be weakened or removed through the polishing down of the field of the die.

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12 hours ago, JKK said:

Please don't apologize for what was not your doing in any way. Your question was reasonable and you aren't responsible for what others come up with. And please keep collecting, and learning about the process. The more you understand about how coins are minted, the better you will understand how errors happen (and have happened).

Exactly.....no need to apologize for anything, Tracy!  The fact that this thread went off the rails had nothing to do with you or your question.  It was a reasonable question and it was good that you asked it.  As Jonathan said, you are not responsible for what others say on your threads and, sadly, this kind of thing happens around here.  But keep doing what you're doing.....you're doing a great job of learning the hobby and I can tell that you're on the road to being a great collector!

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1 hour ago, ShelbyH said:

Any thoughts on what might be going on with the mint Mark on this 1977 penny?


Hello and Welcome Shelby!

First, just a little tip about our boards here.....it's considered more polite to make your own threads regarding question on coins rather than adding them to another's thread.  This can be considered "hijacking" and it can be considered rude.  Just something to know going forward.  Now, to your question.  I'm thinking that what is going on with the mint mark is post minting damage caused by something hitting the mint mark, giving it the appearance that it has now.  I can see how it would fake you out on first glance, but there appears to be raised metal on the mint mark, which is a telltale sign that what you are seeing is damage.

I hope that this helps some.  Keep hunting!


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2 hours ago, ShelbyH said:

Thank you and sorry for the hijacking.

No problem.  You're a newbie, you didn't know.  And I'm glad I could be of help to you!

Keep Hunting!


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